Ten: Malfoy Being Nice?

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"Your awake. I was wondering when you would."

"Why are you in here." I demand.

Draco POV:
"Why are you in here." Cliff demands.

I don't speak right away. I came in when I heard whimpers. When I finally got the door open, Cliff was on the ground in a sweaty mess whimpering. Her face looked like she was in pain.

Snap! Snap!

"Hello. Are you going to answer?"

Should I tell her? Yes. No. Yes.

"I heard some distressed whimpers, so I came in to make-" I cut myself off. No I am not being nice to this crazy girl.

"Whimpers? Fuck! There getting worse." Cliff mutters.

My curious mind asks, "What's getting worse?"

"Why would you care? Now get out." She points at the door as she stands up and flops on her bed.

I don't know why, but I didn't leave. This moment felt so similar.

I had just stumbled into my room after a fight with my dad. Not that I did much. I go abused and yelled at. I fell down on my bed exhausted. My mom came in a few seconds behind me.

"Draco. Do you want me to get Donny to clean you up?"

She sounded concerned, but I was to tired and stressed.

"No. Just leave." I pointed toward the door. My voice quiet and strained.

Present Time:
"I said leave." I know her face showed no emotion, but I know that she really needed someone.

"No. I'll stay." I walk over and sit on her bed.

"Please just leave."

"No. Final. You can't be alone forever you know."

"How would you know?" Cliff asks turning back toward me.

"Because...I...know what it's like to be alone. It's not fun." I whisper. I have never told anyone that's not close to me about me being alone. Not that they believe because I am friends with a lot of Slytherins.

Cliff rolls her eyes and flips over. "If you want to stay you can, but don't expect much." Her voice was getting sleepier. She grabs the blankets and through them over her.

The dinner bell rings seconds later. I get up. "You coming?"

She shakes her head and closes her eyes.

God. She looks so fucking cute.

I slip out of the room and shut the doors. I go down to great hall. Grabbing some food, I say, "I'm going to go eat in my dorm. See ya tomorrow." Blaise salutes as I walk away. He has been the only true friend. Tom and Mattheo ask me if I want to study with them tomorrow after classes. I say yes and keep walking. They too are also some of my only true friends.

I grabbed more food than usual. I wanted to take some to Cliff. I saw her at lunch. She only had a small biscuit and a couple sips of water. She didn't have anything for breakfast. She came in, then left. Cliff must be starving.

Cliff POV:
Draco leaves my dorm. I sit up. I'm groggy, but I still grab my journal off my side table.

Funny how my stuff just started appearing in my dorm. Magic is weird.

I open the journal to a new page and start to write:

Awfully troubling times. I'm feel more lonely than usual. I have become an outcast in the society I now live in, the magic community. Most of them know how wanted I am. Others just want to annoy me. Two in particular. The Riddle brothers. Sociopaths, like me. They make everything I try to do living hell. They have used a horrible crucio curse which makes your body feel like fire is burning through you and like knifes are stabbing you in all directions. As usual, I don't show any pain. I have started having these visions. Not like future visions, but past visions of my parents. I have never felt, so cold and alone. I usually fall asleep for these spells. I wake up cold and sweaty and one boy, Draco Malfoy, heard me whimpering. It was embarrassing. He says he knows what it's like to be alone and needing someone. I doubt it. No ones knows what I have went through. It's. Well. You. Know, Journal. I won't go into detail again. This is it for now. I'll right soon.

I put down my journal and fall to sleep.

The image of my parents in their car comes back. They are getting out of the car right near a huge mansion in the middle of the desert. They open the door and walk in. They go straight to the bedroom. They keep eye contact the whole way.

No! No! No! No!

I try to run out of the room, but the door is shut and I can't open it.

My body starts turning around. I close my eyes. I don't want to see what the fuck their doing. I hear a slight giggle. I cover my ears. When the fuck is this going to end. I already have a messed up life, but this. THIS. This is worse. "GET ME OUT!" I yell. Hoping someone, maybe my parents, will here and stop this.

"Wake up, Cliff! WAKE UP!"

I open my eyes, as I am shaken awake by the strong grip of...No way...Draco fucking Malfoy.

"I'm up." I yelled in my sleepy voice, so it came out as more like drunk person trying to talk.

"Hey calm down. I heard you yell get me out, so I wanted to make sure you were ok."

"Yeah...I'm fine." That was a lie and easy to see.

"Cliff, stop lying. I can see you are. What happened?"

He seemed genuinely concerned.

"Does it have to do with these...images?"

I sit up straight, but slowly slide back down due to getting light headed.

"Hey take it easy. Does it have to do with the images?"

I look over at my side table.

Damn it!

I left my journal open.

I sigh. "Yes it does."

"Come in tell me. I'm more trustworthy than you think." He comes and sits next me on the bed.

"What's that in your hand?" I ask.

"Oh, some food. You have barely eaten a thing."


"No problem. Now on with your story."
Word Count: 1051

Hey! As you can kinda tell, Draco and Cliff are very much a like. Also these visions are going to keep happening. They won't ever be very aggressive and dangerous, but they are kinda heart breaking to Cliff. So...hang in!
- Brell

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