"Relax" [Unpredictable_Day x Joyous_Night]

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The day's operatives were enlightened by their most recent achievement, they had managed to capture a night operative, Joyous_Night. The nights had been near their city and the days had caught wind of it and snuck up on them, most of the nights managed to flee except for Joyous. The days immediately took him, hostage, in their city and planned to interrogate him later that evening.

All the days we're currently lounging around in a meeting room and were very happy of their capture, they chatted amongst themselves about what information they wanted out of the night operative. Unpredictable_Day sat on the side, his head rested on his hand and he seemed to be in deep thought. He paid no attention to the other operative's conversation about interrogating the night, his mind was elsewhere.

After a couple more minutes, Unpredictable stood up from his chair and made his way out of the meeting room. No operative seemed to notice his absence, they were all overjoyed and excited. Unpredictable shut the door behind him and started down the hallway, his mind was focused on their captured night. He made his way to the elevator and pressed the down button, a couple of seconds later the doors opened and he stepped inside. He pressed the button that displayed the lowest level, the cells. The cells were used for enemies they captured or for strange species they created and most of the operatives avoided it, they said it gave them a disturbing feeling.

The elevator immediately descended and Unpredictable leaned against the wall, still deep in thought. He had no idea why he was going to the cells to see the night, maybe to have a chat with him. Unpredictable hung his head low and let out a frustrated sigh, his thoughts were so jumbled it was bringing him stress. He let himself think through his thoughts, even more, he did want to have a somewhat "chat" with this night and maybe have some fun. Considering the fact the Joyous would be tied up and he was not, it made an Unpredictable smirk a little.

The elevator dinged as it reached the designated floor, the doors slowly opened and Unpredictable stepped out. He was hit with the cold and moist air of the cells, it sent chills down his spine. The operative slowly started down the hallway, his boots echoing throughout the concrete walls. The occasional dripping of a leaky pipe could be heard and the lights flickered endlessly, the floors were covered in unidentifiable substances. Unpredictable took a sharp left and stopped in front of a cell door, he pulled an ID card out of his pocket and pressed it against the scammer. The door buzzed and slowly rolled open, the operative hastily shoved the card back in his pocket and stepped inside the cell. The door closed behind him and he observed the scene in front of him.

Night operative Joyous was seated in a chair in the back of the room and his hands were tied to a pole behind him. His head was hung low and his hat sat on his head, slightly tilted. Unpredictable began to walk towards the night, his hands clasped behind his back. Joyous slowly looked up as he heard the day operative approaching him, he leaned back a little and slumped in his chair at the sight of Unpredictable. The day operative couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in amusement as he observed the position the night was in, his legs were slightly spread out and he wore a smirk on his face. Unpredictable wanted to have some fun with his hostage.

Unpredictable stopped right in front of the night, staring down at him. Joyous, however, hung his head down again and ignored the day in front of him. Unpredictable laughed to himself at the night's behaviour, he could have him screaming his name if he wanted. The day operative placed a hand under Joyous's chin and tilted his head upwards, he leaned in closer to the night. Joyous looked at the day operative with curiosity, his cheeks dusted in a light blush at Unpredictable's action. The day operative was merely admiring his hostage, thinking about the things he could do to him.

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