Four: Boys(Insert Eye Roll)

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Cliff POV:
I feel the most agonizing pain I have ever felt. It wasn't as bad as my near death incident, but it was pretty close. My body felt like it was on fire and needle were being pushed into me. I hold in my screams. No tears fall either.

"This is punishment for fighting me. Do NOT do this again or it's going to be worse. Got it?" I nod "Also the name is Mattheo."

"Mattheo what?" My throat is burning, but I managed to get these words through in a bare whisper.

"Riddle. Pathetic how you don't know." His wand pushing into my throat again. The spell still pressed on me.

At that moment more Slytherins enter the common room. They look up us. Most of them scream at the mess. There was blood all over the place. Most from Mattheo. I had very few scratches.

"Mattheo! What happened here?" I look through the railings to see a bleach blonde haired boy.

"Ask the Mudblood she could tell you better." Mattheo yells back. Blood coming out of his mouth as he talked.

My body now numb from the pain. I slowly get my fist to hit him in the stomach. It hurt tons, but I have no emotion to show it. He doubles back down the stairs. The crucio spell being lifted from my body.

"Mudblood you are taking him to the hospital wing." The blonde boy yells.

"One I have a name. Two I don't know were the fuck it is, so NO!" I yell back, "For all I care he can bleed to death right there.." I trail off.

Fuck! My promise!

I ran down the stairs. "Fine, but you are going to come with me and show me the way there."

I grab his unconscious body and pull it over my shoulder. The blonde kid looked like he was faint. "Oh your fine. Just get the other students out of my way." He nods and pushes students out of the way. They gasp and scream and some faint. We reach the the halls finally and start walking when that Tom kid from earlier comes running up to me fuming.

"What the fuck did you do to my brother?"

"How about you teach him about fucking privacy first?"

"That is not how you speak to me."

"Oh yeah. I talk how I want to thank you very much."

"Shut it. Mudblood. We have places to get and YOU have some explaining to do." mutters the blonde boy. I roll my eyes and we walk in silent.

We arrive in the hospital wing a couple minutes later. "Oh my what happened here?" a nice looking woman asks as she rushes over to start healing his wounds. "Miss Cliff, please lay down in the bed next to him. You seemed pretty beaten yourself."

I walk over to the bed and sit down. I'm not badly hurt. Just a couple scratches, died blood, and muscle soreness. Tom and the blonde kid come over to me.

"I won't ask again what did you do," whispers Tom, probably try not to let the nurse here.

I ignore him and ask the nurse, "Will he live?"

"Yes my dear. He will most definitely. He is slowly coming back to consciousness."

I breath a sigh of relief. Okay that was close.

"Why are you all of a sudden being so nice to Mattheo? You were pushing down the stairs a couple of minutes ago." the blonde guy asks.

"Mind your one beeswax bleachy."

"The name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

"Stop avoiding our questions darling. It won't get either of us anywhere." Tom whispers in my ear.

"I'm not I just don't want to answer them. If you want to know ask your brother when he wakes up you dipshit." I stand up.

Why do these boys have to be so f-ing annoying!

I leave the hospital wing, not caring about the nurse calling after me. I walk back to the Slytherin common room. "Pureblood." The door opens and I walk in. A few people are in the common room. Most are in their dorms.

"How was talk to Dumbledore about the situation mudblood?" asks a girl with dark brown hair.

"Oh that old hag. He doesn't know yet." I smirk as the group of four exchange glances. "Anyways, tell me your names."

"Pansy Parkinson"

"Blaise Zabini"



"Thank you all so very much. Now if you see either Draco, Tom, or Mattheo, tell them to shut the fuck up. I don't feel like talking to there tiny brains right now. Thanks a lot." I say while giving the fakest smile ever and walking up the stairs to my dorm.

This time I make sure I close the door and lock it.  Opening the bathroom door, I start taking off my clothes. I go to the mirror. I only have a few cuts. Mostly died blood. I look at my neck to see a deep cut near my chin.

God. Mattheo's wand went in deep.

I turn on the shower and start up some music. Montero by Lil Nas X starts pounding through the walls as I finish up with my shower. The steam fills the room. I walk out of the shower dripping wet as I jam out. Wiping down the mirror, I hear a loud knock and shouting. I quickly wrap a towel around me and run to my dorm door, not caring that the music is still playing. "What do you want?" I mutter seeing that it is Tom, Mattheo, and Draco.

"We just wanted to have a little conversation." Draco says. The words rolling off his tongue.

"Did you listen to the four in the common room?"

"No. We want to talk now and that's final." Tom states walking toward my dorm door.

"No. I just took a shower and aren't dressed yet. So nope, nada, zilch." I slam the door in there face and walk to my closet. I put on a grey hoody and pants. Hm. Nice. My clothes are all here. I put a bandage around my neck, so the bleeding can stop.

I needed some peace and quiet. This day had already been a little too fun. I walked out of my dorm and down the stairs to the common room. "Pansy. Where's the library"

"Oh it's two door down from the great hall."

I nod and leave. Two doors later, I find the library.

"Need any help?"

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