Sneaky Link (19)

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Our faces smashed together as our breathing clashed. She was pinned between the wall and my own body.

My hands were wrapped around the back of her thighs adjusting her higher so she wouldn't keep slipping. "Fuck, baby." She rushed into my ear as my mouth traced kissed all over her neck. To stop her from slipping even more I took us to the kitchen counter. Her lips were red and her face getting there too. I didn't need a second to breathe. Fuck breathing.

"Take it off." I pulled away from her chest where I was leaving marks everywhere. Her make-up artist would have some work to do.

"Please take it off." She begged me. I grabbed the hem of her tight shirt and tried pulling it off. It was becoming too difficult and too frustrating so I just ripped it off to which she gasped and her tits bounced down still in her bra. That was much easier to work with, once I undid the clasp and with the other, I just started undoing my own Jeans.

"It's still so hot baby." She complained which looked up from her bare breast and she was actually really red. "You okay?" I asked concerned for her health. With the back of my hand, I touched her forehead and it was really hot. "Baby you have a fever." I carried her down from the counter and to the couch. "Let's get you some water." I took off my shirt and handed it to her. "I'm sorry." Huh? She pointed at my undone jeans, well more specifically to my hard on. "Don't even worry about it." I rushed to the kitchen to get her some water.

I grabbed some water, pills, and a cold towel.

"Here take this." I handed her the medication and then the water. "Good job."

"You're a freak. Might as well have said, good girl." She laughed a little at her own joke but I could tell she was still uncomfortable. "Let's get some rest yeah?" She shook her head. "I don't want to sleep. I've been recording and sleeping all day. I wanted you to fuck me. Stupid ass fever."

"I don't have to fuck you to please you baby." I kneeled down next to her. "Oh really?" I nodded and maintained eye contact as I lowered my head to her center. "Lay down." I lifted my hand from the floor to her covered pussy. With pressure on it, I started my work

"Fuck no okay I'm sensitive." I shook my head and began sucking on her clit until she smacked my head. "Animal. Off girl." I giggled and her reaction to that was her head thrown back. "Fuck Y/n." She stopped pushing me away so I went back to work leaving long strokes up and down her. She tastes amazing. "Go harder." Yes ma'am. I added more pressure with my tongue and my fingers entered her. "Fuckk." Her voice was broken and Her hips bucked up as I continued to eat her out.

"No no, I can't." I stopped and looked up at her. Her face had a layer of sweat and her hair was messy. "You look beautiful." She rolled her eyes and laid back down. "No fever?" I scooted closer to her and checked her. "Better." Her eyes were closed and she looked so at peace.

I pecked her lips quickly and then got on top of her. "I love you." I closed my own eyes as I lay on top of her. Soon after I laid my head on her chest her hands ran through my hair. "It's all tangled," I warned but she continued untangling every piece she came across.

I didn't understand how she could go from riding me like a maniac to caressing every part of me. It was insane. I looked into her eyes and saw purity. I saw love. I saw everything. Everything that mattered was in there. The corner of her lips formed an almost unnoticeable smile, but I caught it. I caught the signs of happiness she wouldn't let anyone in the media see. "I love you." Before she could roll her eyes at the word she referred to as corny I kissed those sweet lips. Her lips on mine were like eating the perfect mango the perfect strawberry. They melted into mine and formed a perfect dance.

"Let's go out to eat," I said pulling away from her mouth. "Can't we just do takeout?" She asked annoyed at even the thought of getting up. But I stood my ground and shook my head. Then her whole body laid on me as to stop me. This girl thinks I don't work out. I quickly got up and picked her up, with ease. I walked us to the shower as she smacked my back and swayed her body around trying to break my balance. "I'm going to shower us with cold water if you don't stop." With that threat, she was as still as a plank. I placed her on the edge of the bath and she watched me undress. Her eyes roamed all of me. It made me feel like I was under a microscope. "You're so  beautiful." Now a smile formed on my lips. One I didn't expect. "You know our six months is coming up." I nodded as I turned on the warm water. "How's this?" I grabbed her hand and placed it under the running water. "Warmer please." So I followed her orders.

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