Twenty: Love and Snow

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Of course they don't open the door. They don't care at all. They also probably don't think I'm serious.

I cock the gun and shoot the guy without looking. Tom and Mattheo stand in shock as I walk to the door and leave. Soon after I hear there steps coming, so I cock my pistol and point it at them as I walk to my next class. Potions.

Once we get there I shoot the bullet into the ceiling before entering.

"Don't mess with me." I mutter as I enter with Tom and Mattheo coming in behind me. I go to my usual seat beside Pansy. She gives me a what-the-fuck-just-happened look. I mouth I'll tell you later. She nods and class starts.

"Today you will be showing me your love potions. I will come to each table and you will tell me what you smell." the teacher bores on for a couple more minutes before we break into groups.

"Ok. Here we go. I got the potion ready." Pansy says lifting out a small glass potions tube from her satchel.

We talk for a couple of minutes until the professor comes over.

"Pansy, Willow, Cliff. Please tell me what you each smell."

Pansy went first. "I smell cologne, vanilla, and ink." She blushes as she realizes who it is.

Willow goes next. "I smell pine, coconut, and...and lavender." She gives a confused look, but slightly blushes.

I go last. "I smell..." I take a big whiff. Still nothing. "Nothing." I finally say.

"That's not possible." The professor says.

"I smell nothing. I'm sure."

"Smell again."

I sniff it again. This time I smell a faint scent. Very. Very. Faint. I just can't think of what it is. "I still smell mostly nothing, but there is a very faint scent. I just can't smell what it is."

The professor huffs. "Fine. Full marks, girls."

We high five as he leaves the table.

"Ok sooo. Pansy. Willow. Who did you smell?"

"I smelled my crush. Blaise Zabini." Pansy whispers.

"I smelled my best friend. Not saying that you guys aren't, but he's been my best friend for like for ever. Cedric Diggory." Willow smiles and slightly blushes.

"Someone's got a crush. Someone's got a crush." sings Pansy.

"Shut it!" Willow says pushing Pansy.

"Ok. Quiet. I'll let you all leave early to today due to the long project..." he never finished. Everyone ran out of the room.
I crawl into bed that night. I am tired. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out cold.

I slowly wake up in a hospital room.

Crap. Another vision. I haven't had one in forever.

I look around the room. I see my father and mother. My mother was on the hospital bed. Her stomach was huge. A nurse comes in.

"Ready to get this baby out?" the nurse asks.

Wait. Baby! Your fucking kidding me. Almost a year after I was born their having another one. Oh my fucking god.

"Yes. Please." My mom whispers.

Pathetic. She's so weak at the moment.

My body floats out of the room while they have the baby. I'm so glad. I was not going to see that. My body floats back in not long after. I see a baby in my moms arms. A baby boy it looks like. Both parents are crying. Happy tears.

My own parents. My own parents hating me for being a girl and leaving me, but so happy to have a boy. I hate them so much. So much. SO MUCH.

I try to punch the wall, but I fall through into another place. My parents bed room. The baby is in a crib taking a peaceful nap as my parents watch him. They have smiles on their faces.

I feel myself beginning to move in circles. Small memories of the baby boy growing up swirl around me. It feels so weird. I want to throw up. I am getting so dizzy. Then it stops. I am in a huge mansion. The boy is older now in his teen years. He is telling something to a tv interviewer.

"Yes. I have bought this new mansion. I have always wanted to upgrade my parents place, so with all of the money I have been earning, I bought this vacant mansion and fixed it up."

What. The. Actual. Fuck. This guy is famous for good reasons and bought this. THIS. At age I don't know. 15? HOW!!

They keep going on and on. I listen to every horrible word this boy, Cam says. It's horrific.

Everything starts to slowly turn black. I wake up a couple seconds later, sweaty and breathing hard. I feel like I ran a marathon. I get out of bed and grab some sweat pants and matching sweat shirt. I have no energy to pick out an actual outfit.
The time between the start of the year and winter break went fast. I have good grades in all my classes so far. I might also have become best friends with Pansy and Willow. I still got into fights with Tom and Mattheo and Draco. Might have also been more than one hospital visit. The last day before break was rumored to have a party in the slytherin common room.

I woke ready for a fun day of no classes. There was going to be a snowball fight on the quidditch pitch, so I got dressed in warm clothes. Some nice thermal leggings, a puffy sweater, and puffy socks. I put on some snow boots, mittens, winter coat, and a hat.

I opened the doors to outside and the cold wind bit at my nose. Bbbbrrrr. It was cold. The quidditch pitch was already full of kids. We were going to do boys verse girls just for the fun of it.

"Ok. Everyone! Boys go over to the left side and girls on the right side. We are playing this like dodgeball for the first round. The center line is right here. No crossing it. You will have 5 minutes to make any barriers you want before the whistle sounds to start. If you get hit go to the changing rooms to show you are out. Time for building starts...NOW"
Word Count: 1049

I know I did some time skips. I didn't exactly know what to put in, so I wanted to skip a little time. I have started a new story if you want to check it out. It's called: Years of Curse. Hope you like this book so far. Happy reading!!
- Brell

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