Five: A New Feeling

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"Need any help?"

I whip around to see a cute girl with very curly blonde hair. "Maybe. Do you know where the books on family history are?"

"Those are in the restricted section. We can't get those without permission."

"Oh I'll get permission."

I walk up to the front desk. "Excuse me. I want permission into the restricted section."

The librarian looks up at me. "I can only grant it to certain people. I am sorry but you are not worthy enough to go back there."

"I think I am pretty worthy enough. Would it make you feel better if this little girl came along with me."

"The names Willow." the curly blonde hair girl says.

The librarian huffs. "Sure...What's your name miss?" She looks at me.

"The name is Cliff. I would think you would have known from the welcome thing in the great hall?"

"Oh yes yes. You can go in the restricted section as you please. Keep this pass with you, so that people know you are allowed in there. Oh. Here's one for you too Willow."

I smirk and nod my head. Willow says a nice thank you. Then we are off to the restricted section.

"Your Cliff?"

"Yes. I am."

"Your the-the sociopath that's w-wanted around the world?"

"Yes. I am." I turn around to see her visibly scared. "Oh don't worry. I won't kill you. You are part of the reason I am allowed in here, so there's no reason for harming you." Willow loosens up a bit. " seem to know the library like the back of your hand. Where are the family history books?"

"Right here." She points to the lowest shelf. The covers of each family perfectly designed with their coat of arms. There's the house of black, but I am looking for one in particular. Riddle. Where is it. I find it over 20 books later. The cover a dark green with gold trim. The book to the left is Malfoy. I grab that one too. "Okay I think I am good. Check out?"

"Restricted section books aren't allowed out of the library...but I think you might be able to smuggle them out or get permission because of the authority you hold."

"Very crafty for a Hufflepuff. Am I right?...I'll take the smuggling route." I put the books under my sweatshirt. I look at her and nod. We run out of the library and through the halls to the slytherin common room.

"That" Willow says while try to catch her breath.

"Well see ya" I salute then walk thru the common room door.

Why am I so nice all of a sudden? This isn't normal. I don't like this feeling of nice. It sits wrong in me. I need to stay away from this Willow girl for a bit.

I was deep in thought all the way to my dorm. My door. It's open. I walk in side to see Malfoy and the Riddle brothers. Tom is going through my stuff on the desk. Mattheo is trying on my brass knuckles in the bathroom mirror. And Malfoy is sitting on my bed looking straight at me. "Couldn't you mother fuckers leave my room alone or do you have the wish to turn out like your brother did? Huh?"

"Oh we won't missy that-"

I cut Tom off. "It's not missy or darling. The name is Cliff, dip shit"

"Well Cliff. That won't be happening. You are completely weak with no weapons or magic to use, so just give up now and save the trouble."

I smirk nice and big. "Oh no. I'm so scared. Leave and maybe I won't consider burning your family history." I wave the books.

"You wouldn't dare." Mattheo says coming out of the bathroom the brass knuckles on his hand.

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