Chapter Thirty Five: Tom

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Tom's POV:
God my fucking brother. Falling in love when father bans it. Ha. Not on my watch.

Am I jealous? No. Not at all.

Me and Mattheo have always fought for being fathers best. For as long as I can remember it's always been Mattheo is going to come to power. Father is wanting to come down at some point, so he has Mattheo going to that position. BUT now that he's in love with someone, that should change and I'll come to power. That means I can get rid of him and not have to worry about him getting in my schemes.

I'll kill him and leave Cliff for me. I can't stop thinking about her. I don't LIKE her. I just want to have her by my side while I'm in power. I'll force her if needed. She'll like it. Power. Fear from others. She'll love it.

I'd say I've turned into my father...


And end scene. Yeah I rlly don't know what to write so. Let's head back to Cliff and Mattheo.


Cliffs POV:

I startle awake. Wait. I can't move. I look around to see my legs entangled no I can't be. Is Mattheo...c cuddling me?

I try to wiggle my way out of his arms. But...of course he tightens his grip.

Ima suffocate soon. I just know it.


My tomb stone will read died by to friendly sociopath.

You know....

"OUCH WHAT THE FUCK" Mattheo yells as he jumps away from me. "WHY DID YOU FUCKING BI-OWWW"

I laugh as he fell off the bed and onto the floor. "Your blood tastes rlly good" I lick my lips

"Your a damn sociopath if I haven't seen one."

"You are own idiot." I fall back on the bed laughing.

"Oh yeah? Then how do you..." Mattheo drowns on and on about how I don't know one thing bout magic. Yeah no shit. I don't know one thing. I know how to do Avada Kedavra. But that's like about it.

Being me, I slowly start drifting off back to sleep. He's sounds like an older professor. Mostly Snape.

"Are you even listening?" Mattheo finally stops to breath.

"Hm. No." I get up and trip over Jackie.

Thanks a lot girlie. Thought you were on my side.

Mattheo immediately starts laughing at me. He has a nice laugh. It's cute. And it's rlly one of the only things that makes him seem human. He is human but like...sociopath shit. His face is scrunched up and it's a light laugh. One that makes you smile and laugh too. Sooo. Yes I do start laughing at myself. Bc why the hell not. Not much I can do except laugh away the pain in my ass.

Jackie is also some how still asleep. Lazy ass honestly.

Mattheo comes over holding his stomach for how hard he's laughing. "H here." He gives me his hand.

I take it and slowly stand up. BUT being the ass he is...he lets go and makes me fall back down. Stupid fucking bitch.

"I swear. Your going to hell mister." I stand up and lunge at Mattheo. I swear my mood can switch in seconds. Kinda problem. I lunge at him but Jackie jumps in front of me and I dive right into her. Ouch. Wtf.

Thought you were one my side Jackie. Ugh.

"Seems like your dog likes me more" Mattheo chuckles.

I groan and give up. The odds are against me. What the heck is this? They usually in my favor. But not today. Great.

I SLOWLY (emphasize slowly) get up ON MY OWN.

Yes. The emphasis is needed.

I huff and trudge to the bathroom. Why. Why. Why. Does to day starting off so bad.

Mattheo POV:
Cliff left for the bathroom. Ok. This is going to be a bad day. But hey her dog saved me so I guess this might be good.

"Hey. Thank you Jackie" I bend down and pet the golden retriever. I think. I don't know my animals or muggle things well. She barks and softens into my head pets. Really cute. Very cute. I like this dog. She did try to attack me before but I think we doing better. I think. I don't know.

"Do you think Cliff likes me?" I whisper in her ear. Great. I'm going insane at this point. "Yes or no?"

Jackie shakes her head yes. I think. Dogs are weird to understand. But she's got my hopes up so I hope it's true. What should I do to improve her mood...maybe a shooting range? Nah that won't end well. I chuckle at the thought of that.

Pew. Pew. Everyone dies. Oops. Oh well.

I fall on the bed. My chuckles turning into laughs as I can't get the thought out of my head. Maybe we should do a shooting range...


We, Me and Cliff, are in our way to a near by shooting range. Yes. I decided it would be fun.

She's driving maybe a hundred miles an hour right now. She's still pissed. Her dogs on my back because "we hAve to bRinG heR EveRY wHeRe" But honestly don't mind because her dogs nice.

Once we finally make it to the destination. Cliff squeals with excitement. "A SHOOTING RANGE. NO. FUCKING. WAY!"

I chuckle. "Happy now?"

"Uh. Yeahhh" Cliff grabs my hand and we run to the shooting range. With, of course, Jackie running right behind us.

"Tickets for two please. Yes we have our guns already." I say as I hand over some money before we head into the range.

"Cliff. We don't have rifles though..." I whisper.

"Oh. Fucking well whose gonna care. We can always shoot them." Cliff shrugs her shoulders and grabs out her pistol.

Oh course she doesn't care and I guess I find that hot? No I don't. Maybe I'm attracted to it. No? Yes? Maybe?

I shrug it off and grab my pistol.

Bttzzz. Btzzzz.

Shit. Why's my phone ringing?


Word Count: 1007

Yeah...I'm thinking of finishing this soon because I'm not as invested as I was but I'm going to clean it and finish it sooner than later. Sorry for those who wanted a longer book. You can check out my other stuff. Sorry for HP fans
- Brell

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