Sneaky Link (12)

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I grabbed the mickey mouse shaped waffle and the Donald duck shaped waffle. "Thanks baby." I placed the paper plate on her side and sat next to her. I love being near her. I've never thought about it but my fucking love language is the touching one. I didn't love not being near her. Even thought our legs were the only things touching rn it was enough. I would love to kiss her though.

"Can I kiss you?" Her face was slightly covered with chocolate syrup. "Why are you asking?" Her eyebrows furrowed as she placed the food down. "I don't know. I just thought you might not want to be as affectionate. In front of everyone." She gave me a doubtful look.

"Fine then kiss me." I pursed my lips and She pursed her own lips. I gave her a quick peck which she obviously wasn't okay with just that. Billie grabbed my face and pushed our faces together for a more sloppy yet passionate kiss. I always felt a little dizzy kissing her. I don't know if it was the length of the kiss or what but, I love it.

I pulled away from her lips with a smile on my lips. My hands reached out for her under the table, with the other I grabbed the plastic fork and started eating the food in front of me. I looked to the left and saw she still had a bit of chocolate on her lips. "Bill you have some chocolate." I pointed to my left cheek. She quickly tried taking it off but missed it completely.

I grabbed my napkin and cleaned it for her. "Thank youu." The things I'd do for her. "Of course babe." I continued eating. I also mindlessly looked at the families around us. Some kids stuck on their phones while others gasped from excitement, just from looking at the building.

"Whats got you all smiley?" My attention was back on her. And I know she's just wearing shorts and a shit and even then I find her to be the most attractive woman I've laid my eyes on. "Well I was smiling at that little boy who looks like he just saw light for the first time." She looked over my shoulder and had the same reaction I just had a couple seconds ago.

"He is cute, look at his little outfit." She didn't point but I turned around and saw that his outfit matched the colors of Donald the duck. And to finish it off he wore a tiny little hat. Honestly kids like that made me want to have one of my own some day. Some day that is, not soon.

We finished our waffles and walked around a bit. Of course I saw fans with their cameras. And of course it annoyed Billie. But hey, what can you do.

I tried to make her enjoy herself as much as possible. I love riding the Rollercoaster, even if they weren't the biggest. Maybe six flags would have been a better option. "Do you wanna go?" I asked her seeing that small frown on her lips made me mad.

"No its okay." She didn't sound okay. "Come on we can go somewhere else, watch a movie or something." I suggested grabbing her hand into mine. The goal isn't to get her mad, but it seemed I might be failing a little. "Its okay,"

"Billie its clearly not. We can go. We tried it, it didn't work out. So let's go." I was sounding more demanding now. And I usually wasn't this way, she brings something out in me. "Please." She brings out the soft in me and I'm known to be pretty soft already.

"Maybe my friends can come with us next time, yeah?" The blonde haired girl continued to stay silent. "Bro." I had tried everything. "I don't want them to win, I want to have fun but this shit gets to me." Finally something I could work with. Her eyes were only placed on the ground.

"So just ignore them, try to. Let's go get some ice cream. After that we can go on the ferris wheel." We switched paths and walked back to the food court. We spoke more about stupid things like how I would be mailing her letters while she was on tour.

"Or, hear me out. You come with me." I sighed. I definetly would if it wasn't for me having a job that I needed. "You know its my job Billie. If i were rich I'd go." I brought her body closer to my side. "I already told you I'd pay." I know she's not joking but I laughed. I wasn't going to have her pay me for anything.

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