Twenty One: Snowball Fight

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Time for building starts...NOW"

All the girls start running all around.

"HEY!" I yell. They all stop short. "Come here. Strategy then build."

I nod them all to come over. They do and we circle up.

"Ok. Let's start by making a couple small walls on the corners right by the line and then we will build to more toward the back. With most of the other snow we will back snowballs. Ok?"

They all nod and we get to building. On each own I build up a small platform for people to stand and shoot down on people. Five minutes later, we are ready to start.

The whistle blows. All of the boys and some girls  start to fire.

"GIRLS hold fire!" I yell. If the boys stop throwing and more making them they will be easier to throw at.

Most of the girls listen and stop throwing. The boys start to run out of snowballs.

"NOW!" I shout. We start firing on the boys. The boys start to panic. They go and hide behind there barriers to get a breath. We are probably about 10 minutes in. A third of the girls are out. Not that I'm surprised. Most aren't athletic and only came for the boys. Only a fourth of the boys are out after our attack.

Everyone's taking a small break. I take this moment to sneak to the front line and stand in the open. The girls gasp as the boys realize what is happening. I smirk. I bend down as if I am making a snowball. Then, all of the boys start to throw snowballs. They come in the open and start to throw. All the girls, that are still left, throw snowballs at the boys. I dodge the icy snowballs. Running from police does come in handy. I dodge snowball left and right as I move toward the left side of the playing field and to border line barrier. We got at least another 10 boys out and a couple girls get out during the attack.

It's down to around 10-20 boys and 10-15 girls.

Ok shit.

I make some more snowballs behind the far back barriers while the dodgeball game rains on. When I finish, I stand up to 10-15 boys left and 2 other girls on our side.


I grab my snowballs and creep up onto a small balcony. I throw out 5 boys. They all sulk over to the benches. The other boys where behind barriers, probably making snowballs. One guy creeps out and a ginger haired girl on the ground hits him out.

Yes! Mental note to ask who she is after the game. This ginger haired girl has been doing really well.

Now that I can count the numbers better without the threat of getting hit, I count 7 boys against 3 girls. Ok. We can do this.

I grab a couple more snowballs and shoot them at two different boys. The one hits him straight in the stomach, while the other snowball just passes his right hand in mid throw. Fuck! His snowball goes flying at the third girl on the ground. She falls down as the snowball hits her in the chest. Dramatic much. The ginger girl takes the opportunity and hits him out. Ok. 6 against 2.

The boys are so sure they are going to win, that they start making careless mistakes. Two boys walk right into the open. I hit the one square in the gut and the ginger girl hits the other one in the right leg. Now it's 4 to 2. Easier than it was earlier.

"Hey. Cliff come down. They don't exactly have anywhere to go." the ginger girl chuckles.

I chuckle to as I stalk over to where she is. I first take a detour and hit a boy hiding behind a poorly built barrier. 3 to 2. I get behind the barrier.

"Hey. What's your name by chance. Your really good." I whisper.

"Oh. Um." She blushes. "I'm Ginny...Weasley."

"Got it. Anyways let's destroy these boys." I say before running out from behind the barrier, just barely missing a snowball.

I turn around and throw a no-looker at the boy. I fully turn around. Ha! I just hit out Tom motherfucking Riddle.

"DUCK!" Ginny yells. I duck just in time to see a snowball fly over my head into the barrier behind me. I look over to see who threw it. Mattheo. Mattheo fucking Riddle.

"Thanks." I breath. I make my way to the barrier behind me. "You go for the blonde guy over there. I'm going for Riddle."

She nods as she runs back to where I am. We grab four snowballs and stand up. 2 against 2. Fight us. The blonde one jumps out and throw a snowball right at us we both duck. Ginny throws a snowball in the direction he is running. It hits his foot as he's running. YES!! Yes! 1 against 2. Fight us.

I jump down from the barrier. Ouch! I just sprained my ankle. Fuck! I stumble forwards. Mattheo must have noticed because he comes stalking over and throws a fastball at me. I jump up and over the snowball. It hits the ground right under me. I jump right onto it. Mattheo's face goes up in shock as he runs back to grab more snowballs. OW! My ankle is really hurting. I limp forward and launch a snowball at Mattheo. It hits him in the side as he goes to turn around the barrier.

Yes. Yes! YES!! I did it. We did it. The girls won.

I crumple to the ground in exhaustion. My ankle pounding. It felt like my heart was in my ankle instead of my chest. The girls pick me and Ginny up in celebration.

By now it's lunch time. We all head in for a big lunch. I limp inside and to the Slytherin table. I grab a turkey leg and salad off the center of the table as I sit down in Tom's usual spot.

"What do you think your doing?" a stern voice comes from behind me. A hand wraps around my neck.
Word Count: 1037

Hope you like it. I did take down the Willow story because I wasn't exactly into it. If I find inspo. to keep writing it. I will publish the story again. Anyways...I am final done with vacation, so more posting!
- Brell

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