Fourteen: Voldemort = Voldy

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"Lucius, come here. The girl is armed." Voldemort gestures in his direction as he pulls out a wand.

I put up my hands. "Wo wo wo. I'm not armed. If you knew me then you know my cargo pants are filled, not these jeans and ripped sweater."

He mutters something and I go flying back into the wall behind me.

Ugh I hate magic even though I am learning it.

"Now Cliff, to save some trouble sit down in that chair." He points to a dark black chair with silver embedded in it.

I don't sit down. My gut told me it was a bad idea. The closer I looked I saw some metal bands that seemed to wrap around like bracelets. The legs also had them.

"Sit down Cliff. Nothings going to happen."

I snort. "Really? Because when the villain says that in books something always happens."

"She's not wrong." Mattheo mutters under his breath. Only me and him heard.

"Well if you won't sit, Bellatrix, grab her."

The crazy looking woman grabs me and puts her wand to my neck. Her wand is pushed right into the scar from the cut of the Riddles wands.


I feel her wand push into my neck, blood seeping out almost immediately.

"Now, Cliff, you will join us, deatheaters, in taking over the magical world or else."

"Deatheaters? Deatheaters! That's a horrible name for starters. Also, two. No. Nope. Nada. Zilch. I am not joining. I would take the or else road please."

Voldemort nods at Bellatrix. She mutters crucio in my ear. The pain shoots through me. Knifes, needles, daggers, you name it. Fire spinning up my throat.

All of these Deatheaters people looked surprised from the no reaction from me. I showed a week smirk.

"Aah. A fighter you are. You would be perfect Cliff. Just give up and join."

"I-I don't want to." I taken a shake breath. "And never will."

"I guess your staying then."

I'm so confused. I said I didn't want to stay and I didn't want to join this team of Deatheaters.

"Bellatrix, lift the curse. Tom take her to the dungeons."

"Yes father."

Wait. NO. Tom and Mattheo are the sons of this dick. I kinda feel bad, but at the same time they are dick too, for them.

Tom leads me out of the room, but not before I flip them all off.

"ALSO, Tom. Make sure to take her to the special room."

"Yes father."

His voice had so little life to it. He was monotones and robotic. It felt weird and the silence as we walked was worse.

" it usually this horrible."

"What" Tom asks bitterly.

"Voldy and the meetings. Also where are we."

"Well kinda yes. We are at the Malfoy Manor."

Tom takes me into a cell in the dungeon. It was all black except for one barred window. The ground, walls, and ceiling where all concrete. A group of chains rested in the corner. Tom harshly grabs my hand and pulls me over to the chains.

"W-What are you doing." my fears taking control of me. I have always been deeply afraid of small cramps spaces. It wasn't cramp or small in this room, but the darkness took over and made me worried. Usually adrenaline kicks in before fear takes over, but I had no adrenaline left.

"Is Cliff scared?"

"No. I just want to know."

"What does it look like?" I could feel his smirk from behind me.

I huff in frustration.

He doesn't move to put the handcuffs on. He just stays behind me. His warm breath getting hotter on the back of my neck.

"Umm...what are you doing." I ask.

"I don't know." He whispers in my ear before pressing his smooth, cold lips into a pressure point on the side of my neck. I try not to, but I end up melting into him.

It felt. Felt. Nice? I guess.

Tom smirks as he plants another wet kiss on my jaw. I turn my head to look at him. His tall stature enclosing me in the far corner of the room.

"You like it don't you? And don't try to lie." he whispers. His voice deepening.

"I guess." I respond. I am not giving in. I will not give in.

He turns me around and fully slams me into the corner. My back hitting the wall.

He must have seen the surprise in my eyes. "I'm just as rough as usual. Don't expect anything else, Cliff."

I smirked. He will never change.

He pulls closer to me as he slides a hand behind my back and to my ass. The other hand goes around my neck.

"They won't be down for a while. We have some time to kill." He smirks as he looks me up and down.

I look him straight in to his dark eyes. "I guess so."

He smashes his lips into mine. The kiss starting soft, but turning more and more rough.

I have read enough romance to know what might happen.

He slides his tongue over my lips. I open my mouth as his tongue slides in. Our tongues moving in perfect sink. A few minutes later, we pull away due to needing to breath.

"God your good for a sociopath."

"Oh don't ruin it." I push my hand onto his chest and run it down to his zipper.

He lets out a shake breath. I pull my hand away, knowing exactly what I'm doing.

"Oh, Cliff you don't know what you just did."

He grabs the handcuffs and straps them onto my wrists. He then goes to my neck to start leaving hickeys. Tom goes down my right side, for it was being shown by my oversized, ripped sweater.

I let out a soft groan. I have never felt something like this before. It felt so good. Too good.

He smirks against his newly formed hickey. He licks it, sending shivers down my spine. It didn't help that it was right on my collarbone.

He pushes his hands under my shirt. My stomach caved in from his light feathery touch. He chuckles at my reaction and slowly walks his hands up my stomach to my breasts. Tom gives me a raised eye brow. I nod my head.

His hands slip to my back as his head goes under my sweater. "Needy little slut looking to be touched. Am I right?"
Word Count: 1081

I know. I know. It ends there. I will be posting the next part as soon as possible, so you don't have to wait.
- Brell

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