Twenty Two: Dresses

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A hand wraps around my neck.

"I swear if you don't get off my Riddle." I growl.

His hand tightens, making it harder to breath.

"Get out of my seat." he growls in my ear.

"Shouldn't I be allowed to sit here? We girls just won."

"Just because you win doesn't mean anything."

His hand keeps tightening. Fuck. I'm going to have some marks from his rings.

Now people are staring. Just a couple of Slytherins, but still.

"Are you going to get up?" he snarls in my ear. He tightens his grip even farther.

At this point I can't breath at all. I try to say something, but nothing comes out. I am losing time and my vision is blurring.

"Answer me, bitch."

I do the last thing I can think of. I sign help. I have never had a need to do it, but I can't talk.

I sign it a couple more times. I am slowly start to go in and out of consciousness. Finally someone notices and comes over. I can't tell who it is because of my horrible vision at the moment.

"Get your hands off of her." a stern voice says. It's Ginny.

How the hell did she see me signing help from the other side of the room. It doesn't exactly matter though. I just need help and soon.

"Or what weasel?" Tom challenges.

Ginny POV:
"Or what weasel?" Tom challenges.

I chuckle before I punch him in the face. He stumbles back, letting go of Cliff's neck. She gasps for air and slowly starts to take into account of her surroundings.

"What the fuck!" Tom growls as he stalks over to me.

I stand my ground. After the little thing he did in first year, I can't let him get the best of me.

He comes and goes to hit me with a punch, but Cliff gets up and stands in the way. The punch hits her square in the nose and I hear a small crack. She doesn't flinch or anything as she punches Tom in the nose.

Wow. Ok. Ok.

I slowly back away, realizing I'm not needed anymore.

Cliff POV:
I punch him straight in the nose. He stumbles back, but comes right back at me. I quickly dodge an upper cut of his. I then run out of the great hall and to the slytherin common room.

Fuck! My ankle is throbbing. Shit! What if I broke something?

I push my worries away as I gobble up the stairs and into my dorm. I look at the clock as I lay down in bed. It's 1:54. Couple hours and I should probably start to get ready for the party. I accio an ice pack and elevate my swelling ankle.

I grab my pocket knife off my side table and start trying to do some tricks with it.

I know it's dangerous, but that's the thrill. The thought of maybe cutting off or slicing a finger is so fun to think about. After about twenty minutes of doing tricks, I take off the ice pack and lay down for some rest.

"Cliff! Wake up!" I hear a voice coo from in front of me.

"Oh, fuck off!" I groan as I flip over.

"Girl! We have the party in like three hours. Get your ass up!" the voice says as they pull off my covers.

I groan as I flutter my eyes open to see Pansy and Willow.

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