"You Like Degrading Huh?" [Placid_Day x Macabre_Day]

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All the day's operatives sat in the meeting room, listening to their [SUPREME LEADER] drone on about upcoming plans to deal with the Night Coalition. Most operatives were paying some attention to what then [SUPREME LEADER] had to say, all except for Macabre. He had quite the bad day already, he had been awoken late at night due to a night creature at his door. After he had killed it, the blood had made its way into his house and he spent the rest of the night cleaning it up. He barely got any sleep afterwards due to having dreams about a certain operative, he had woken up late with a slight problem in his pants. He was unable to fix it as he was already late, he practically sprinted to the work building and was able to fix himself up in the washroom. But his dream was still imprinted into his memory, it toyed with him and made him frustrated.

Macabre sat through the meeting, his arms crossed across his chest and a frown on his face. He was hardly paying any attention to the [SUPREME LEADER], his dream from last night kept replaying in his head over and over again. He was frustrated, from his horrible day so far and his unwanted dream. He tried to push it out of his mind as he felt his pants tighten uncomfortably but to no avail, he wanted him.


Macabre tossed and turned in his bed, he had dealt with a stupid night creature outside his door and spent an hour cleaning up the mess the creature made on his floor. It was already 4 am and he had to be at the work building by 7 am for a meeting, he attempted to try and get a couple of hours of sleep at least. His mind wandered off to his colleagues, particularly Placid. The past few days he could help but notice how his gaze always rested on him, observing him. He seemed so quiet and peaceful, he found it slightly adorable.

Macabre turned over again and groaned, there was no way he was getting any sleep tonight. He tossed and turned some more, thoughts of Placid flowing through his head. As Macabre thought about some past conversations he had with Placid, he felt his eyelids grow heavy and he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Macabre could hear more of Placid's moans slip out of his soft lips, he continued to caress the shorter operative thigh and occasionally squeezing them. He reconnected their lips again, Placid tasted so sweet it drove him out of his mind. Macabre slipped his tongue into the other operatives' mouth, Placid letting out another moan. His tongue explored every part of Placid's mouth, running along his plump lips and biting on them. The shorter operative continued to whimper at his actions, his pants growing tight with each passing second. Macabre detached his like from the operative in front of him and slowly began to undo his belt, his fingers loosened the belt at a slow pace and making Placid buck his hips impatiently. Finally, his belt came undone and Macabre slammed his lips onto Placid's again, he craved his sweet taste. One of Macabre's hands gripped onto Placid's waist tighter, the other slowly trailed down to the waistband of his pants. He hooked two go gets around the waistband, pulling them down...


Macabre's dream was so real, he glanced at Placid who was sitting across from him and smirked to himself again. The shorter operative was paying close attention to their [SUPREME LEADER] and writing notes occasionally. Macabre couldn't deny that he was slightly attracted to the shorter operative and after that dream, it made him crave Placid even more. His soft lips, his waist, his pale neck that he wanted to mark so badly. The craving was clawing at him.

Macabre shook his head slightly and listened in on what the [SUPREME LEADER] was saying, their leader was just finishing up the meeting and landing out some documents to operatives for them to work on. Macabre breathed a sigh of relief when the [SUPREME LEADER] didn't hand him a stack of papers to complete, finally, he could go home and take a long nap. As the [SUPREME LEADER] dismissed them, Macabre looked over at Placid again. The [SUPREME LEADER] had given him a rather large stack of documents to complete and Macabre could help but feel slightly bad for the shorter operative.

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