Sneaky Link (20)

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I drove with my hand held by Billie and at times It felt cold when I had to use both hands to turn but legally I had to. "Okay, do you want to come with?" I asked before closing the door and opening the door on her side. "No it's okay" Was she nervous? No way she's fucking Billie Eilish. "Come on Bil they're drunk and hilarious right now." I encouraged her by stretching my hand out for her to grab. I could tell it was an internal battle but she eventually grabbed my cold hand. "There we go. Now help me carry these." I handed her the 24-pack of Coronas that I knew Omar liked. Billie huffed at the weight of it and started re-adjusting it. I carried two 6 pack mike boxes and a smaller version of the amazing Jack Daniels. Hopefully, they had coke or something to not finish it so quickly.

Sandy lived alone. She's a graphic designer man she's fucking everything to be honest she does it all. So seeing the two-story house wasn't surprising. Well, it might be surprising that it was only two stories. "Here I'll trade you." I placed down my items and waited on her to give me hers.

We walked to the front door where I expected to be treated by Sandy.

"Y/n. What the fuck bitch. Where have you been." I gulped and rolled my eyes internally. "Hi Gia. Nowhere really just around here." I kept the conversation boring as I walked inside and was met with whispers of worries and then thank you's.

"Okay, guys this is Billie, my girlfriend." I made sure to look specifically at Gia when I said the last part. She never took my relationships with people seriously. That's why my last serious relationship was with Ellie.

"I think this should last." I slapped the box of coronas and smiled at my own stupidity. "If not. Don't fucking drive. Text me instead."

"Awww you're not staying?" Gia whined as she walked closer and grabbed my arm. I swiftly pulled it away and reached for Billies hand. "No I have dinner with the parents."

When I suddenly got the urge to pee I knew I had to go. "Sandyyy where is your bathroom." I balled my fist trying to hold it in. "Here I'll take you." I was afraid to leave Billie I thought it was mean but it would be weird as fuck if I just pissed myself in the middle of this house. "Thank you. By the way, take care of her okay she's like super nervous." Her eyes were gentle. A little glazed over but gentle.

You bet I rushed to that toilet it was like a fire hydrant being opened in those animated cartoons.

I washed my hands with a small towel on the side and dried them off before walking out of the bathroom.

"God damn you stunk up the bathroom." Ki covered his whole nose and mouth in exaggeration. I saw Sandy looking at him and it made me wonder if this dumb as guy finally made a move on her. "Well, we better get going." I looked around for the blonde hair and found it next to hazel brown hair. Fuck me. Billies lips were sealed and her face a little red. "You ready to go?" I asked my arms now wrapped around her warm body. "As ready as I'll ever be." I looked around the room for Ellie because she would know what the fuck happened while I was gone.

"Text me." I whispered as I shook her hand. I then moved on to everyone else. Omar,Kai, Brady, and even Wyatt.

"Alright let's go before the food is gone." I pulled Billie away from that life-sucking serpent. She was always bad news. I thought we were rid of her but I guess not. "Oh Y/n. Your zipper is down." I rushed to zip my shit back up as I saw her eyes still roaming me and instead of feeling a knot in my stomach I felt like throwing up at the thought and knowledge of Billie seeing her look at me like that. Tonight was going to be bad for me.

I almost pulled Billie hand off as we rushed out of there. One step out of the the house and I felt like I could breathe. "So who was that?" I shook my head. "Nobody important or merely important enough for you to stress out about."

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