Seventeen: Glass

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I look up at the window. This might be my only chance.

I take a quick look at Tom and run. I run straight to the window. Tom must of heard because he turns around and run straight toward me. I jump up and pull myself right out of Toms reach. I slip through the bars. Tom jumps up. He reaches the bars with ease.

Fuck! Here goes nothing.

I slam into the window shattering it open. The glasses flies everywhere on the green grass. My neck and face cuts open from the small shards. I scramble up out of the window. I see Tom trying to fit through the bars. I quickly turn around and run as far as possible. I look behind me to see Tom running after me with his wand pointed at me. Because I looked back, I didn't realize the huge log in front of me. I stumble over the log and onto the lawn, landing on my face.

Ouch! Fuck. I landed on a sharp object. A pencil! I thought wizards didn't use this stuff.

I grabbed the pencil as I stood up to run again. Tom was only a little bit away, a light shining from his wand.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I'm dead.

The second before the spell hit me, I start to fly. The pencil in my hand almost guiding me. I start to black out.

I shake awake. I am in a dorm room. A slytherin dorm. It was black, gold, and green. I walk out of the dorm into the familiar hall way of the dorms. I quickly walk to my dorm at the end of the hall and shut the door. Everyone would be in classes, so I just decide to skip classes.

Tom POV:
I turn around as I hear footsteps. Cliff was up on the wall on the window bars.


I run up to the window. She pulls herself just out of my reach. She climbs through the bar as I jump up onto the bars to bring her back down. Cliff smashes the window open and scrambles out. I push myself through the bars, grabbing my wand. She was already far ahead of me by the time I got out of the window. Damn, she's fast. I run after ready to throw the sectumsempra curse at her. She trips over a log. Cliff stands up with a dirty pencil in hand.

Wait. That's the port key to get to my dorm. We used it when we couldn't apperate yet. It still works though, damn it.

I through the spell at her. Right before it hits her, Cliff flies into the air.

Shit! I'm too late. Fuck! Fathers going to kill me. I'll blame it on Lucius. Yeah. That'll work.

I walk in through the front door, right into a meeting with just the parents.

"Tom, what are you doing up here?" my father growls, standing up.

"Father, let me explain. I went into the cell and Cliff wasn't in there, so for the next hour I searched all over the property for her because the window was broken open."

"Lucius was she in there when you where with her."

"Yes sir. She blacked out, so I decided to wait outside of the cell for Tom. She was chained up, so there was no way she could get out. I made sure they were tight."

Lucius was freaking out. I am very persuasive. My story sounded like was his fault. Perfect.

"Tom are you sure she didn't get out while you were on duty?" my father asks.

"Yes I am sure. Also, Lucius are you sure she was actually blacked out. I have seen her fake it before at school. Did you make sure the looks were all locked?"

"Yes. Well she could have been faking it, but I made sure both locks where locked tight." Lucius nervously says.

"There's four locks Lucius. Also maybe you shouldn't left her there thinking she was fine." my father growls, sending the crucio curse on him.

I smirk. I'm out of trouble, but that little bitch, Cliff, is going to be in trouble once I get back.

"We are ending this meeting early. Mattheo, Draco, Tom. You all can head back now."

We nod our heads and walk outside to disapperate back to Hogwarts.

Cliff POV:
I stay in my dorm the rest of the day. I haven't eaten anything in 24 hours. Oh well.

I hear a faint knock on my door. Oh the fuck could that be?

"Who's there?" I ask.

"It's Willow. I didn't see you all day, so I asked Pansy if I could come into the Slytherin common room to check on you. She's grabbing food from dinner."

"Fine. Come in." I sigh.

Willow opens the door and comes in. She awkwardly stands there.

"Come sit down Willow." I pat the bed. She comes and sits next to me.

"Oh my what happened to your face?"

"Oh I fell and cut my face open."


"Ok ok. I might have broken a window and some glass fell at me and cut my face."

"Let me get you cleaned up. You stay here."

She seemed genuinely concerned. I liked having someone to help me.

Willow comes back out of my bathroom with a wet cloth, Q-tips, healing cream, teasers(for some odd reason), and a clean satin cloth.

"Sit still I don't want to hurt you." Willow straddles me. She comes close to me and grabs the teasers. "There's still some chunks of glass stuck, so I'm going to get those out first."

Her hand moves right above my eyebrow and pulls out a shard of glass. I punch my bed.

It's less pain doing it myself. I'll say that.

"You okay?" Pansy's voice floats in from the door.

"What does it look like?" I say, giving her a sarcastic look.

"Well. I have your food. I'll put it down on your desk. Hold my hand in squeeze it when you need to...That's what my mom did and it helped." Pansy  says the last part after I give her a confused look.


I grab her hand. Willow goes to the other side of my face and pulls a shard of glass from right next to my eye. I squeeze Pansy's hand. She lets out a small gasp at how hard I squeezed her hand. This goes on for another 10 or so shards.

"Okay is done with that. Next I am going to clean the cuts." Willow says putting the glass in a small container on my side table.

Great more pain.
Word Count: 1110

I am heading on vacation again, so I am going to be slower a posting for like 2 weeks. Anyways, how's your summer going so far? Hope you are all doing well!
- Brell

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