sneaky link (1)

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I grabbed both of my chains and placed them on my bed side table. I couldn't decide if I wanted to wear them or not and it was really starting to get on my nerves. So I grabbed the slimmest one and put it on, without a second thought I wrapped it around my neck and tied it.

Next I grabbed the chain link leash along. The moment I grabbed the leash I heard the sound of Arlo's collar jingling. "Morning Arlo, how are we doing today bud?" He gave me that dorky smile he's done since he was a pup. Arlo was a rescue pit and god damn is he pretty. I was almost going to call him ASAP rocky just cause he's a pretty mother fucker.

But then I saw the dinosaur movie and no one could convince me that their shy and awkward personalities did not match

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But then I saw the dinosaur movie and no one could convince me that their shy and awkward personalities did not match. So Arlo it was.

I heard him whine while sitting patiently next to the door. "I know Arlo, we'll leave soon just let me go get snacks," I said petting his big head. I walked over to the drawer next to the door, where I keep all his things. Treats, food bowl, electrolyte waters, and leashes. I grabbed one of his favorite treats and walked to him. He stayed still his tail wagging and mouth panting out of happiness.

"Now we can go." I put the poop bag in my side pocket. "Oh wait." He stopped on his tracks and I could almost see him roll his eyes. "You want to be dehydrated boy?" I asked hands on my hips. "That's what I thought." I ran to the kitchen and grabbed some water bottles along with my portable dog tray. I ran back to the entrance on the house and placed everything in my black JanSport backpack. I put his leash on and started walking out of my house.

The drive there was always quiet. Arlo stuck his head and tongue out of the window as I drove to the speed limit. Once the dog park sign was in sight Arlo started wagging his whole body like crazy. "I know bud it's a good day out innit," I said with a content sigh. I parked and grabbed my backpack along with the leash.

We signed in and walked around the bushes following a small trail. Arlo was by my side the whole time only stopping occasionally to sniff the grass, and some other dog's shit. "That's disgusting, gross." I pulled on his leash to drag him away from the fresh poop.

"Grab Him!!" I was taken back when I felt a dog run past my legs. "Arlo sit boy. Stay." Arlo did as I said and I ran after the grey dog. That damn dog was fast as hell other people would move aside and let him get further which was honestly annoying. I sped it up a little pulling up my sweats so that my ass wouldn't be displayed for the whole world.

I finally got the dog cornered. He didn't seem to be angry or annoyed. He was just playing. He would move from side to side each time I got close to him. So I grabbed my backpack and slowly opened it as to not scare him. "Hey bud. I'm Y/n, you want a treat? Yeah?" I pulled out the see through bag filled to the brim with treats. He stopped moving from side to side and walked closer to me. He sniffed my hand first then took the treat.

I grabbed his collar carefully. Gladly I had a small extra leash. So I put that on him and then handed him another bacon treat. "You're a good boy huh, yeah you are all big and fast. Mhm." I patted his big head and got back up on my feet. I could see Arlo in the distance. I whistled at him, which caught his attention. I then yelled a quick 'here boy come come." He went full speed towards me, his leash not far behind him. His big wide smile was full of saliva.

Behind him was a girl with blonde hair. Which was all I could see from here. Arlo ran past her and got to me. He smelled the other dog and they just started smelling each other.

"I'm sorry about that, he kind of just left my grip," she said her hands raised to cover her eyes from the sun. "Oh that's alright, he was just excited." I handed her the leash. "Plus I needed a little workout, huh bud." The grey dog was still all over me smelling me and licking my hand.

"I'm Billie." She reached her hand out and I took it. Her skin was really soft and pale. "I'm Y/n and man is your dog cute."

"Annoying as hell though, can't get this dude to listen for shit." I chuckled noticing her irritation was real. "Sometimes they just need a little help, it's good you bring him here though they need to let out hella energy. They are literally built different." She giggled a little covering her mouth.

"How did you teach yours, I mean you just said sit and stay and he didn't move an inch, even I tried to get him but he stayed put." She explained and I guess Arlo knew she was talking about him so he went towards her smelling her.

"Oh yeah it took me like almost a month of full training, but it's rewarding," I explained to her.

"You do it yourself?"

"Yeah, I mean it's like a side job I guess. Makes good money so, yeah it's fun." I said a little embarrassed that I had to have a side job.

"No shit, for real? That's sick." Once those words left her mouth my embarrassment was gone. "Yeah it's fun, this dude loves it since he gets to hang around dogs all the damn time, teaming up on me and shit."

We continued our conversation as we walked. She didn't seem to talk a lot about herself but did put her own opinions and thoughts on the topics I brought up.

"I have to go now," I said as we were now standing next to my parked car. "It was nice meeting you Billie." I extended my hand and she shook it. I was putting Arlo in the car along with my stuff but he was being stubborn and not wanting to leave Shark alone.

"No teaming up against me, come on Arlo." He whined but got in. "Y/n." I heard Billie say, grabbing my full attention.

I mean she has had my full attention this whole time with her laugh and smile and those piercing eyes. How could she not have anyone's attention 24/7. "Do you maybe think you could train Shark?"

I smiled immediately I mean I wanted to get to talk more but I couldn't t even think of how to ask, without it sounding creepy. "I'd like that." I reached into my car with my card which had my work number. I grabbed a pen and scribbled it out. Instead with a blue pen I wrote my personal number.

"Just text me," I said handing her the card.

"Oh I will." Her feet moved in what seemed to be nerves? She placed the card in her hoodie pockets and just looked at me. I looked back at her with the same intensity. It was like my body couldn't just move or do anything but take her in.

Then Shark barked.

"I'll- I'll text you'" she said grabbing onto my small leash that was still attached to Shark. The smile she gave me was bright and big something pleasing to my eyes. She was just really fucking pretty.

She walked away from the car and towards her Dodge Challenger. I just got the chance to take in her all black big outfit. But it fit her perfectly.

"Good day innit Arlo."
Short intro, thoughts?? - b

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