"You're Such A Bottom" [Macabre_Day x Practical_Day]

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Macabre and Practical sprinted down the hallway of a night's facility, their feet pounding against the steel floors. A pack of nights running right on their tail, several gunshots were fired at the days. Macabre and Practical had been ordered to sneak into a night facility, located in the night city to find out information about new possible specimens the nights could be producing in their facility.

Unfortunately, Macabre was being very risky when sneaking around the facility. He was talking as if he owned the place and not being very "sneaky" at all, Practical frowned at this behaviour. Practical found that the other operative had too big of an ego, acting like he was the best and could dominate anyone, it irritated Practical too much.

Macabre had encountered a night in the hallway with Practical, Macabre's reflexes had been too slow to shoot the night and the night fired a shot first. This sent the two days running down the hallway and causing Practical to wear loudly at Macabre, they had been ordered to not fire any shots. Their [SUPREME LEADER] didn't want the nights to hear the shots and suspect them of invading the facility, which could cause more trouble. But Macabre being the operative that he is, completely disobeyed these orders.

The two days turned a sharp corner and Practical spotted a nearby door that looked as if it was unlocked, he grabbed onto Macabre's wrist and pulled him towards the door. Macabre yelped a little as the other operative pulled him towards him, he hit Practical with a small thump. He leaned into the operative as Practical dragged him into the room, shutting the door behind them quickly. Macabre was pushed up against the wall, the wind knocked out of him from the impact. He felt his temper rise, being pulled around and controlled like that was not something he was fond of. "You little uhmp-", Macabre had started to go off on Practical but Practical had covered the operatives mouth with his hand. Macabre muffled uselessly, he tried to push Practical's hand off of his mouth. This resulted in Practical using his other hand and grabbing both of Macabre's wrists, pinning them above Macabre's head.

Practical strained his ears for any nearby noise, he prayed that the nights had walked by where they were hiding. Practical's heart beat slowed as he only heard silence, he observed their surroundings and ignoring Macabre who was clearly struggling. They were in a small storage closet, a thin shelf was against the wall and filled with few cleaning supplies. Macabre was only observing their surroundings while Practical continued to keep his hand over his mouth and basically pinning him against the wall, he also noticed how close they were. Practical was pressed up against Macabre, both of their bodies touching and their faces inches apart.

Macabre felt himself blush a little as Practical shifted around, trying to find a more comfortable position. Their lower regions rubbed together slightly and Macabre was glad Practical had his hand over his mouth, or else he would have let countless noises escape him. As Practical shifted around, even more, he moved his hand off of Macabre's mouth and moved it to the side of his face. Macabre bit his lip as Practical continued to rub against his dick and he went crazy as he felt Practical slowly slide his hand off of his face, as if caressing it. Macabre's arms were still pinned above him so he couldn't push Practical away, but he wasn't complaining.

Macabre could feel his pants grow slightly tight, Practical must have felt something rubbing against him because he stopped his movements and looked down at where he felt something poking at him. Macabre blushed even more and looked away, the embarrassment was too much. Practical felt himself smile a little at the sight of Macabre being so flustered by his actions, the big ego operative was no more. Practical moved again so that he was facing Macabre, he smirked a little as he saw the operative bite his lip to suppress the noises that threatened to spill out of him.

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