sneaky link (3)

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We both stood there staring at each other but there was no steamy tension or anything she just looked at me like I was dumb ass hell and shit I might be because I have no fucking clue what she's going on about.

"Can you just tell me got me looking for clues like I'm blue got damn."

She shook her head giggling a little.

She grabbed my hand and led me to a different room in the house. It was a complete different scenery. No bright red lights or shoes on racks. What I would consider a more boring room.

Billie sat down on a chair and pressed a couple keys along with the mouse. I waited patiently, looking around the room. Then music plays. It had a heavy ass beat and it was going fucking hard. Maybe I had heard it before because my foot was tapping the floor and my head was softly shaking to the beat.

"This is cool. Who's the artist," I asked my hands in my pocket. She hit my arm and I winced playfully. "Yo are you serious right now, how fucking old are you and how long have you been living under a rock?"

"I'm 23 and for about maybe hmm two years." She rolled her eyes and I placed my hands on her shoulders massaging them a little. "So are you going to tell me this huge secret or are you just egging me on?"

"You're seriously weird. I'm Billie Eilish a singer. Kind of everywhere right now." She explained it simply the way I wanted her to.

"Cool." I shrugged. I think it's sick the song sounded amazing and I'd for sure have heard it before.

"Let me hear the other stuff." I said and she went from her kind of shocked look to a smile that made me realize that damn even her teeth had me acting up.

We sat down and listened to some of her songs. Sure my strange addiction and all the good girls go to hell went hard as hell. But songs like i love you or listen before I go, those songs felt personal and yet unexplainably relatable.

We sat and talked about a lot yet nothing. I asked her about her. And I mean not Billie Eilish. Not about her rock star pop life. I mean when she went to sleep what did she dream about. What goals did she not want to accomplish just to have them be there, be the reason she keeps living.

It went deep.

Deeper than maybe either of us intended.

Billie O'Connell was not the same as Billie Eilish. There were similarities and if you squinted your eyes and only looked at what the media said then yeah you could not tell the difference.

I wanted Billie O'Connell. The way the world wanted and adored Billie Eilish.

"Billie are you alright in there?" I heard a guy speak. I got off the bed fixing it a little before he could open the door. I could see some resemblance between the ginger and the blonde.

"I'm good Finny, just making someone a new fan."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her raised confidence. "Who said I liked it?" They both gasped at the same time. It was creepy but almost comical. "I saw you banging your head and tapping your yippee yapping foot."

"Yeah yeah whatever." I said sitting next to her again.

"Hello I'm Finnease." He sat down next to us and I shook his hand." Y/n Y/ln. Billie told me you produces the whole album?" He nods in response.

My back was against the headboard and billie was between my legs playing with my left hand. She was very touchy. She seemed dazed and in thought so I just continued the conversation with her brother.

"No, I mean its great and all but its tiring in a different way, mentally."

"I can't even imagine it, I mean people see the good parts money fame and all that but they don't see the balls and chain, all the shit that comes with it." He agreed once again.

We had been talking about music and how I had been playing the piano and guitar basically my whole life. It was a meaningful conversation that was ended with a goodbye and a handshake. A quick see you later from Finneas.

Billie and I walked out of his room and into the hallway. "I think you're pretty." I said as she stood there in that big shirt and shorts. "And I would really like to see you again, not for dog training." Her smile faltered a little. Which made my confidence drop. "We don't have to, if you don't want to," I said quickly.

She shook her head.
"No its not that I don't want to. Believe me I do I really fucking do. But like you said fame comes with its bad things. And I hate paparazzi and my Fandom gets crazy and shit. It would be a hassle. And it would interrupt your very normal life." She rambled on moving her hands in all directions and finishing with a heavy sigh.

I wasn't really paying attention. I couldn't stop thinking of how cute she looked all riled up. "I don't want normal Billie. I want this feeling I get when I do this." I leaned down and trapped her lips with mine.

It felt like we were moving fast yet not fast enough. I craved her more than I felt was healthy. But shit man did it feel good. I kept kissing her with small force. "I want this too bu- " before she could finish her sentence I pushed my tongue into hers and made the already heated kiss even hotter. She placed her hand on my chest and carefully pushed me away a little and before she pulled away completely I stole a quick peck, I let go smiling.

"But it won't work the public will see it'll make a whole deal, its a lot." She finished off defeated. In no way was I giving up. "Soo??? We won't be seen in public. Let me be your sneaky link."

Her once serious face faltered into a cheeky smile.

(I imagine it like the pic at the top so peep that - b )

"Man I don't know what you put in my damn water but that shit has me smiling around your dumb ass." She said before looking down at her feet in thought. I wasn't going to push anymore if it was really something she couldn't do then I would learn to deal with it.

"I think it's the park water because I haven't been able to stop smiling around you, either." I said leaning against the hallway wall. "Yeah maybe we should sue them huh?"

"Definitely can't have love roaming the streets again." She walked towards me and leaned against the same wall.

Billie was in thought and then she spoke "I'm bad at relationships. I either fall too quick or too slow or not enough or too much." She said looking up at the ceiling. I waited for her to continue and so when she didn't I said. "Well how old are you?" I asked. Maybe something I should have asked before.


"Well there's your answer." She looked at me and then gave me a small eye roll. "I'm joking your age doesn't matter I was just hoping you weren't underaged. But Billie, love or relationships aren't something you master. It's impossible to. Every person is different no matter how much of a 'type' you have, they will always be different and so your liking to them will be different."

"Yeah you have that old people wisdom huh." I let in a loud breathe and pretended to be disappointed. "Yeah you know my backs hurting too and shit."

A silence took over us.

"We aren't making anything official. Yet. Not yet, I want to get to know you more and you get to know me more all that talking phase shit. I'll get to see if I scare you away. " I finished off smiling. I needed to stop doing that so much around her or my face was really going onto start hurting.

"Okay then."

"Okay what." I teased.

"Okay you can be my sneaky link."


See what I did there...? - b

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