Thirty Four: Cuteness and More Cuteness

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"Umm. Well..." Pansy starts but stops.

"What is it?" I ask.

"So um. Me and Blaise dated for like a week-"

"And how did I not know this!!"

"I'm getting there. Anyways, Blaise was how do I put it? Abusive?"


"Calm. Down. Yes. I was able to get out of it luckily. LUCKILY. Not all can but I somehow did. Enough people saw what was happening. And we had to break up. I also threatened him with dementors but like I can't summon them sooo. I'm good. Then I decided I wanted to try girls and v-wa-la. Me and Willow are together." Pansy finally finishes.

"Ok. Damn. That's a lot to take in. Of course I support. I'm uh" I hold up a peace sign.

"YOUR BI!!" They both say in unison.

"Yes. Now be quiet. Jeez."

"Sorry. Sorry"

I swear these girls are going to break my ears. Then I'm going to be dead and then they gonna wonder what happened when it's actually their fault.

"Ok. Now what y'all wanna do?"



I jolt up and hit my head and Mattheo's head.

"FUCK" we both yell and fall down.

I was just bout to have a good time. Why why why does he have to ruin this. Ok we can go grudge or attention seek or annoy. Which sounds the best? Hmmmm....

Hold grudge in my mind and annoy him by being attention seeking and to cuddly.


Heheheheh. He's going to be pissed. Hehe.

I grumble and sit up.

"Are you ok?" Mattheo asks. "You were jer-moving. Moving in your sleep. And um you seemed possessed. Your not summoning demons right?"

I fake sniffle. "No im not ok. And I'm not summoning demons."

Breathe my shell of nothingness. Breathe. We are not unleashing feelings right now.

"I-im sorry. Here come here." Mattheo opens his arms.

I move toward making sure to shake my ass a little just to annoy his dumbass. Hehe. Feel. My. WRATH.

Am I high? Yes maybe? I haven't been drunk in a while.

I stop mid way into his arms and pull back disgusted in myself.

What got into me. A demon of some sort? A devil of some sort?

Mattheo POV:
Cliff pulls back looking disgusted. Do I do something wrong? I probably came off to strong. Shit.

Before I can figure out what I'm doing, my arm reaches out and grabs her hand. Her eyes go big. She looks scared?

Wait. Cliff. Scared?

I pull her into me. I honestly don't know what I'm doing. I just-I guess-I just want to cuddle and stuff. I have held my walls up for to long.

I sleep better when holding something. I get bad night terrors. Scared to admit but usually holding someone (usually I use a pillow) seems to calm them down.

WAIT. She probably thinks I'm weird. I guess I could try to act drunk? But like yeah no.

I pull her over the pillow wall. She falls onto BUT she doesn't try to fight me. She just curls up holding my arm.

Shit. Are we both high? Or drunk? Both are extremely possible.

I reach over her and grab my phone. I need a picture because when is this ever going to happen again. Honestly tell me when this could ever happen again.

Never. Correct.

I put my phone back down and snuggle close. She's warm and she fits right in my arms. I smile and slowly drift off to sleep.


Word Count: 605

I know this is short, BUT we haven't heard from Tom in a while and I want you guys to know a bit more bout him and what he's doing so. Ima stop this side for a bit and do like two short chapters or so on him. I'm thinking of posting some other stuff. Any recommendations just tell me I'm open. Any minor fixes tell me.

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