Sneaky Link (21)

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I grabbed the two empty bottles and the rest of the unopened ones. I had drank three but I could not find the one that mysteriously disappeared.

In the passenger seat was a very much asleep Sandy. She had fallen asleep almost immediately. Meanwhile, Ellie was advising me on how to handle the situation. Because although I may have good intentions in mind who knows what could happen in the heat of the moment?

Ellie waved goodbye and I simply just said bye seeing my hands were occupied. I had to think of all the things I had to say. How I was going to apologize for leaving and how I was going to ask for an explanation.

But that all left my mind when I saw her puffy eyes. The way she sniffles when she opens the door normally I might find it cute but this was just heartbreaking. She swung the door open and part of me just wanted to hug her and hold her and make her feel better but I didn't know if she would replicate it.

"I'm so sorry," I said quietly. There was nothing else to say. "I'm sorry I made you cry." I heard the car finally drive away. "Can I uh come in?" She stepped aside leaving space for me to walk into Claudia's home.

It was silent.

I mean I had all these things rehearsed but seeing how small she looked I just couldn't speak. I knew I had some right to be upset but that didn't matter when she seemed so sad. "I can go. I just wanted to I don't know talk it out?"

I grabbed my water bottles and stood up.

"Stay. Please." She stayed sat on the couch but her arm reached out for me. "Please." She repeated. This shit feels so toxic. Like is she manipulating me right now? What the fuck is going on. "I'm staying. But we have to talk this out. We can't keep shoving it under the rug." I let go of my bottles and held her, her hands around my waist as mine wrapped around her head. I kissed her head softly. "I am sorry but I also had a right to walk out you sided with a Guy who likes you."

She clenched her jaw. "I felt bad for him. Plus I thought you trusted me."

"It's not about me trusting you, which I do. It's about like I don't know why did you side with him other than feeling bad. You didn't even hear me out." I sat down next to her. Our bodies face one another.

"I don't know. I was in shock I guess."

"You promise. Because I don't think I can go on if you even think you might have some crush on him. Just be honest."

She immediately shook her head. "I don't like him in general. Fuck, okay look. It's my team they wants some stupid PR stunt. With an older guy. I told them no. But they're pushing it." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why would they want that? Wouldn't people see that as nasty?"

"Yes they will but the idea is that people will see me." I shook my head. "That sounds about dumb as fuck." I expressed. "No you're not doing that. I'm sorry I'm not trying to tell you what to do but that'll fuck with what we have going." My hands flew around in anger. Is this something she didn't think to bring up?

"Y/n I was only thinking about it. It's not like I said yes right there and then." Now she stood up her own hands waving around. "But you didn't even think to bring it up?" My body was leaning forward waiting for a response. Her mouth gaped open without an explanation leaving it.

"I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want you to blow up on me, like this."

"I think I'm a pretty reasonable person. I doubt I'd react like this if you brought it up. I might have even laughed it off." I leaned against the door frame near the entrance. My face was hidden in my hands. I felt...

I don't even know how I felt.

I could feel her gaze on me looking at me and waiting. "Maybe. Or you could have done this." Did she want me to get pissed? "You're right. Yeah I'm a total nut job who doesn't listen. So go ahead and do it. You don't seem very against it to me." I didn't dare look at her. "I'm not doing it. I'm just trying to figure out another way." She got up from the couch and walked towards me.

Sneaky Link Where stories live. Discover now