Sneaky Link (18)

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(A/n: Filler? -B)


"I hope everything's cooked fine," Maggie said as we sat for dinner. I mean this place looked like a buffet with the amount of options she had prepared. "My god I think it would take me a week to prepare all of this." My mom looked shocked. She's used to cooking for two people.

"You really outdid yourself this time Mom." We each prepared our own plate before and sat ourselves at the dinner table. "My god you have a beautiful home. It's actually all like coordinated and well composed."

"Yeah ma your homes like three different themes." She shoved me with her shoulder softly. "Oh shut it." I sat down between her and Billie. "You know I'm right. You know it."

"Would you like some wine?" Maggie pulled out an expensive-looking ass wine. "Ohhhh yes." She grabbed the wine glass in between her two fingers. "Y/n?" Maggie held a glass for me which I accepted. You had to drink wine with pasta.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you Billie." She looked past me and at Billie who was unusually quiet. "Oh me too, sorry I'm so nervous."

"Oh darling I remember meeting Greg's family. Bunch of assholes they were. They hated my guts but I won them over." I smiled thinking about my grandma. "All in its time. Right now I'm just happy my little girls got someone as nice and beautiful as you." My mom's soft eyes looked right at Billie. My hand was grabbed and held tightly. "Now I'm dying to try this food."

"Did you invite Matthew?" I asked Finneas who was in a lovely conversation with Claudia. "Uhh no I think my parents might have invited him because he overheard them and well they didn't want to be rude. He's just popped in and out."

"And you don't find it weird?" He nodded. "Groupies man groupies." Claudia said making me chuckle. "But hey he brings coffee so I'm good." He shrugged and Claudia patted the seat next to her. "Come on sit. Get a little drunk. Live a little, you're still young." I smiled. "I'm not much younger than you."

"Yeah but still. Live a little."

That did include drinking a little more than wine. "You want some fruity stuff?"

By now Maggie and my mom were dancing together outside on the wet grass. I sat there watching them on a lawn chair. "You smoke?" I was surprised by Patrick. "In high school I did."

"Me too. Once in a while too nowadays." He pulled up a lawn chair next to me and watched them with me. "I like you Y/n."

"Thank you sir."

I took a sip from my beer and relaxed back into my chair. "Y/n come dance with us." I shook them off. "I don't dance."

"Yes, you do. What were all those classes for then?" Shut up shut up Mom. "I don't know what you're talking about." I looked at my hands as they both held onto the neck of the bottle. "Oh come on show us some of those moves." She cheered me on and walked up to me. She was going to get her way no matter what. So I finished off my bottle and held her hands.

"What do you want? Classical some rock." Maggie looked at me surprised. "You can dance?" I nodded ashamed. "What kind?" She asked. "Well, everything maybe everything. Shoot your shot."

She seemed really in though but after a few seconds she spoke" Name a few. My mind went blank." I thought back and I mean really far back. "Salsa, bachata, rock n roll, ballet and like ballroom." My mom grabbed my hand and led the way to the wet grass. Thank god I had my shoes on. They're crazy.

"Alright come here ma." I grabbed her hand. "You'll be my partner since I don't know where Billie is." I quickly looked around but she was nowhere in sight. "I'd like to see you ballroom dance Y/n." Patrick said as he pulled the lawn chair closer to where we were. "Okay but don't laugh. It's been a while. And play some music please, it would make all of this a little less awkward." Maggie ran to the house and I looked at my mom who had a sparkle in her eyes as she looked at me.

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