Twenty Eight: Death and Blood

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The death-eater mark.

It streaked through the black night. I quickly closed my blinds and headed of to my loft for sleep. I whistle for Jackie to come up with me. She jumps right up and we snuggle to together.

I wake in the morning to sun some how peaking through my black out curtains. God. They never work.

I grab on some black leggings and black sweatshirt. Blacks my favorite color. I grab a couple pocket knives and put them in my pocket. Jackie whimpers.

"Fine you can come." I huff. We walk out of my apartment and out onto the busy streets of London.

I need to go on a killing spree. I have been deprived of killing for god knows how long. I walk down alley way after alley way. I feel Jackie push against my leg as we walk down the tenth alley. I trained her to tell me when someone dangerous or suspicious was close. I slowly turn around to see one of the deatheater people.

Uh uh. No. Nope. What the fuck. Hold on.

I grab a knife and flick it open. The deatheater pulls their wand out.

Ok. Fuck. This is already harder than I thought. I could just climb the wall over them, but I'm not Spider-Man. I could run, but they fly. Wait. Hold on. Can magic be reflected off of shiny metal like mirrors, like in books?

The deatheater must have got tired of waiting because they shoot some spell toward me. I quickly put the knife blade in front of the blast and it shoots away from me and into the wall.

Sheeeeeee. It worked! Ha.

I would have done a little victory dance, if it wasn't so life or death at the moment. I take the quick second of shock from the deatheater and through the knife into the bastards head. The person falls to the ground. I walk over and straddle the person. I feel something grow from below me.

What the fuck! Horny motherfucker. Disgusting. I should cut his dick off first. Then, put in on his head so he looks like a li-yeah. Not the time for references.

"You motherfucker. Pull down the hood down and take off the fucking mask before I gorge your eyes out." I demand.

The guy just stays on the ground, not moving.

"I know your alive. Take it off or it's going to be more painful for your ass."

The guy whimpers as he pulls his mask down, revealing a man with slicked black hair and a couple scars.

"Good." I kick him in the balls and he howls in pain. His head jerks to the side and the knife pushes in farther. I reach down and pull it out. I here a slight growl from behind me. I turn around to see Jackie on edge.

Her ears are up and her long hair is basically sticking up straight. If it wasn't for the moment, she would seem like a cute fluffy fur ball.

I take the bloody knife in my hand and quickly thrust it into the guys chest. He screams in pain before his body starts to wither and disappear.

Wooo. That was so fucking cool! I need to kill more of these folk.

I fall to the ground seconds later in utter pain. I look up to see a grim bleach blonde man above me. Fucking Draco's dad. Bitch.

"Nice try little one. No more killing okay?" he innocently says. The smirk says differs though.

"Hmm. That's hard to say to a sociopath." I say before taking in a deep painful breath and continuing. "Honestly. You should really work on your magic here, dickhead."

I stand up to show my point as I through my second knife at him. It hits his wand straight down the center. The thing breaks into and the pain is taken away. I sigh as I grab the bloody knife from the ground. The deatheater didn't take it with him when he died.

He stumbles back. I through the bloody knife and it hits his chest, but doesn't go far enough in. He stumbles back a few steps and falls against a empty barrel.

I smirk as I walk over to him and push the knife farther in. His hands try to push me off of him, but my dog bites his hands before he can touch me.

"Good girl, sit." I command before I move the knife inside of him.

He groans in pain. His arms limp at his sides.

I keep moving the knife in circles. "This how the fucking crucio curse feels. Only your torture is with out magic. How's it feel?" I push the knife a little further.

He only heaves another hard breath as he tries to kick me away.

Bitch. I'm strong. I could literally move an elephant. Fight me, bitch. I dare you.

"Words. Tell me. How do you like the torture?" I smirk as he shakily answers. "It's hurts. Please give mercy."

"Mercy. Mercy?! Ha. That's the last thing I'm giving your fucking face. You tortured me and you fucking torture your own fucking son! So no. Nope. Nada. Zilch." I say as I take my knife out and shove into his chest again.

He is color is slowly draining and his skin is becoming colder and colder. His breathing is becoming lighter and fainter by the second.

"Please...spare me...I didn'" he dies.

I chuckle. "Oops! Guess I pushed to hard." I grab his body. He some how didn't evaporate like the other one. I drag his body to the nearest dumpster and through it in.

I walk back to see Jackie picking up my two knives. She drops them in my hand. "Good girl." I pat her head. "Heel."

We walk back to my apartment and clean up. I give her a soapy bath and I take a quick shower.

Probably better to stay home and get take out. Pizza! No... Spaghetti? Bread stiiickss? Italian food. I grab my phone and order a full course meal from Bravo. One of the best Italian restaurants I know. Lunch should be coming shortly.
Word Count: 1035

I know I haven't posted in a while. School is starting up soon and I still haven't finished outside reading. Posting is going to slow, but def not stop.

P.S. I got out of writers block and wrote know. Blood and guts. Because I was annoyed by some real life boys and felt like stabbing someone. :) so ya. This is kinda how I got it out. Hehe.
- Brell

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