Nine: Thorns and Trees

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"We don't want trouble. If you cooperate with us there will be no hurting." Tom says while turning my head to face him.

I whipped my head out of his grip. "Get off of me."

"Ooh Tom, we have a fighter on our hands."

I rolled my eyes. Under the bench, I unclip my star studs. Mattheo must have realized because he nods at Tom to move his legs out of my reach.

Damn it. I really am stuck.

"Now, sociopath, you will listen to us."

"I am not listening to you, no matter what."

His hand dug in deeper. His nails were going right into one of my noticeable veins. I clench my jaw in pain.

His nails were sharp!

"Mattheo, let's let go. She has no where to go anyways."

He was right. I was in a secluded corner. Thorn bushes created a circle around the bench I sat on. The only way out was a small foot path.

Mattheo let go after giving it some thought. They both went and stood between me and one of the only ways out.

I look around. If I stood on top of the bench, I could probably jump over the bush and out of here.

"If you think your getting out, we have magic to stop you, sociopath." Mattheo says, smirking at me.

"I also have something," I say, standing up on the bench.

"Oh really?"

Next thing I know I am on the ground. The crucio curse on me again. I felt the knifes and fire. A new familiar feeling. The pain numbed almost immediately.

"I had a feeling you were going to jump. Clever mind you have." Tom says, coming over the bench and putting his wand under my neck, so I could look at him.

"Tom, she won't show the pain."

"Your right." I whisper, my throat feeling like it was tightening. I slowly move my head away from the stare of Tom.

"Hmm. High pain tolerance. Am I right?" Tom says. The biggest smirk creeping on to his face.

I knew I was supposed to respond, but my throat was too on fire and tight for me to say anything.

"Answer me, bitch."

"Y-e-s" I said in between each gulp of air.

I hated this. I wasn't in control of the situation. I was the weak one on the ground.

After about three more excruciating minutes of Tom and Mattheo saying how pathetic I was and looked and the crucio curse, Tom lifted the spell. I sighed in relief and stood up. I fell right back down light headed.

"Aww is the poor baby girl hurt?" Mattheo taunts. He gives a fake apologetical face.

I death stared him. I slowly stood up. "No I am not hurt dick head."

"Oh really there's a cut under your neck." Feel under my neck. I feel a even bigger cut than before from what Mattheo did.

I stood on the bench again. "Fuck you Riddles" I flip them off as I jump over the thorn bushes. I land on my feet, but stumble forward and end up doing a barrel roll. I get up and sprint. I don't exactly know where, but I sprint. I see a forest. I go right in and scramble up a tree to hide from them.

Ok that kinda sounds pathetic, but I don't want to see those Riddles again.

"Looks like someone's in my tree."

I look down to see Malfoy with his two little minions, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Leave me the fuck alone." I say through slightly gritted teeth.

"Ooh someone's feisty."

"I'm not in the mood Malfoy. Now shove off." I bend down and buckle my beaten up star spuds back into place.

"Nope. I'm coming up. Crabbe. Goyle. Stay down here in case, she causes a ruckus."

"You and the dick head Riddles cause them. Not me" I mutter.

"Ooh someone woke up on the wrong side of bed."

He comes up and sits next to me. I move into the tree trunk, so we aren't touching. He moves closer and touches my neck, right where the bleeding cut was. I smack his hand away and move over to the other side of the tree.

"Leave me alone." I growl at him.

"No this is my spot and nobody else's. If you want to be an ass than don't leave." Malfoy snaps back.

"Fine, I'll leave." I mutter, not before I go over and push him off the tree.

He screams and falls right into Goyle's waiting arms.

I snicker and swing down. Blood dripping down my white shirt from Malfoy pushing on my almost closed cut.

"You'll pay for this mudblood." He snarls, stalking toward me.

"Oh really, then you have to catch me first."

I dash toward Hogwarts. I open the door, run down the empty hallways, and to the Slytherin common room. I, then, race to my room and slam the door. Seconds later, I hear footsteps and then banging on my door.


"Hmm, how"

"I don't want to have to break down the door!"

"Have you heard of privacy! LEAVE ME ALONE!" God! Boys are such creeps.

Slide down the door and onto the ground.

Why does life have to be so complicated? Why do I have to be in the center of most problems? Why boys seem to take interest in me when they know I don't want to be with them?

I close my eyes, trying to destress. The image comes back. This time it is after my so called parents left. I see them go down the stairs. My floating body follows them. They run out the back to a red Mercedes. I jump in back. They drive away. I notice the city around me. The skyline looked so pretty in the setting sun. The big Hollywood sign shining on the hill. This is where I was born. Hollywood. Also, the first place I committed a crime. My parents kept driving and driving. It got dark and dark until everything went black.

I opened my eyes. I was on my floor. Right near my door. My door was open.

"Your awake. I was wondering when you would."
Word Count: 1041

I think that I am going to make Draco start becoming nicer around Cliff and just Cliff. It only will be in private though. He is going to be part of the reason Cliff becomes softer.
- Brell

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