One: On the Run(Again)

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Cliff POV:
I finally finished killing off the last one as I heard the Weeoo of the police.


I grabbed my knife off the ground as I ran toward the most crowded place in London, kings cross station. A police car door slammed behind me. I look back to see at least four policemen running after me with more police coming.

This is what I get for being wanted in almost every country.

I run through the glass doors and down to the train platforms. I push people out of the way.

"Get out of the way! A sociopath is in the building!" a cop yells from the top of the stairs.

Fuck! This is getting worse by the second.

I keep running until I reach a side wall. I hide behind a trash can and I lean against the wall. The wall that should be still gives way and I fall through. I quickly scramble to my feet ready to fight what ever sorcery this was. The police run by. They some how didn't see me even though I was in plain sight.

I look at the people behind me. They are dressed in robes and have long stick in their hands.

What is this place?

I stay pull out my knife from one of the many pockets in my cargo pants just in case someone jumps at me. I need to be ready. I walk down the platform while kids get on a big fancy train.

Why are they all leaving in the same outfit with the. The. The. Same everything!

While I am wondering about these folks in  front of me, I feel strong hands grab my wrist. I yell. Not from pain but from fight response my body felt. I start wiggling in their grasp. I black out a couple seconds later from the feeling of traveling at speeds I have never been at.

I wake a couple minutes later in a office space. OLD office space with a man with a white beard in front of me at the desk. The strong hands still held my wrists.

"Please drop the knife," the man tells me calmly. I don't drop it. I don't care what he wants from. I want out of here and more likely than not the person holding me was going to be hurt badly I'm the process. "No I will not drop it until this bastard holding me let's me GO!" I make another try at getting out of the persons grip.

"Snape, let go of the girl she has no where to go," the white haired guy says. Snape let's go of me and walks over to the other man. "I want to help you out Cliff."

I am stunned. How does he know my real name. I haven't heard it in years. "How do you know my name? And no I do not need help thank you very much." I was in no mood to let any one help me. I have been on my own for years. I don't need this old man or greasy hair guy to help me.

"Don't tense up. It won't do any good. My name is Dumbledore. I want to help you from the police. You have just enter the world of magic. Regular humans can't come here, so you are safe my dear. Please put the knife down, I don't want to cause trouble," the old man, Dumbledore says throwing up his hands to show he doesn't want trouble.

I don't want to trust him, but my subconscious tells me to put the knife back in its cargo pant pocket. I do.

"Snape please leave. McGonagall said she needed help with getting ready for students." Snape leave, but not before I quickly kick his shin. He scrunches his face in pain and leaves the room giving me a cold hard stare before leaving.

Jeez adults never can have fun.

"Cliff please sit down." I sit down in a grand red velvet chair. "I will accept you into Hogwarts under one condition." He pauses for effect.

"Well are you going to tell me or not?" I ask in irritation.

"The one condition is that you are not allowed to kill anyone under any circumstance. We have a couple options. I can have a trusted adult follow you around to make sure you follow the rules or I can have you hand or all of your weapons in your pocket. You can decide."

I needed to think. There was no way I wanted an adult figure following me around like a dog. I also didn't want to loose all of my "weapons". Weapons. Weapons. I subconsciously reach for one of the lowest pockets on my cargo pants. I search and around and AHA! I found the promise coins. "I have another option I would like to recommend." I put a gold promise coin with a black scrape down the middle in front of him. He looks up at me with a questioning look. "This is a gold promise coin. Once I make a promise, I make a new scratch on the coin."

"And if you break the promise..."

"I will have a horrible near death experience. I accidentally broke own and it turned out bad. I learned my lesson and will never break a promise with the coin."

"What if I die. What will happen then."

"The promise will be lifted and the scratch I make will refill."

Dumbledore sits for a moment pondering my offer.

Please take my offer. Please take it.

Dumbledore smiles. "I will trust you with this Cliff. Make the promise and do the scratch."

I make the promise to never kill any one under any circumstances. I then make a scratch in the coin and hand it to him. He smiles at me, "Cliff, I am going to need you to get sorted at the welcoming meal tonight. The other students should be arriving soon. Some of them might know that you are a...murder, so prepare for snarky comments and trouble."

I nodded my head. Dumbledore stands up. I do trying to be polite. He looks down at me and grabs my hand. I have to fight the urge to fight back at him. "Let's go down to the Great Hall the meal starts soon."

Word Count: 1055

Hope you guys like it. It will get more heated and smutty.
- Brell

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