"Drunken Actions" [Benevolent_Day x Emotionless_Day]

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Loud chatter and music flowed from a room in Great_Day's mansion, tonight he and his operatives were celebrating his birthday (OK I KNOW ITS NOT HIS BIRTHDAY BUT WHATEVER, ITS A STORY). Great had no idea of this party, all the operatives had banned together and assembled this party. They had snuck into the mansion, placed food and drinks down and waited for Great to show up. Their leader was delighted at the surprise and he finally let his worries go for this one night.

It was later into the night, the operatives were mainly talking amongst themselves. Some drinking still, others nibbling on snacks. Great sat with Scary and Macabre, talking about upcoming plans to do with the city. Dreadful and Placid were eating nearly the entire assortment of food, they talked to each other while refilling their plates. Sorrowful and Unpredictable we're listening to Radiant tell a rather funny story about his past, they erupted in laughter every minute. Practical and Dynamic we're playing a game of chess in the corner, Unstable watching their every moves on the board.

However, two operatives were not joining in on any conversations. Emotionless and Benevolent sat together at a table, Benevolent had way too many glasses of alcohol, his face was slightly red and he was giggling non-stop while starting at Emotionless. Emotionless however was twirling a wine glass around with his hand, a slight blush was appearing on his cheeks as Benevolent started to flirt with him.

Benevolent continued to stare at Emotionless, observing every part of him. Emotionless was blushing more and more as the shorter operative complimented his hands, his lips, his eyes, he was losing it. Benevolent had moved his chair right next to the other operative and he continued to just talk about Emotionless, spilling all his feelings for him. How he loved him, his desire for him, how much he cares about his touch.

Emotionless knew that the operative was drunk and merely had no control over what he said anymore, but he still felt flattered by Benevolent's words. He too had liked the shorter operative a little, he always buried his emotions deep down and never showed them though. So he never really thought about this feeling, but tonight brought back all those emotions and filled Emotionless with a fuzzy feeling.

It was around midnight when Great decided to call off the party, he had started to dismiss all his operatives and then turned his attention to Emotionless and a very drunk Benevolent. Great sighed, "Emotionless could you please take Benevolent back to your residence, he's not in a fit state to walk home and be alone". Before Emotionless could protest, Great walked out the door with Macabre. Emotionless sighed, he looked at Benevolent who had his arm snaked around his waist and was smiling at him. Emotionless managed to drag Benevolent out the door and they walked towards the exit together, Emotionless's face starting to flush even more.

As they walked back to Emotionless's residence, Benevolent kept staring at him and grabbing onto his waist. Emotionless was sure he was full-on blushing now due to the shorter operative actions, it didn't help that every now and then Benevolent would whisper some pet name into his ear. Emotionless couldn't deny that he actually enjoyed it, he wanted to taste the shorter operative so badly. Emotionless shook his head, he was supposed to be emotionless and keep a straight face at all times and not be blushing over his colleague.

Eventually, the two operatives reached Emotionless residence, Emotionless quickly unlocked the door and dragged Benevolent inside. The shorter operative stared at his new surroundings, this house was completely different from his. Emotionless grabbed Benevolent by the wrist and dragged him to his room, he would let Benevolent sleep on his bed and he would take his couch. When they entered the room, Emotionless let go of Benevolents wrist and let him wander around his room. Emotionless spoke as Benevolent peeked out his window, "you can take the bed, I will be in the living room". Emotionless made his way towards the door but felt a hand grab the back of his uniform and pull him back. He whipped around and nearly fell over as he faced Benevolent, he soon took note of how close they were and how the shorter operative was practically pressed up again at him.

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