29: Mirrors and Blood

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Draco POV:
We had sent my father and another deatheater to get Cliff. It's been over three hours and they haven't come back.

"Mattheo, Tom, Draco! Get down here! We have some news to discuss." Voldemort yells.

We quickly leave Toms room and head down stairs.

"What is it father?" Tom asks.

"It turns out that both deatheaters we sent are dead." Voldemort lays out flatly. Gasps fill the room. Many start to comfort me and my mom.

We look at each other. We don't cry. My father was horrible to both of us. He beat us. He yelled at us. He never acted out of love. There never was.

"SILENCE!" Voldemort roars. I flinch as everything goes quiet.

"We will have to think of another attack. We will strike in the next week. Kids go up stairs." he points out the door. We quickly walk back to Toms room.

"You good Draco?" Mattheo asks.

"Yeah. I hated him anyways." I say.

We talk until nightfall.

Cliff POV:
Ok. That Bravo meal was so fucking good. I'm completely stuffed and feel like I might gain a pound or two. Oh well.

Ok. I'm not safe here in London. I should go back to Hogwarts. Nah. That's not fun. Maybe I should go somewhere else.

It's night now. What the fuck should I do?

I'll sleep and figure it out in the morning.

My eyes flutter open. I am in a dark room. I look over to see...Cam?!

"How the fuck are you here?" I ask.

Cam shakes out of a trance. "Oh. Uh. Mom and dad might have caught me."

I stand up. He's changed to the ground by his hands. There's a small window...No. He can't fit through that and neither can I. Guess it's through the front door again.

I walk through the wall and out into the hall. Aah. There's a guard. I grab his pistol and keys. Some how I can pick stuff up, but not use doors and go through walls. Honestly this is weird.

"I've got the keys. I'll unlock you. Then, we can head out." I say as I flip the guards gun in my hand.

Cam's eyes bug out. "How did you-"

"Don't ask. I got my ways." I walk over and unlock his cuffs. He stands up and walks toward the door. "It's unlocked."

He nods and opens the door.

BRO! What the fuck are you doing?!! That's a horrible idea. God he's so dumb.

I run forward and shot the guard before he can get his disgusting hands on Cam. We run out of the dungeon and into the huge living room. We run out the front door. I turn around and shoot a couple of the guards coming down the stairs. I hear a scream. I turn around to see two big guards holding onto my younger brother.

Younger bro? Young bro? My bro? Nah. I'll stick to Cam.

I shoot them both. I grab more bullets from their pockets as Cam runs toward his car. I float behind him. Kinda glad I don't need to run. He gets in and I float on the roof. Cam burns rubber as we quickly leave his house.

Ten minutes later I see huge guards from hi-our parents house. I shoot three car tires and the guards swerve of the road. He keeps the car steady as we drive into the night.

Everything goes black.

I shake awake in my bed. Jackie on top of me. She is pinning me down with her legs as she licks my forehead.

God. What the fuck is wrong with my head?

I get up and walk to the bathroom. I push cold water onto my face. I look into the mirror.


The mirror doesn't look right. I'm being watched. I turn around in circles. No ones there.

Am I going crazy? Paranoid?

Jackie comes into the room. She must have realized how anxious I am getting. I snap my fingers. "Search."

Jackie gets low to the ground and starts sniffing. She searches for only a couple seconds before barking at the mirror.

I'm not going crazy. Or we're both crazy.

I go back to my room and grab my baseball bat. Is wing it around as I enter. "Out." Jackie leaves. "Who ever the fuck is watching through the mirror. I hope you go to hell you fucking bastards."

I sign the bat and the whole mirror goes shattering. Mirror shards fly everywhere. Tons go into my skin and cut my clothes.

Shit. That was a bad idea. Oh well. I'll clean it up.

Knock. Knock.

Who the fuck could be at my door?

I whip the door open. "What the fuck do you want. I'm busy." I turn my face to the person in front of me. My eyes immediately bug out.

"What the fuck happened to you?"

Tom POV:
I watched as Cliff came into her bathroom stressed.


She washes water onto herself and then stares straight at me.


She tells her dog to do some shit for her. Cliff leaves the room and comes back in with a bat.

Don't. You. Dare.

"Who ever the fuck is watching through the mirror. I hope you go to hell you fucking bastards." she swings the bat.

My screen turns into multiple pieces as the mirror she just broke flies everywhere. Most screens turn off immediately from disconnection, but a couple still stay on the line. The couple that do had to be completely red. Wait. Hold the fuck up. That's blood. These two pieces that stayed connected are in her.

I gag and disconnect them. I'm not disgusted by blood. Usually. But that was something I probably shouldn't have seen.

Mattheo POV:
"What the fuck happened to you?" I ask through Cliffs doorway. She was cut and scraped in multiple areas. Most where bleeding. And most had something shiny sticking out of them. She looked kinda hot though in her baggy shorts and crop top, blood and everything.

Do I have a blood kink? Like honestly.

"Just smashed a mirror. No biggie." She waves her hand. Her eyes unfocus. She comes back to reality a couple seconds later when her dumb dog starts growling at me.

"Hey. No." Her dog bows her head and sits down. "Why are you here?"

"Because-" before I could get out the rest Cliff collapses to the floor.



Word Count: 1076

I know I haven't posted in a while. I finally found the motivation to make another one. I'm thinking at 70 or 80 chapters. Anyways. My posting schedule is going to be messed up. I'll post at least once a week if possible. My soccer and school is taking up all my time. Anyways that's it! :)
- Brell

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