Seven: I Can't Escape You

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"Early I see."

I look up the astronomy tower stairs to see Willow.


"Why do you sound uncertain Cliff?"

"No reason." I wasn't in a good mood today. Everything felt off.

"O-ok. How bout you co-come up."

I nod and walk up. Why is she so...scared or afraid of me? Maybe she has a stutter but still it's weird.

20 long minutes later...class finally starts.

"Ok class. Today, we will be starting by..." the professor went on.

I looked around. I saw Willow, Tom, Draco, and Mattheo, Blaise, and Pansy in this class. There was a boy with thin rim glasses, a brown curly haired girl, and a ginger boy. There were others of course. I sat in a seat near the back of the classroom.

"We now will get our seats for the rest of the year. No complaints please. We will be sitting at tables of 4. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville at table one..." She went on for about four tables more before reaching the last table. "And finally, Cliff, Mattheo, Tom, and Willow."

Nice. Just great. I get to sit next the one that makes me softer and the two dickhead Riddle brothers.

I sit down next to Tom and across from Mattheo. Willow was diagonal from me.

"Today we will start by studying these ancient and new maps of the starts." The professor hands out maps to each table.

Great I actually have to interact with these people.

Tom and Willow each grabbed a map to start examining.

"Hey I can't see a thing, Hufflepuff. Give it." Mattheo rips the ancient map from her hand.

"No one talks to Willow like that," I growl, "Give it back to her before I rip your face off." I slowly start reaching for my pockets.

"Fine. Fine. No need to get hard." Mattheo gives me a look of pure evil even though his words didn't say it. He through his hands up.

"You know what. Let's switch seats it would me it easier."

"No can do darling. This is where she told us to seat."

"You dickhead." I mutter under my breath.

Tom was definitely paying close attention and placed a hand on my thigh, throwing me off.

I stared down at his ring covered hand. He had one ring that extend his whole finger. It almost looked like a robotic finger. He also had a couple rings connected by chains. A snake ring with blood red ruby eyes, a dark green emerald ring, two detailed band ring, and lastly one ring with an actual diamond and gold decorated his fingers as well. His veins popping out in his hand. He squeezes my thigh and whispers, "You like what you see darling?"

I snap out of my daze and smack his hand away. I give him a death stare before returning to the maps.

What the fuck is wrong with him. Was he even paying attention this morning. Pucey had to yell out that I was a sociopath. I know he was in the their when he yelled it. God. If only I was allowed to kill him.

After around ten minutes, I lean toward Tom. "You heard what Pucey said this morning. I don't do touchy feely."

"Oh is that right?"

"Y-yeah. Cliff is wa-wanted I man-ny places," Willow shuttered. She seemed uncomfortable.

"Is that so?" Mattheo butts in.

I don't answer and keep "working" and "studying". The bell for next period rings ten minutes later. I get up and rush down the stairs of the astronomy tower.

I don't have another class until 1 hour before lunch, so I go outside into the courtyard. People were gathering around. I was never the drama type person, but I wanted to see why everyone was crowded around...Adrian fucking Pucey and another brown haired girl.

"Ahh there's the sociopath." Pucey says, giving me welcoming arms.

"Shut it Pucey."

"Don't you dare talk to Adrien like that!" the brown haired girl says.

"Astoria, baby, don't get yourself hurt."

Astoria that's her name. "Oh I won't hurt her. I wasn't think of doing anything." I look around the crowd. "I don't want to start a fuss, so I don't anyone of you starting a rumor about what he told you. Ok? And if you do. I will track you down."

I look one more time over the crowd before leaving. That Astoria girls voice is so scratchy and high pitched. It made my head hurt.

I walk back to my dorm. As soon as I open the common room door, I see Pansy open her mouth. "No, don't ask me anything. Just please tell Astoria to get a voice tune up."

She nods her head before talking. "I just wanted to know if. We could. I don't know. Talk. Hang out. I can tell we are kinda similar and besides we both don't like Astoria."

I nod my head, "Sure. It couldn't hurt. Just come up to my dorm."

Pansy gets up and follows me up stairs and into my dorm.

"Your lucky."

I closed the door and turn around surprised, "Why?"

"You have a big dorm that is usually for rich pureblood families. You also don't have to wear the full uniform."

"I guess your right"

We kept talking for an hour. Exchanging stories, a tiny bit of gossip, boys, girls, couples, and school. You know, usual conversation. We became kinda close. Pansy not as bad as I thought.

We left the slytherin common room and head to potions. Pansy and I walked into the potions class. I saw Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, Draco, Willow, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Astoria, Adrien, and...the Riddle brothers. God! I can't escape them. They're everywhere.

"Welcome to your sixth year of potions. We are going to be starting a project right away about amortentia. Anybody know what it is?"

Hermione raised her hand.

"Yes granger"

"Amortentia is a love potion. Who ever smells it will smell what attracts them."

"Good job Ms. Granger. Ten points to Gryffindor."

The professor looks around the room.

"We need a demonstrator."

The professor looks eyes with me.

"How about Cliff. Come up and tell us what you smell."
Word Count: 1038

I know Cliff doesn't exactly have a last name. She never really knew it. Same with the doctors. I didn't exactly know what to put in this chapter, but I know what is coming up so stay tuned!

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