Twenty Four: Slytherin Party

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Cliff POV:
After getting a refill of my champagne, I walk over to the dance floor. I don't dance much, but I like the energy of it. I also have less of a chance of being notice because of all the people.

Pansy and Willow find me a couple songs later in the middle of the dance floor.

"Hey girl! Here. I got you some fire whiskey." Pansy hands me a bottle of whatever this fire whiskey is.

I take a quick gulp. Shit! This is definitely spicy. My throat starts to burn. I like it. The tiny tingling pain almost addictive. Almost.

A couple boys behind us must have noticed my little tingle from the feeling because they both start to yell chug. More and more join in the chant.

Ugh. This is to much attention.

I turn around in circles. A circle has been formed around me. I make eye contact with Mattheo. I smirk. I take the bottle of fire whiskey and down it. I lift my head back up and look at Mattheo's somewhat surprised look. I smirk as I put the bottle down on an empty table and continue my night.

"Damn girl! That was so HOT!" Pansy says as I walk back over.

"Ya. I saw at least three or four boys that seemed to have started to take an interest in you." Willow adds in.

I chuckle as I feel my checks start to flush. Me, Pansy, and Willow dance around for a hour, until Draco yells at us to come over to where he is sitting. We shrug and walk over. Both Riddles, Blaise, Astoria, Pucey, and a couple other people are sitting on the couches.

"What is it?" I ask as I pop open a bottle of fire whiskey.

"Haven't you drinked enough?" Astoria asks.

I chuckle. "Greengrass. I'd like you to know that this thing called alcohol doesn't affect me that badly. I'm fine."

"Dray. Why'd you call us over?" Pansy asks as she sits down on Blaise's lap.

"We wanted to do a little truth or dare. We wanted more people though." he looks at us and continues with the rules. "We'll spin an empty bottle to see who will go. If you want to skip, you'll drink."

"Sounds fair enough. I'll start." I say as I spin the bottle. It lands on Pucey.


"Go and flirt with a girl at the bar." I smirk. Pucey is dating Astoria. This will be interesting.

"Alright." he sets Astoria next to him and walks over the bar. He sits next to a girl and she starts to giggle. Next thing you know, he takes the girl and sits her down in his lap. I signal over to him that he can stop. He does and comes back over. Astoria seemed pretty pissed.

Pucey spins the bottle and it lands on Pansy.


Tom spins the bottle and it lands on me.

"Dare." I say, smirking a little. I finish the bottle of fire whiskey.

"Ok. You have to go back to your dorm with Mattheo." Tom smirks.

I roll my eyes. "Fine" I huff.

Mattheo and I get up and walk up to my room. Once we get inside, Mattheo slams the door and locks its.

"What the fuck! Unlock the door." I demand. I walk toward the door.

Mattheo pushes me back. "Sweetie, Tom said we had to go to your dorm. We might as well stay."

He keeps his hand pushed to my chest. He uses his force and pushes me until I hit the front of my bed and have to fold over to get away from his grip. He then puts his hands on either side of me, giving me a lesser chance of escaping.

"W-what are you doing?" I stammer. My mind is going a mile a minute. I know it's cliche, but it is feels that way.

"Scared are you, baby girl?" Mattheo whispers in my ear.

Fuck! He knows what he's doing and it's working.

"No. I'm not scared." I whisper back, keeping my face emotionless.

"Is that so, darling." he slides his hand to my exposed back and lightly brushes up and down my spine.

My breathing falters. My back arches at the slight touch.

"Pathetic." I hear Mattheo say under his breath. I give a death stare which he seems to ignore. He lowers down until our lips are almost touching. His breath heavy on my face. We both just stare into each other eyes. I finally break it by grabbing his head and bringing him down the last few inches. Our lips moving in perfect time together. It felt so good. I never did this before, but it felt to good to stop. Maybe the alcohol is affecting me...

Mattheo stops kissing me and stands up a bit, breathing hard. "God. Your a fucking good kisser." He goes back down to my lips, but swerves are the last second to my jawline. He starts kissing around my jawline and onto my neck. I let out a breathy moan as he kisses below my ear on my neck. Right near the corner of my jaw. My weak spot.

Mattheo must have noticed because he starts sucking on it. I breathing becomes even more unsteady if that's even possible.

"You like that. Don't you, mi amor?" he whispers in my ear as he wraps his hand in my ponytail. He then uses his grip on my hair to pull my head over to look at the mark he made.

I get tired of him just staring at the hickey made, so I flip us over. I get on top of him. Straddling him as I lower toward his face. I smirk at the anger in his eyes. I then go down to his exposed collarbone and suck on it. He groans which only makes me suck harder. This going to definitely leave a mark. I sit up and stare down at the hickey I made.

He starts chuckling and then next thing I know I'm on the bottom and Mattheo is on top.
Word Count: 1021

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