"Under The Table" [Great_Day x Scary_Day]

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The energy inside of the building was full to the max, civilians were dancing and chatting, enjoying life to the fullest. The music was turned up to the max volume and the smell of food and alcohol wafted through the air. The operatives had decided that they and the civilians all needed a night to just relax and have a little fun, so they had planned a party located in the city hall lobby. All of the operatives were seated at tables placed on the side, some chatted about upcoming projects and others were merely eating and drinking. Only two operatives were completely zoned out of the festive surroundings, Great and Scary.

Great and Scary we're seated at a table by themselves, quite far away from all the other operatives and their table was basically in a corner. Scary was red in the face, as he had a little too much to drink and was drunkenly flirting with the [SUPREME LEADER]. Great's face was dusted in a blush as Scary continued to whisper into his ear and slowly caress his thigh under the table. He slowly trailed his finger in circles on the leader's thigh, occasionally squeezing it. Great attempted to restraint all his moans from leaving his mouth, but a few slipped out, turning on the taller operative even more.

For Great, this was heavenly. He had always found the other operative attractive but never acted on anything, he was supposed to be a professional leader and yet here he was, having Scary grope and pleasure him from under a table. They managed to make it look like they were in a deep conversation and it helped that table clothes were extending down to the floor on the table. Great couldn't help but notice Scary helping himself to more alcohol, becoming drunker by the second. Great was having more and more trouble keeping quiet, everytime Scary's hands went back up his thigh, a small moan escaped his lips. The loud booming music became an advantage to Great as he let louder moans exit his parted lips.

Scary could only smirk to himself, he loved seeing his leader crumble at his touch, how he whined for more and whimpered at his slightest touch. He slowly brushed his hand over the leader's noticeable boner, Great couldn't help but whine and buck his hips slightly. The pleasure he was getting just from small touches showed just how starved for touch he was. Scary continued to stroke the other operatives' dick, his hand moved so slowly as he watched Great's face twist in pleasure.

The leader bucked his hips again and gripped onto the edge of the table, while slowly sinking in his seat. More small moans and whimpers flowed out of his open mouth, his pants getting noticeably tighter. His breath hitched as he felt Scary start to undo his belt and taking his sweet time, Great whined, wanting the taller operative's touch again. Scary glanced at the flushed leader, amusement written on his face. He had never seen the leader like this, so vulnerable, so desperate.

Scary finally undid the leader's belt and latched his fingers around the waistband of Great's pants, pulling them down to his knees in one swift motion. He could see the leader getting more flushed by the second, more moans slipped out of him. Scary placed his hand onto the leader's boner, noticing how Great shuddered at the sudden contact. Slowly, Scary began prodding at the clothed tip of the leader's throbbing dick (ew cliche). Great gasped as pleasure erupted from his lower region, he bit his bottom lip to suppress any more noises threatening to escape.

As Scary continued to tease the leader with his hand, he noticed how sensitive Great was, he bucked his hips upwards every few seconds, cursing to himself. Great could feel a tingling sensation in his lower region as he felt more precum flow from his dick staining his boxers. He felt himself starting to lose it, his whines got louder and he whimpered when scary prodded at a sensitive spot. His hips bucked upwards violently, as Scary began to move his hand up and down the leader's length. Great whimpered at the feeling, he gripped into the table cloth harder, begging Scary to keep going under his breath.

Great could feel his climax starting to spill over the edge, his face was twisted in pleasure again, his moans got louder, his knuckles were white from gripping the table cloth so hard. Finally after Scary made one last stoke, Great felt himself release into his boxers with a final moan. He sat there, attempting to catch his breath as Scary helped himself to another drink. After recollecting himself, Great pulled up his pants and readjusted his belt then turned to face Scary. Scary simply smiled at the leader, who was still flushed and still turned on from the effect Scary had on him. They maintained eye contact, the world passing by around them in a mix of fuzzy noises and drowned out voices from the music.

The sound of someone hitting the table jolted the two operatives out of their daze, Emotionless_Day stood there and looked down onto the two blushing operatives. Emotionless broke the silence, "[SUPREME LEADER] it is getting late, I suggest we send all the civilians home and begin a clean up". Great immediately stood up and nodded, he motioned for Emotionless to escort the civilians out and ordered all the other operatives to begin a clean-up.

Scary and Great barely helped to clean up, they made excuses to work together and isolated themselves away from the rest of the operatives. No one questioned it, because it was the leader asking it of course and they all continued cleaning the messy lobby. Great and Scary exchanged small kisses in the back of the lobby when they were sure that no one was watching. All of the alcohol Scary had consumed was slowly started to wear off and he became softer towards Great, not like his drunken state, flirty and dominant.

After a few more small kisses were exchanged between the two operative's, Great was not satisfied and wanted more. When he was sure no one was looking, he grabbed Scary's wrist and dragged him to a back storage room. Throwing the other operative in and closing the door shut. The leader immediately slammed his lips onto Scary's and gripped into his waist. Scary let out a moan in surprise, he wrapped his arms around the leader's neck as they moved their mouths in a motion together. This kiss was passionate, nothing like Scary had ever experienced before. Great tasted sweet, unlike his usual salty personality, he could taste him all day. Great groaned into the kiss, as he tightened his grip on Scary's waist.

Suddenly the storage room door burst open, Great ripped his lips away from Scary's and looked at the operative who had opened the door. Great could feel himself blush as operative Emotionless stood there, the operative was clearly struggling to keep a straight face. Scary couldn't even bring himself to look at Emotionless, he was much too embarrassed from being caught making out with their leader. A tense silence followed, Emotionless was clearly trying to form a sentence, while Great as Scary just stood there, faces inches apart.

Emotionless broke the silence for the second time that night, "[SUPREME LEADER] the other operatives have finished the clean-up and are waiting for further orders." Great immediately let go of Scary's waist and motioned for Emotionless to head back to the other operatives. Great grabbed Scary's wrist and dragged him back to the main lobby, they were met with the tired eyes of all the other operative's. Great gestured for all of them to return to their residences for the night, and they all left silently.

Emotionless was the last operative to leave, he glanced at Great and Scary then closed the door behind him as he exited the lobby. Great turned to Scary and planted another kiss on his pretty lips, "let's go, I'll walk you home", Great whispered to the other operative, who blushed. They both slowly exited city hall, walking down the sidewalk side by side underneath the starry sky.

I legit lost energy towards the end sorry 🥲

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