Twelve: Voldemort

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"No. You'll stay. I'll tell you a little, but you have to promise me something."

Oh god! What does he want to promise?

"Tell me what the promise is first."

"Fine. You have to act as my girlfriend for a week, so I can get Astoria off of me."

"Wait. Isn't Astoria dating Pucey?"

"Yes, but she wants to cheat on him with me."

"Ok fine."

Wow. That's a lot of drama that he is somewhat in. I'm glad I'm not in it.

"Draco and this mudblood are now lovebirds." comes a voice from behind. Mattheo.

"No. We're. Not. Lovebirds." I say through my now clenched teeth. I walk toward him, but my arm is grabbed by Draco's. I look back and he gives me a look of don't do it.

"No. Draco, it's fine. Let her do her best." Mattheo says smirking.

That's when I notice Tom behind him. Toms just in the shadows and not that noticeable unless you have sharp eagle eyes.

Draco slowly let's go of me. I turn around walk to the other side of the tower. I lean over the railing.

"You wouldn't dare." Mattheo says while starting to walk toward me.

"Maybe I would." I flip over the side of the rail and start falling toward the ground. Next thing I know I start floating.

What the fuck. This is definitely wizarding.

I don't move as I am carried back up to the top of the astronomy tower.

"Nice try little girl." Tom says, smirking. Draco and Mattheo were gone.

"I'm not little." I am flopped to the ground. "Thanks"

"Yeah no problem." Tom smirks as a walks over and stands above me.

I instinctively grab his ankles which happened to be by my hips. I try to toss him off balance and off of me, but he has a firm stance.

"I won't move that easily my darling." He says crouching down.

"Don't call me that." I hiss.

"What darling? Would you prefer sociopath or princess?" He says brushing some of my dark brown hair out of my face.

"I would prefer neither." I say before I bite his hand.

He retracts almost immediately, but not before he slaps my face. "Your a dog now I see"

"I'm not a dog. I am Cliff. You bastard." I crack each of my knuckles as I walk toward his tall figure.

"Say. That. Again." He dares, pulling out his wand.

"You bastard." is all I say before jumping at him, knocking him to the ground.

He falls back, hitting his head on the cold stone ground. My adrenaline kicking in. I start throwing some nasty punches to his face. My brass knuckles hitting him every time.

"You sociopath! Get off." Tom tries pushing me off. He gives up and starts to punch back. His sharp, decorated rings ripping at my face.

"Tom. Tom. TOM!" Mattheo's voice rings through the astronomy tower. Mattheo comes up seconds later.

Mattheo POV:
"Tom. Tom. TOM!" I yell as I run up the stairs of the astronomy tower.

Tom said he would take care of Cliff, but he still hasn't come down yet and we have a meeting soon.

I get to the top to see Tom on the ground with Cliff on top. The back of Tom's head is bloody and his face is all bruised and cut. Cliff on the other hand had a cut across her nose, a bloody nose, and blood coming out of her mouth.

She looks really hot. NO! We don't do love. Just because someone is covered in blood doesn't mean they are hot. What the fuck is wrong with me!

"Get off of him." I muttered.

"Or what?"

She's really going to do this.


Cliff goes flying backwards into the railing. She closes her eyes and takes a shaker breath in before standing up and walking down the stairs of the astronomy tower. She flips us off as she walks down. Kinda rude not gonna lie.

"Bro. Let's get you cleaned up and then head to the meeting."

"Oh shoot. Forgot about that. Cliff was being a bitch and wasn't taking any funny business."

"Ya. I can kinda see that."

Tom heals himself with a charm and then we apparate to the Malfoy Mansion since our dad is living in secret.

"I'm glad you made it Mattheo and Tom. What took so long?" Our fathers says as soon as we enter.

I look at Tom.

"We had some travel issues while getting here." Tom lies.

"Hmm...I'll take the answer for now. Now sit down."

We go sit next to Draco near the end of the table farthest away from my father.

"Now that everyone is here. Let's start this meeting. I would like to focus on a certain person today." My father pauses for suspense and pulls out an image of...Cliff! "This girl. Her name is Cliff. She is known all over the muggle world as a murder and sociopath. I have had agents following her for sometime now, but it seems as if we have lost track of her."

Me, Tom, and Draco turn to look at each other. How has he known about her and never f-ing thought to tell us.

"Tom, Mattheo, Draco. Care to explain these looks of disbelief."

Before Tom or Draco can say anything, I blurt out, "Yes father. She is actually at Hogwarts with us."

"Oh really. Then, I won't need people to go on missions."

"Um...father. Why are you so interested in this muggle."

"Don't question my ways." he snaps. He throughs the crucio curse at me.

I immediately fall to the ground in pain. It hurt so bad. The knifes and needles and fire burning from the inside out. The pain numbed quick, but I still had tears forming in my eyes. After a minutes or two, my father let go of the curse. I stand up and take my seat again.

"Anyways...I needed you, Mattheo, Tom and Draco to get her here for the next meeting. That is your mission. If you fail to succeed, then you will be tortured for a week in the dungeons."

Oh fucking shit. This is going to be horrible. The next meeting is going to be in two weeks. That shouldn't be too hard, but at the same time, Cliff is difficult. This is going to be great. Just great...
Word Count: 1071

Yeah. It's going to get interesting. Voldemort is going to play a role in the next couple of chapters just for a heads up. Sorry about the wait, I was visiting my cousins and didn't have much time to myself to try to post. Anyways, I back!
- Brell

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