"Dirty Laundry" [Benevolent_Day x Scary_Day]

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The two operatives, Scary_Day and Benevolent_Day were currently at Benevolent's house doing some cleaning. Both operatives had finished their daily tasks for the day and were the only two who had the rest of the free, so they had met up and walked around for a little. It was only then Benevolent remembered that he had left his residence a mess when he left this morning, he had been cooking and made a mess in the kitchen and he forgot to wash his bedsheets. He had promised himself to clean the kitchen and do the laundry when he returned, he wouldn't mind some help.

Scary was very reluctant to help Benevolent with his "spring cleaning" but the way Benevolent was practically begging for his help and being the adorable operative he is, made Scary agree to help. The two operatives had walked over to Benevolent's residence, saying hello to a couple of citizens they walked by and immediately began to clean the place up. Benevolent went to his kitchen and started to clean up the leftover flour and other ingredients he had left out, while Scary was ordered by Benevolent to load the laundry into the washer and dry it after. While Scary waited for the clothes to finish washing, he helped Benevolent out in the kitchen with cleaning flour off the table and floor.

Several times Benevolent had purposely thrown some leftover flour at Scary for fun, resulting in Scary's hair being dusted with flour and Benevolent laughing his ass off. Scary couldn't help but smile a little at the other operative's smile, he couldn't deny that he had a small soft spot for him. They continued to clean the kitchen until Scary heard the washing machine ding, signalling that the clothes were washed. He excused himself to go place his clothes in the drier but Benevolent called out after him, "can you also place my bedsheets in the wash?!". Scary merely nodded in reply and started towards the washing machine and drier, he smiled a little as he thought about the other operative.

He unloaded the clothes from the washer to the drier and then remembered that Benevolent wanted him to put his bedsheets in the washer as well, it was a simple task really. He shut the door to the drier, switched it on and navigated his way through Benevolent's house. His house's layout was quite similar to his own so he had no trouble finding Benevolent's bedroom, the door was slightly open when he arrived. He pushed the hood open with his hand and observed the room, it was very neat except for the very messy bed. Scary walked towards the messy bed and began to fold the blanket up and remove the bedsheets, he proceeded the fold the bedsheet up but froze when he saw something on it.

On the bedsheet Scary noticed a small "stain" on sheet, it was barely visible and if Scary hadn't moved his face closer he wouldn't have actually noticed it. He felt his face heat up a little as he already assumed what the stain was from, he could imagine Benevolent pleasuring himself in the bed and it made Scary even more aroused. (If y'all don't fucking get it, Benevolent got horny asf the night before and jerked off in the bed. He got cum on the bed and forgot to clean it up)

Scary just stood there in slight shock, he was thinking if he should just ignore it and move on or say something to Benevolent. He was snapped out of his thoughts by a knock on the open door, he whipped around and his eyes met with Benevolent's. Benevolent peaked his head out from the doorway with a questioning look on his face, he walked into the room and began to speak. "Scary why are you taking so long-oh", Benevolent's gaze fell upon the sheets that Scary was holding and he blushed as he realized that Scary was looking at the certain stain on his sheets. He averted his gaze from Scary and he was unable to form words, he fiddled with his hands nervously.

Scary raised an eyebrow in amusement at the other operative's flustered behaviour, he found it quite cute. Benevolent could see that Scary had already pieced the parts together on what happened and he was very embarrassed, knowing that Scary knew of him doing that kind of thing was making him very flustered. Scary folded the sheets nice and pushed them to the corner of the bed, he spoke while he did this. "Who did you imagine doing it to you?", Benevolent's eyes widened at this question and his mouth opened but no words came out. Scary smirked a little and walked towards the operative, he grabbed onto Benevolent's wrists in an attempt to pull him towards the bed to sit but Benevolent stayed rooted to the spot.

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