sneaky link (8)

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Not a whole lot of Billie in this chapter but I think it's fun sooo READ IT ! Ty - b

"Bro I'm so down to go. I haven't seen any of you in forever." I exclaimed into my phone as I flipped some pancakes. "Please do come Y/n, we miss you lovely. Plus we'll go over to someone's house and lay back. It'll be like old times." Brady said as he kept trying to convince me, even though I was already convinced and planning my outfit. "Brady you don't have to try to keep convincing me dude, I'm already down. Just send me the address and I'm going. Wait who and who is going?"

"Oh you know me, Ellie, Wyatt, Ki, Sandy and Omar. Just a small group of us and maybe some other but that's all I know, sorry."

"You're good, I miss you brother, so text me the details and I'm there, love you, take care." He also said his goodbyes after agreeing to text me and then hung up.

I had just been invited to a super cool sleepover, let's goo!

It was just some hang out but most likely they would sleepover at the person's house they laid back at. I was so excited because these were my high school friends and we had planned this oh so long ago. Like almost right after high school. That after we all had some sort of stable living we would all get together at least once every couple years and this was a year overdue. We were all in the same graduating class except Ki who was a year younger than all of us. God I missed every single one of those people, the only people I felt were my people. I got all jittery as I looked for a simple yet cooling outfit since we would be moving a lot.

(Cool?- b)

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(Cool?- b)

FaceTime call from Bil <3
I smiled and answered. "Hey baby, what's happening? Wait first of all you look good as hell and I can't wait for tomorrow." I said as I was reminded that she had something planned for tomorrow, still had no clue what it was but anytime spent with her would be loads of fun. "Not much, but guess what." I guessed a couple stupid things before sighing in failure. "Just tell me love."

"We're doing a video shoot today. Andddd they said I could bring you." Her smile was as bright as white veneers. "Wait is this the one you were waiting forever for? I'm so excited for you babe like I know it's going to be good as hell no matter what. What song is it for?" I asked still looking at her cute face. "Lost cause, you won't get anything out of me until later. Did you end up making your pancakes?" She asked as she sat herself down on her bed. "Ah yes I did they were super fluffy and good. I'm telling you, you should spend the night one day." I requested.

"Wait nooo, Brady my high school friend asked me to hang out with them. And it's been so long baby." I said once reminded of my morning conversation. "Who?"

"This dude I was like super close to in high school that was like my brother from another mother." I said while trying to sort everything out in my head. "It should only be for a little like an hour or two, what time is the shoot?" I asked still trying to plan. "In a couple hours like three or four they're still setting stuff up, Y/nn you don't have to come if you can't baby it's okay, I'm sure your friends miss you and there will be other shoots." She said trying to convince me. "No it's okay Bil I'll just go hang out and go to the shoot."

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