Nineteen: Pistol to The Head

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"Nice place to stop for a rest, aye?"

Fuck. Damn it. Shit.

I sit up fast. There they are, not even a yard away are Tom and Mattheo fucking Riddle.

"You have some strong guts Willow, trying to stand up to us." Tom snorts. "Same for you, Cliff."

Willow stands up and grabs my arm. Her breathing is getting heavier again. I clench my fist and crack my neck, trying to hold back myself from attacking them both.

"Yeah. I do because I am fed up with your bullshit. You've done this for six years now. I'm tired of it!"

Wait. They've been doing this for six years. Oh I pissed off.

I rip my hand out of Willow's grip and lunge at the boys. I knock both of them down. I put one leg on each of them to secure them down as I punch them both with my bare fists. With both their strength, they end up pushing me off. I go tumbling backwards and knock over Willow. We both fall to the ground.

Tom and Mattheo stalk over and stand over us. Mattheo over me and Tom over Willow. I try to back up, but Mattheo squeezes my sides with his legs. Tom does the same just to make sure Willow doesn't get away.

"Now what should we do, Tom?" Mattheo asks, crossing his arms and smirking down at me.

"Hmm...I don't know brother. How bout we take them to the chamber?" Tom grabs Willow's hand, forcing her to stand up. She tumbled forward into Tom's chest. "No need to fall for me darling."

"I'm not your darling." Willow growls before punching him in the face. He stumbles back in shock.

That little diversion was enough, I swing my legs into Mattheo's knees. He falls forward as I dash forward to avoid being hit with Mattheo's falling body.

I then run to Willow. Grabbing her arm, I throw her onto my back. I race out of there with her on my back. At the entrance to the quidditch pitch, I grab my gun from my pocket and shot two warning shots right past each one of there heads.

"Next time it will be the head." I yell before running back to the castle with Willow bouncing on my back.

Mattheo POV:
"Next time it will be to the head." Cliff yells before running toward the castle.

I go to run after them, but Tom grabs my arm. I turn around confused.

"That was a gun right?" Tom asks. He's not the best with muggle stuff, but I have learned somethings.

"Yeah. That's a gun. Most likely a pistol." I shrug.


"What are you think?"

"If we got her gun, then we could force her to do stuff with the threat of getting shot."

"Good idea. We could force Willow into telling us where it is because she would probably know. It will be easy because her guys won't last long."

"Yes. Then, we could steal it during classes."

"Ok, then let's find Willow."

Tom and I walk back to the castle. We find Willow shortly after going to the Hufflepuff common room.

"Oi Willow." I say.

She turns around. Her eyes show fear as Tom and I head over.

"What do you want." she demands.

Ooh. Still has some grudge to her. Not going to last long.

"We have a question to ask...that might come with consequences if you don't answer." Tom says raising his eyebrows.

"O-oh. What is it?"

Hm. She's already crumbling. Pathetic.

"Where does Cliff store her pistol?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"I don't know. She dropped me off at the great hall because she was hungry. Now I'm am here. If anything probably her pocket."

"Oh really."

"Yeah. Now, bye." She opens the door to the common room and slams it behind her.

Great. Just great.

Cliff POV:
"See ya." Willow adds as she leaves the great hall.

I salute as I get to munching on some food before my next class. Potions. I didn't eat much in a couple of days, so now I'm am starving. I grab two waffles and scarf them up. I walk out, but am stopped by someone chest. I look up to see Mattheo smirking.

"Aah. How are you, baby girl?" Mattheo coos in my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist.

I stiffen. It takes me a few seconds to figure out what he is doing. Once I realize what's happening, I push him off of me.

His hand. It had my. My. MY. PISTOL??! Fuck!

I lunge at him to grab it, but Tom pushes me backwards before I can get to Mattheo's hand. Mattheo cocks the gun and points it at me. The other people in the great hall(which is not much) gasp. My hands shoot up out of instinct.

"Now Cliff, come with us." Tom says in a low voice, so only me and Mattheo here.

I gulp and follow them. As soon as we're outside the hall, Tom grabs my wrists behind my back. Mattheo still has the gun pointed at my head. My breath starts to get heavy and faster as we keep walking down the empty halls.

Ok. Calm down. You've been thru this before.

I stare blankly in front of me as we walk toward the room of requirements. Mattheo opens the door and we walk in. There's one other body in the room. Someone in all black. A deatheaters.

"Aah. Is this the girl?" The raspy voice says, taking off its hood.

"Yes." Tom blankly say letting go of my hands and pushing me in front of the raspy voice deatheater.

Big mistake.

I grab the deatheater by the shoulders and whip him in front of me as Mattheo goes to shoot me. The bullet goes just above the deatheater's head.

"Cliff. Get over here now before I shoot. You. Dead." Mattheo growls.

I chuckle. "I know there only one bullet left. You used it. There will be no death because there nothing left."

Mattheo cocks the gun, pulls the trigger, and nothing comes out. I push the deatheater out of the way as I run toward Mattheo to take the gun. His reaction time was on the slower side right now. I grabbed it from right before he pulled his arm back. I take an extra couple of bullets from my pocket and pop them in. I turn around and point the gun at the deatheater.

"Now, Riddles." I growl. "Open the door and this dipshit won't be shot."
Word Count: 1100

Hey! My new story Strong but Broken is just starting. If you want to check out it out, it's kinda this story, but through Willow's perspective most of the time. Ik I switch povs in this story, but I will never flip to Willow's and same goes for the new story but the flip side. I'm still on vacation, so I will be posting less.
- Brell

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