sneaky link (9)

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I popped my third lollipop in my mouth as I drove to the mansion place thingy. I wasn't told specificallly where, I was given a general directions and I hoped I would find it.

I saw a house filled with vans and people taking food and camera equipment out. Yeah I think that should be it.
I had received a couple messages from Billie saying she was now sad I couldn't go but I knew if i texted while driving she would be beyond pissed.

I parked a little bit off the house and asked Maggie if they were in the house yet and she was surprised I was there but none the less told me they were just starting to shoot a scene. I saw people still carrying some stuff in and I asked if I could help. Well first of all they asked who the fuck I was but when Maggie told them who I was they said sure.

I helped them set up the candies and the food stuff I snuck in a fruit loop and then heard the camera crew moving closer to the kitchen. I tried to finish the fruit loop fast but I couldn't stuff my mouth any faster. I turned around, almost the whole foot of fruit loop hanging out of my mouth. When I saw what Billie was wearing I knew my mouth hung and my eyes widened like a cartoon character.

"Yeah I can't be here." I said to Maggie and she laughed slightly. Billie had still not seen me and I hope she didn't because knowing her I know she'd pull some shit.

God was not on my side because right as I finished my fruit loop she saw me and smiled. Once the scene was finished and she ran towards me. "Hi babyy, how long have you been here? Wait I told you to be with your friends." She said all at once. " I just got here and you also said you were sad I couldn't make it so I'm here and I want to be here. But I also don't because you look so damn good right now," I said whispering the last part so only she could hear me. She kissed me without saying anything and I just kissed her back. "Mm you taste sweet, cherry?"

"Yeah that or the two fruit loops I just ate."I explained putting her back down. They had just begun shooting and we're still trying to figure out lighting and all that.

"Hi everyone this is Y/n, the one that hasn't popped the question." Billie announced and I just hid in her shoulder. "Not yet, but soon," I said trying to explain myself. Billie side eyes me. "I promise." I mumbled. Billie grabbed my hand and walked me towards the girls. "Hey babies this is Y/n." I waved and shook each of their hands. "Alright In order it goes Joya, Nataly, Lexee, Karrice, yuliana," Billie said point at each of the girls. "Y'all have to give me a second to breathe all of you looks beautiful ass hell." I expressed looking at each of their makeup and style.

"You want to do a couple scenes?" Billie asked and I was clearly taken back. "I thought I was supposed to be your little secret." I joked. "Well they can think you've been my dancer this whole time. I don't know it'll be cool." She explained. "I mean shit as long everyone else is okay with it. I don't want to fuck anything up."

Billie asked around and as long as I could memorize a couple hip swings and throwing it back I'd be alright. Also the girls were wearing short shorts, and for obvious reasons I couldn't so instead they gave me some shorts so I'd be mostly on the outside scenes. All of this was super cool and lay back. Which was completely Billie.

I was dressed in night clothes and watched the girls do their scenes. I had to calm myself down as I viewed everything from near the director. Their shots were really well thought out and executed.

They did a couple hall shots and some jumping on the bed shots and for those I literally had to walk away. Yeah I was an ass person but Billie changed that in a millisecond with the way her shit was moving.

I didn't just leave because of that. Billie had gotten distracted after I had to throw it back for a shot and wouldn't stop looking at me. So Maggie took me to the outside to fill out some water guns. Oh yeah, this sleep over tops whatever my friends had planned.

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