Sneaky Link (22)

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Billie lay next to me in my bed. Her body was bare under the sheets. "Good morning," I said to her sleeping body. There was no way she would be awake right now. "I love you." I kissed her head and laid back down for a second.

6 am read the clock.

I had time to shower which I had to because I smelled and I forgot to last night. Then I had to get Arlo ready and go pick up Shark. I trusted Arlo without a leash. Now shark on the other hand I wasn't sure. So I grabbed a leash rope and placed it in my to-go bag where I had a lot of snacks and water. And yes I included snacks for the dogs because they deserved them.

Once I was all done and packed I decided to give Billie one last goodbye. As I walked closer to the door I heard mumbling. "We can totally hang out. Yeah, it should be no worries. Yeah, she's going hiking. Okay bye I love you." Weirddd I thought.

Weird enough to make me want to jump to conclusions. But I knew to ask. I'm old enough to know to think about my options and choose the most mature one, right?


I knocked lightly on the door before opening it. She lay, her eyes closed. "I know you're up you little shit." Her eyebrows furrowed at the name. "What the hell?" She questioned. "I feel like maybe I've become too respectful. Going back to my old self."

"Okayy?" She was sitting up now. "Can I ask you something?" I sat on the bed next to her my hands on my lap. "Totally." She looked at me with reassurance and confidence. "I overheard you talking on the phone. Who are you hanging out with? And I don't mean to be that guy but I'm just. I don't even know. Maybe I shouldn't have even as-"

"I'm hanging out with Zoe and some of her friends. You're okay to ask. But don't be a creep and listen to my conversations. That's just weird." When finished I felt relief and a weight off my shoulders. As a reward for her treatment. I would be fucking her to oblivion tonight.

But for now, all I did was kiss her softly. Finishing it with a little nibble of her lip. "If you cheat I'll kill them. To that, I swear." I said as I pulled away. My hand on my heart.

"Good thing I won't. Because you wouldn't survive in jail, you're too pretty." I rolled my eyes. And kissed her for the final time.

"What time will you be back?" I turned  around and took in the sight. She was bare but she held the sheets over her body. And she looked small in that bed. She looked adorable. "I'm not sure. But I'll let you know." I waved goodbye and she blew me a kiss. "Bye asshole." It had been a while since she called me that. We used to be more playful with one another. Without the problems or secrets.

I really needed this run.

As I drove with Arlo in the backseat sitting like a hood boy. I thought about my relationship. I want it back the way it was. But I know that wouldn't just happen with wishful thinking.

I had to do something. I had to remind myself and her what our relationship is. That it doesn't have to be communicating and big words and arguments all the time. Relationships are fun and goofy as fuck.

"You've been sitting parked for a while. Are you okay?" I put my window down and saw Claudia in some tight leggings and a cropped tank top.

"I am ready for that run." I smiled at her my eye squinting at the bright rising sun. "So let's go." She opened my door and helped me with Arlo. "Let's do this. Did you bring Shark? Billie insisted I needed to love him as much as Arlo." Claudia smiled. That made me happy she wasn't a heavy fake laugher. I hated fake laughers.

"He makes it hard to love him." I nodded in agreement before verbally agreeing. "So where is it that we are escaping to Claudia?" I looked up at her and saw her carrying a backpack, smaller than mine. "I feel like getting a good run. But also a good view, you'll see when we get there." There was a smile on her face.

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