"I'm Straight I Swear" [Sorrowful_Day x Radiant_Day]

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Radiant entered the meeting room, all eyes turning to him. Some operative blushed and looked away as Radiants gaze landed on them, others merely grimaced and ignored him. The only operative who gave absolutely no reaction was Sorrowful. It had become widely knows amongst the operatives that Radiant was toying with every one of them, alone. Radiant and some operative would end up locked in a room together, most likely Radiants doing and no one knew why Radiant was doing this. Every time an operative had been alone with him, they refused to say what he did. It cast a layer of suspicion, worry but mostly excitement among the operatives. They could all admit that Radiant could be quite the flirt, and some even found this attractive. But no one had any idea what gave Radiant the idea to do this and sparked a chain reaction.


Radiant sat in the corner booth of Benevolent's cafe, the warm sun pouring through the windows and casting him in sunlight. He was silently eating a cupcake while observing the customers coming into the shop, each conversing with Benevolent and buying a pastry or two. When Radiant finished his cupcake, he rose from his seat and joined Benevolent behind the counter. The two chatted while Benevolent continued to serve customers, every now and then Radiant would chat with the customers as well. Being his usual happy and flirty self had the costumers existing the shop, some giggling and some blushing slightly.

As it was nearing night, Radiant offered to help Benevolent close up. The two began cleaning up the kitchen and that's when Benevolent brought it up. "Back there with those customers, you made every single one of them get flustered by being all charming. Like how do you even do it? I'm impressed, and I personally think you could make anyone blush haha", Benevolent said while drying off the clean counter. Radiant smiled slightly, he continued to clean the kitchen but a new thought had begun to spout in the back of his head. Could he really make anyone that flustered? He really wanted to try and see if it worked, partly because he was unsure if Benevolent was even telling the truth and he assumed it would be quite entertaining.

So he began...

Immediately the next day, he succeeded in catching Scary roaming the halls of their work building and luring him into an empty office room. The next day, Scary's face would become dusted in blush when Radiant was in his presence and he found himself staring at him a little too much.

The day after that, Radiant reluctantly pushed Dreadful into a storage closet that was located in a meeting room. He had managed to stall him after their meeting and use the closet to his advantage. Dreadful emerged from the storage closet an hour later, his face bright red and his neck decorated with bites.

The following day, Unpredictable ended up getting paired with Radiant for patrol. Unpredictable met with the [SUPREME LEADER] afterwards to discuss something, his lips more swollen than usual. The [SUPREME LEADER] attempted to ask why the operative seemed distracted during their conversation, but Unpredictable ignored those questions.

After that night, Radiant visited Dynamics bookstore in the morning. Dynamic had just finished opening up his store when Radiant arrived, he had let him in but a couple of minutes later Dynamic switched the sign of his store from open to closed. It remained that way for 2 hours and for the rest of the day, the poor operative seemed to be having trouble walking normally.

The next day, Radiant took a break during a meeting and caught Placid exciting the washroom. Placid seemed to be in a hurry to return to the meeting room, his pace quickened as Radiant approached him. He brushed past Radiant, only to have him grab his wrist and drag him into the washroom again. Placid returned to the meeting room 20 minutes later, his uniform slightly ruffled and his face as red as a tomato.

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