"Teasing" [Great_Day x Enouement_Dawn]

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Enouement sat at a temporary desk at the day's work building, Enouement and the day's leader Great_Day were working together to come up with ideas to repel the Night Coalition away from them. Enouement had stopped by the day's city to work with Great in person and Great had given him a temporary office to work in, Enouement appreciated this. He was currently scribbling down notes and thoughts about possible ideas onto a sheet of lined paper, his hat says slightly tilted on his head. Sunlight was pouring into the office from a small window, illuminating the room and Enouement, the warmth relaxed him slightly. He chewed the end of his pencil every now and then as his brain hit another thought block, he groaned in frustration and set his head down on the desk.

Then a knock came from the office door, Enouement muttered a come in and the door opened. Great entered the office, staring with amusement at Enouement who had his head down on the desk. He bit his bottom lip to prevent any laughter from escaping him but failed. A small chuckle flew out of him, causing Enouement to look up. Enouement's eyes had dark circles beneath them and he looked so tired, he looked at Great with an exhausted face. He had been working sleepless days to think of better ideas and it was starting to affect the way he functioned during the day. He found himself staring off into space when he was supposed to be working, which would result in him getting yelled at by Great. He really needed a proper night's sleep.

Great advanced towards Enouement and leaned against the front of the desk, facing him. "Enouement could you please stop sleeping on the job, we only have a certain number of days until you have to return to your city and your sleeping isn't helping", Great said as his eyes bore into Enouement. Enouement couldn't help but shudder as Great stared at him, he was too tired to keep working. His mind had stopped functioning, his hand grew too tired to hold his pencil and he kept repeatedly yawning and dozing off.

"Sir I really need a break, I've been having sleepless nights and it's affecting my work", Enouement said his tone was neutral. He stared at Great with tired eyes, the day's leader seemed to be thinking of a response. His mouth formed into a thin line across his face and he grimaced. "Enouement I really cannot let you rest right now, these ideas are crucial to repelling off the nights", Great said to Enouement who was now dozing off in front of him. Great sighed in annoyance and slammed his hand on the table, causing Enouement to practically jump out of his seat and let out a yell. He leaned back in his chair and threw his head back from the shock, his chest heaving up and down due to him yelling. Great stood there in front of the desk starting at Enouement, he could feel his cheeks heat up a little as he observed the way Enouement was positioned. His head was thrown back, he sank a little lower in his seat as he panted a little and the way his legs were spread out with no one in between them. Great wanted to change that.

Great cleared his throat and began to speak, "could I convince you to work a little harder maybe?". Great leaned closer to Enouement while gripping onto the edge of the desk. He could see Enouement thinking about it a little, finally, he spoke. "Well I'm not sure, depends on how you try and convince me. You can try if you want", Enouement said as he leaned back again clearly too tired to do anything else. Great took this chance and walked around the desk until he was next Enouement in his chair, Enouement looked up at Great with slight curiosity. Great pushed Enouement's chair back slightly and maneuvered his way in between Enouement and the desk, a small smirk appeared on his lips. Enouement however was still completely clueless and had a questioning look on his face, however, he blushed slightly as Great kneeled down in front of him.

Great kneeled in between Enouement legs and gripped onto his thighs, spreading his legs more. Enouement couldn't help but wine a little at Great's touch, he wanted more. Great raised an eyebrow at Enouement whining and proceeded, he slowly began to loosen Enouement's belt and watching as Enouement practically broke under his touch. When he finally loosened the belt, he hooked two fingers around Enouement's waistband and pulled his pants down in a swift motion. Enouement felt himself go red in the face as his boner was clearly noticeable under his boxers, Great could only smirk more. He took one hand and began to stroke Enouement's dick through his boxers, Enouement immediately moaned a little from the small actions. Enouement whimpered and bucked his hips upwards slightly, Greats small actions with his hands were making him lose it.

However before Enouement could enjoy anymore, Great removed his hand. Enouement immediately whined from the loss of contact but felt his breath hitch on his their as he felt Great slowly caress his thighs. Enouement bit his lips to prevent any moans from slipping out, the feeling was heavenly. Great rubbed his thighs while spreading them out, even more, Enouement gripped the sides of his chair and his face was twisted. Some small moans flew out of Enouement's mouth, making Great chuckle a little. Enouement could feel his boxers become more tighter by the minute, he bucked his hips again. He wanted more.

Great stopped and latched his fingers around Enouement's boxers, pulling them down swiftly. Enouement couldn't help but look away in slight embarrassment, who knew that the day's leader would have so much of an effect on him. Enouement moaned again as Great started to stroke his dick, leaking with precum. Great was slow with his actions and it drove Enouement crazy, he had the urge to grab Great's hair and force him downwards.

Great moved his hands onto Enouement's thighs again and caressing them as he slowly licked his dick, Enouement shuddered at this new feeling. Great continued to tease him, rubbing his thighs while giving slow long licks to his dick. Enouement whined and begged for more under his breath, Greats teasing turned him on even more. Great moved his lips onto Enouement's thighs, giving them small kisses up and down. When Great's mouth got close to Enouement's boner, Enouement whined and bucked his hips again. The teasing was too much.

"P-please sir", was all Enouement could say as Great gave small kitten licks to his dick again. Enouement had enough of the teasing, he was so desperate. Great stopped his actions and looked up at Enouement, an amused look in his eyes. Then without warning, Great took all of Enouement's dick into his mouth. A solid moan escaped Enouement's lips, he threw his head back as pleasure erupted in his lower area. More moans spilled out of him as Great sucked and deepthroated him, feeling his dick at the back of the leader's throat was amazing. The way Great's lips moved against him drove Enouement mad and the way Great's tongue moved around the tip of Enouement's dick made him whimper.

Enouement slowly moved his hand towards Great, flicked off his hat and grabbed onto his hair. Great moaned a little as Enouement forced his down further, Great gripped harder onto Enouement's making him moan again. Great loved how Enouement gave himself to him completely, the way Enouement begged for his touch. Great continued to deepthroat Enouement, feeling the other leader's dick. hit the back of his throat was immaculate.

Enouement could feel a climax building within him, he pushed Great down lower and bucked his hips more. He was practically thrusting into the other leader's mouth, more whimpers escaped him. The pleasure kept building up, Enouement felt himself heat up to the max. With one last thrust he came inside Great's mouth, Great pulled away and swallowed, his lips slightly wet.

Enouement sat in his seat panting, his chest heaved up and down and he tried to collect himself. Great helped to clean him up and redressed him the best he could, the smirk still wouldn't leave his face. Finally, after Enouement had recovered, his face was still a blushing mess though. Great spoke to the flustered leader, "I hope that convinced you enough". Enouement could only nod weakly, his mind was too cluttered to form words.

Great made his way towards the office door, but it had opened before he got there. Great froze and became rigid as Emotionless stood there, the operative looked as if he was slightly flustered. Emotionless spoke, "[SUPREME LEADER] there has been an accident down in her labs and when I arrived at this office to get you, you seemed a little caught up with, uhm, something and I waited. I can now escort you to the accident". Emotionless looked away from Great as he spoke, slightly embarrassed.

Great stood there and he felt his face heat up as he heard Emotionless mutter something about getting soundproof doors. Great glanced back at Enouement who was actually listening to their whole conversation, he too was also blushing. Great coughed, bid goodbye to Enouement and exited the office with Emotionless.

He would make sure to install soundproof doors immediately.


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