Thirty Two: Scary Cliff

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Next thing I know my whole vehicle is tilting.

I look behind me to see ten or twenty deatheaters.

Oh shit.

I quickly rev forward and tilt us back up. They all follow at full speed.

Shit. Fuck. Ass. Dickheads.

"Jackie. Green." I command. Green is a command I taught her.


And the grenade went off.

"What. The. Fuck! How do you have a fucking grenade?" Mattheo yells into my ear.

"Always got to be prepared." I yell back as I speed down an alley way. The same one with Lucius's body in it. Ha. The pain the deatheaters will feel when seeing his body. Actually...they don't feel pain. Damn it.

I always have the most needed but random shit on me. Like grenades. I taught Jackie how to pop of the pin and throw it with her mouth. From there it's become very useful.

I keep weaving back and forth across the streets of London. Cars keep honking and

"DUCK!" Mattheo yells.

I turn the vehicle on its side. We make a tight turn and speed down an empty road leading to the country side.

"Listen to me. This is only going to work if you do." I state calmly.

"Fine. What."

"Put Jackie on my back and sit in my lap."

"What no. We are going like 100 miles per hour."


"92 miles per hour. That's fucking dangerous."

"Do. It." I grit out. Why does he have to be so annoying. Uuugghh. It hate him. Nope I l-hate. Hate. Him.


I feel a weight over my shoulders. I lift up my right arm, signaling for Mattheo to climb over. He does.


He straddles me and I look over his shoulder at the road. I could get used to this...NO! NOPE! Nuh uh. Not going there.

"Now grab the gun from the side pocket and shoot." I say calmly.

I hear some rustling. Then, the click of the safety coming off. Then, POW! Bullets are going off.

"Shit. I keep missing." Mattheo mutters.

"More bullets in the back pocket. The winds coming from the left. Shoot a little more toward the left arm or just to the side of the head."

Mattheo POV:
"More bullets in the back pocket. The winds coming from the left. Shoot a little more toward the left arm or just to the side of the head." Cliff says so nonchalantly.

This girl is crazy. I fucking love it though.

I take my aim again. This time aiming for the left shoulder of a deatheater. I pull the trigger and the bullet goes flying.



The bullet goes straight through the deatheaters heart. It goes fully thru and partially into another one.

Yes. Ha. Take that da-father.

Almost slipped there

Can't run forever Mattheo.

Shit. No no no.

No. I can. I can. Your not winning dad.

Oh yes I will Mattheo. I always do.

Fuck. I push him out. As far as possible. His voice is no longer soothing like it used to be. His voice sounds harsh and out of place. But. His voice makes sense considering he looks like a snake and sounds like one.



"Yeah" I whisper. She scares me. Her at full rage could lead to a whole country gone.

"Let's. Switch. Places." She mutters out.

"Ok...How's that gonna work?"

"We switch what else?"

"Wha-" but before I could finish I was sitting on the motorcycle and Cliff was on my lap.

I could get used to this.

Mattheo focus. You have to drive a fucking motorcycle.

I swerve the vehicle a bit before getting back on track.

Shit. Low fuel.

That's when the fire starts up.

Bullet after bullet after bullet is shot from Cliffs gun. I can here them flying from the gun. She's clung around me her dog lapping at my face.

Damn it Jackie.

"Cliff you dog." I yell

"Shut the fuck up. I'm focusing." She mutters.

God damn. Can't she just grab her fucking dog.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Shit. Low fuel tank.


"I got it. Low fuel. One more shot and...bam. Their all gone."

"Damn. Now what?"

"Um. I don't know."

"That's a first" I snort.

"Shut up. Dipshit." Of course she had to call me that. That's like her little nickname for me.

Cliff moved on my lap about to get off. I stopped the vehicle and grabbed her hips to stop the movement.

"Let. Go. Of. Me...I'm still pissed at that family or whatever you call them."

Ouch. Not gonna lie that stung. Cliff has no filter.

"Once you stop your fucking grinding I will."

"OoOoOo. Is someone turned on?" I literally feel her smirk.

"Shut your dumbass up." I roll my eyes and try to hold down the slight red coming to my face.


We finally arrived at the hotel we're staying at. I guess Cliff had plans to come here anyways for half of break but she moved the time to longer because of this. Mess?

Let me tell you. This hotel is fucking designer. I don't know how Cliff could pay for this. Considering how little she has. Her apartment is literal crap.

"How the hell did you get into this place? No offense."

"None taken...people fear me. It gets me stuff."

Should've guessed that.

"Room ticket things for the two back suites" Cliff sticks out here hand. Of course there's blood on it. This girl is a maniac.

"T-those are reserved ma'am" the front desk person stutters.

"Do I look like I give a fuck?...I heard fire and gold go well together..." Cliff stares off dreamily.

"H-here. You just have to be out before Friday."

"I. Can. Stay. As. Long. As. I. Fucking. Want." Cliff walks off. I follow just so I don't get harassed about her.

Not gonna lie that was fucking hot. I'm just attracted to her. I don't like or want her. I'm just attracted. Yeah. yeah...


Word Count: 1000

I know some how exactly. Sorry I haven't been posting. I've been loosing interest and not been knowing what to add. Please give me some advice or ideas.
- Brell

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