Sneaky Link (25)

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I showed Sandy the photo and she had a similar reaction to mine. Not pissed or mad just like 'what the fuck' and 'huh'

I dropped sandy off at her house and left Arlo with her. I grabbed the penjamin just in case the conversation went terribly wrong.

"I love you." She waved out the door of her home as I pulled out of the drive way. I waved back before returning my attention to the road.

My hands gripped the steering wheel as different scenarios ran through my head. What could she have done or caused or I don't fucking know, that it's so bad she had to sleep on it?

I drove there but really I just got there. I could have ran over two families and I wouldn't remember. I think I sat in that parking lot for a good two minutes looking at the text then the photos and then back to the text. Eventually I just put on a song to help me relax.

I closed my eyes and listened to the tapping on the window as the raindrops hit the surface. Then a loud tap made me jump. I was taken back by who is was.

It's like when you see your favorite singer in real life. You've been staring at this picture looking closely at the features. But now here they are real and in the flesh.

"Do you mind moving your car? I'm just leaving." His voice was annoying. Like he was trying to put on an accent. And make himself sound younger. "Sure." I turned my car back on and reversed. He had a mustang covered in stickers.

He gave me a small wave as a thank you.

Now I was a little angry. Who was this guy but more importantly why was he at her family's house.

I got out of my car grabbing my Gucci side bag.

I locked my car and placed my keys on my belt loop with the new hooky thing that my mom got me. "Breathing exercise better come through today." I stood by the door for a second and took a deep breathe in. Clean slate. Forget the twitter pictures. Forget them they're fake not real they're fans who make shit up.

I saw Maggie and Patrick's car along with billies and Claudia's. So everyone was here, it felt like it could be an intervention.

I knocked twice on the door before it was open. There stood fin and his face couldn't hide anything. He looked disappointed and I didn't know if it was at me. "Hey come in". He stepped aside and I walked. What was once a welcoming and comfortable home felt dangerous. Like I couldn't breathe right in here. I walked to the kitchen where I was greeted by Maggie who hugged me and with a small nod from Patrick. "Billie is here right? She asked me to come over I just kind of assumed this is where she was."

"Oh yeah she's in her room. Would you like anything? A drink, snack, alcohol?" She finished jokingly. I shook my head. "I just ate a big ole sandwich. I should be full for at least three days. Thank you though. I'm going now."

I grabbed my phone and put the ringer on. Just in case I needed an escape.

I grabbed the door knob and for some reason my nerves grew. Gross.

As I opened the door i was wafted with the scent of her. And the nerves went away.

"Hi." I said almost in a whisper. "Hey sit down." I gladly did. But before that I hugged her. I hadn't seen her in a week or two and I could only imagine that this is what hell felt like.

"I missed you." I said into her hair as I laid my head in the crook of her neck. "I missed you more." I laughed into her. "We'll you didn't text me back. So it couldn't have been that bad". I half joked as I let go of her.

"I'm sorry about that." She looked down at her playing hands. "Who's the guy?" I said trying to get straight to the point. "I know his names Jesse and he's like thirty something."

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