Twenty Six: Dreaming Again

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"Ya?" I ask, worried about what he is wants.

"Where are you going for winter break? Also that was your first time wasn't it?" He smirks as he gets closer to me.

I gulp before answering. "One: you said a question not multiple. Two: I have no idea where I am going for break. Three..."

I don't answer the last question. I felt stupid answering it.

"Why don't you come back to the manor and accept my fathers request? That was your first time. Honestly thought better of you." He rolls over.

I clench my fists as I sit up. "I. Will. NOT. Go back to that stupid fucking manor of yours. And you thought better of me. Honestly. Leave if this is going to keep up."

"Oh I'm not leaving amor."

"Well then. You, dipshit, are sleeping on the floor."

He looks at me in shock. I smirk.

"That's right. The. Fucking. Cold. Floor." I get up in his face with each word.

He just smirks and look down at my boobs. I groan in frustration as I push him off my bed. I flip him off as I flip over and try to go to sleep.

My eyes flutter open in a new building.

Great. Just great.

My so called mom and dad are sitting a few seats in front of me, cheering.

I look down to see my so called younger brother singing on a stage.

What. The. Literal. Fuck.

He is singing! No. Hell nah. He sings fucking country.

Rap and pop for life.

My body starts floating down toward the stage like a nail to a magnet. I get pulled down until I am right next to his face. His hair is dark brown and he has slight freckles. His eyes a piercing blue unlike my dark brown eyes. He basically looks like a younger boy version of me.

Duh. Same parents.

The world starts to spin and spin and spin. I fall down onto the ground if that's even possible. We are in the boys mansion.

What the fuck was his name again? Why do I care? It's not like it matters. Anyways...

The boy is now around my age. Probs present day. He is pacing around his room. His hands in his hair. Stressing over something. He turns around and looks straight at me. I stare back.

"W-who are you?" He slightly stutters as he steps back.

"WHAT! You can see me" I ask incredulously.

"Yeah. Who are you? And be quiet my parents are sleeping." he says, backing into his wall.

"I'm your sister. Only about I think a couple month apart. Cliff." I say extending my hand.

Why are you being nice. No. He sings country remember.

He shakes it. His hands are cold and small. Not really small, but boney and not as meaty as they should be.

If they fucking starve him...

"Why do you sing country?" I blurt out. Great. Just great.

"I didn't want to. Mom and dad forced me." he rubs the back of his neck. "I prefer rap and pop."

Yes! This guy might be better than I thought.

"Why'd you buy them another mansion?" Please tell me they aren't fucking abusing Cam. CAM! That's this dude fucking name! Score. Memory 1 and forgetfulness 0.

"They forced me too." he seems slightly uncomfortable. "Hey. How don't I know you."

"Umm...let's just say. Our parents left me after I was born, ended up having fucking mental problems, broke out of the hospital, and now I am a feared sociopath around the world." I smile.

"That's. That's. That's crazy and kinda cool."

"I guess. Hey. Why are you so stressed. Also do they feed you. Your not in the best state."

"They don't feed me much, but it's enough to live. I'm stressed because they are trying to pressure me into becoming a movie star."

"Hell nah. Hell nah." I start to pace the room.

"What. You ok."

"Yeah. We are getting you out of here. Do you know your-our grandparents?"

"Yeah they live in a secluded spot in Russia."

"Ok. Take your earnings and fly there. Tell them everything and don't look back."

"I don't know."

"Do. It. Or I will fucking make you."

"Fine. Let me back a tiny bag." Cam rushes around grabbing a few pieces of clothing and a passport. Oh and money. Can't for get that. He rushes toward his front door. I run after him.

"Cam! What the hell are you doing get back here!" Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. That can't be good.

"GO!" I yell. He nods his head and runs. His parents and security guards run after him. I am swept up in the mass flying above him.

Come on. Come on. Just to the car. Just to the car.

"Cliff!" Mattheo shouts as a hand comes down on my cheek.

"What in the literal fuck! Asshole." I sit up and lay my head back on the headboard. I feel a slight mark forming.

"You were shaking and saying something getting to the car." Mattheo says with tiniest bit of mockery and worry in his voice.

I roll my eyes. "It's nothing ok. Leave me alone."

"Are we not going to talk about last night?"

"No. We are going to forget about and leave it at what it was. Ok. We both can't feel love anyways, so why does it matter."

He huffs as he goes to leave. He opens the door and turns around. "Tell me why you were shaking and saying stuff and I will not talk about what happened last night."

"Fine. It was just a weird dream or nightmare okay. Now leave."

"That's not all is it."

"You asked why. The answer is that it was a weird dream and must have started talking without realizing. Ok. Leave."

He turns around and slams the door behind him.

"Next time just break it down!" I yell.

I hear him chuckle through the door. I don't hear footsteps leaving though.
Word Count: 1007

I'm thinking I might make chapters longer. It'll take longer to post though so. Tell me if you want shorter chapter and quicker posting or longer chapters and not as quick of posting. I am fine doing either. Thanks.
- Brell

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