Six: New

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Cliff POV:
"Hello!" I smirk. I knew I'd find him hear.

Mattheo turns around. "What do you want?"

"Nothing really..." I say. I slowly walk toward him. I go up behind him and push him in. He grabs onto me and I fall down in too.

Everything goes black. Duh. It's the black lake. I swim up for air. I get up to the surface gasping a little from the shock. I look around. Mattheo is no where to be seen.

Shit! Damn it! Fuck!

I go back under and open my eyes. I can see nothing. Wait! No. There's a hand. I swim down. Further and further and further still. I see him on the bottom of the lake. I grab his hand and pull him up toward the surface. We break surface. Gasping for air, I throw him on the dock. He wasn't breathing. I get out. I start giving him mouth to mouth CPR.

Mattheo POV:
I feel myself drowning. It was horrible. Not being able to swim like most people to the surface. A couple excruciating minutes later, I black out completely...

I finally start to wake up to a mouth on mine breathing in to mine. I...liked it? It almost felt like a good kiss. I pretended to still be blacked out for a little before I feel someone staring at me from above.

"You can stop pretending now. I know you can breath on your own." Cliff gives me a knowing stare and smirk before getting off of me and walking toward the castle.

I sit up. I rush over and grab her hand. She turns around. "What the f-" Before she can finish and before I know what I am doing, I pull her into a deep kiss. Her lips soft and smooth compared to my rough, cold ones. My hands travel down onto her hips. Cliff arms looping around my neck. Her hands entangling in my hair. Our sopping wet bodies push against each other. After a good solid minute, she pulls away catching her breath.

"Don't tell anyone or else your dead." I push her away as she falls into some bushes.

I don't need her. She was just to get my mind off of things. That kiss meant nothing. I don't turn back until I reach my dorm.

Cliff POV:
I pull way. I need to catch my already unsteady breath.

"Don't tell anyone or else your dead." Mattheo pushes me making me fall into some bushes.

I stay there trying to process what just happened. First, I kissed my enemy. Okay we weren't "enemies", but it felt mostly like that. Second, I wasn't going to tell anyone. I don't like attention and I am not a fan girl over some sociopath with a horrible family. Okay. Okay. I am a sociopath myself, but I am not falling for him. I have sworn to myself never to feel or get attached to anyone because they will always leave when you need them most.

I stand up and head back to my dorm. The halls as quiet as can be. I reach my dorm right before 10 o'clock. I go change close. I put on a baggy white t-shirt with short black shorts. I fall right on my bed and fall asleep.

I wake up in another room. It was more like a hospital room mixed with a bedroom. This seemed to familiar. Wait a second. This was the room I was kept in as a young child. This was the mental hospital that diagnosed that I was sociopathic. I see to adults enter the room. The woman looked like me. The man kinda did, too.
The woman had a bundle of something in her arms. I walked over. It was me?! It was a mini me. Wait! These people most have been my parents. And. And. That baby is me.

"Best if we just leave her here, Steve." the mom spoke, "I know we are supposed to sleep over night here, but I don't want to stay here."

"I know Carol. We both don't want the burden of this child. Let's leave her here. I see a back exit through the doors." Steve, my dad, says.

What! I. I. I was left as a child to suffer in this mental hospital were they had a baby. God! How more messed up could this get. I stood there helpless knowing they couldn't see me.

They set me down on the queen sized bed. They covered my a tiny bit. Then, they left. I never knew my parents, but this. This.

I tried to scream. I was so angry. At my parents. At me being a burden. At not being able to do anything. I through my fist into the wall. It went through. I fell and fell.

I open my eyes. I am back in my dorm still in bed. I am a mess. My feet are outside the covers on my pillow while my head is resting off the bed on the other end. I pull myself onto the bed and look at the clock. It reads that it is 5 o'clock. Breakfast, I think, is at 7:30 or 8:00. No, classes start at 8. The great hall is open for breakfast for at least an hour, so that means it probs starts at 7. I roll out of bed to get my clothes on for the day.

Oh wait. We have uniforms. That's not going to fit all my toys in the pockets! Ugh. You know what! Screw the uniform. I am wearing my green cargo pants, white baggy shirt, and to be nice I'll wear the tie around my neck. I am not tying it though.

I walk out into the common room. Most of the kids back into the walls and let me through. Their probably all scared of me.

"Hey sociopath! How's it going?" I turn around to see a kid with black hair and beaver teeth.

"I don't know. How about you tell me?" I ask tilting my head and making innocent eyes.

"Oh I don't know. Your a sociopath after all. You don't have any. Maybe you should-"

"What's the name? Maybe I'll right it down in my journal." I walk closer to him.

"Adrien Pucey."

"Hmm. That explains a lot." I turn around and walk out of the common room. Some of the boys OooOing because Adrien just got roasted.

I walk into the great hall and up to Dumbledore. "Excuse sir, I never got my list of classes."

Dumbledore turns to me, "Aah yes. I put you down for some classes that I think would interest you." He leans in, "I have told the professors that you probably won't where your robes not matter what, so you can where regular clothes to class as long as you either have the tie or robe. Got it?"

I nod my head.

"Oh also," he says in a whisper, "Did you win yesterday?"

"Yes?" I give him a questioning look.

"Aah. Good. Good. Just make sure you don't get hurt yourself." he winks.

God this guy is weird!

I walk out of the great hall. I'm not hungry anymore. My first class is Astrology. Hmm. Sounds fun.

I quickly walk to the astronomy tower.

"Early I see."
Word Count: 1226

This is a tiny bit longer than usual. I just couldn't find a good cut off point. What is taking me long to post is the titles. I only have writers block when I need to write the title. So ya. Hope you like it.
- Brell

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