Two: Slytherins

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Cliff POV:
Dumbledore opened the great hall doors to hundreds(maybe thousands) of kids. Dumbledore speaks in a whisper only I can here, "Stay here until I call your name from the front of the room. The doors will open again for you to come through."

I nod my head and stay where I am. To past the time, I make sure all of my belongings are safe in my cargo pants. I make sure my Celtic arm band tattoo is noticeable. I figured people are easily scared by this, so I do it to get my way. I crack my neck several times before I hear my name called.

The great hall doors fly open. I walk forward and keep my intimidating resting face on. No smile will ever come from this face. I hear multiple whispers from around me and tones of stares burning my head off.

I walk up front in sit on the stool instinctively. The days of questioning in police headquarters coming to my mind again.

Next thing I know almost everything went black. I can see the floor. That's it. I go to pull off the hat, but then I recoil. I can see the floor. If anyone came near me I would see their feet or shadow. I would also look pretty stupid to if I pulled it off, seeing that this might happen frequently.

Hmm...interesting. Thirst to prove yourself. Very cunning. Strong leader. Excellent.

Who the fuck is talking to me!

Must be...Oh I am the hat speaking. I must sort you into your house please be quiet I am trying to make a decision. Strong fighting spirit. Must be...SLYTHERIN!!

The hat is pulled off my head and I hear clapping. Dumbledore points in the direction of the Slytherin table.

I walk over. Most of them are death staring at me. I return the gaze. I sit at the head of the table farthest away from the teachers.

Tom POV:
The new girl named Cliff walks in. I stare her wanting to get into her mind like my father taught me, but no matter how hard I tried nothing worked. I glance at my brother. He nods at me. He can't get in either. I huff and leave the hall to recollect my composure and try again at getting into this little girls mind. I walk back and she is in my seat at the head of the table farthest from the teachers. "Ahem."

Cliff POV:

I look behind me to see a black haired boy with piercing eyes. "What do you want?" I mutter, not liking the vibe he gives off.

"That's not how you speak to your superiors, darling." he retorts back. The darling rolled off his tongue with a hint of seductiveness to it. Any regular girl would have probably broke, but not me.

"I can talk to you how ever the fuck I want to. What your problem anyways?" I say through slightly clenched teeth. My hand slowly starts reaching down my leg. With all my might I pull it back into my lap.

"My problem is that you are in my seat. I would get up now, so we don't have problems later."

"Oh no. So scary. I didn't know there where are assigned seat. Where is your name tag? Huh?"

Tom POV:
"Oh no. So scary. I didn't know there where are assigned seat. Where is your name tag? Huh?"

God this girl is so fucking annoying. I would crucio her right now if it weren't for the amount of people in the room.

"We don't put name tags up like two year olds. It's common sense because we all sit in the same spot everyday." I snarl.

She smirks knowing she has gotten under my skin. God! Why can't she be like regular girls and do everything I say.

"Well I am not the common sense type. You can try your luck, but. I. Am. Not. Moving." She stares into my eyes not breaking eye contact. Her arm reaches down to her pants again. I need to figure out what are in those pants. I break the eye contact and do a little head not at my brother that is not noticeable to most people.

Without thinking I grab her by the arm and pull her out of my seat and toss her on the ground. The little bitch deserves it anyways.

Cliff POV:
The dickhead just threw me. I unhook the back of my combat boots to reveal a little star like the ones in old western movies. I sit next to him on the bench and kick it into his exposed ankle. I did this a couple more times making sure it went deep enough in to make a mark.

He scrunches his hand together. He looked ready to punch me. He looks over at me and gives me the most deathly death stare I could think of. It almost didn't seem humanly possible.

I bat my eyes at him, making sure I look innocent. I bend over and put the little star back into its place.

Food is on the table by the time I look up. I'm not hungry at all. I sit up. "Would someone mind taking me to the dorms. I am a little tired from this mornings events."

No one speaks. The black haired boy gives a side look at the person next to him. They look similar so I am guessing they are bothers.

Mattheo POV:
"Would someone mind taking me to the dorms. I am a little tired from this mornings events."

No one speaks. Tom gives me a quick side glance. I huff. "I can take you Cliff." I roll my eyes in annoyance. This bitch thinks she rules everything.

"Thank you kindly mister." She replies with a hint of sarcasm.

We leave the great hall. I start walking toward the common room.

"Where you going?" she asks.

"The common room."

"Not much of a talker. Eh?"

"I would rather not talk to you, bitch"

"Hey, trying to start something, the little brother of dickhead?"

"What. Did. You. Call. My. Brother."

"Dickhead. Got a problem with it?"

I roll my eyes and keep walking. Cliff is the worst person ever. I pick up the pace as she jogs to keep up with me. We make it to the common room and I mutter pureblood under my breath as the door swings open. I am not leading her up to the dorm rooms. She probably doesn't have any money and is staying in a small room with someone else.

"Hey where's dorm room 346?"

Word Count: 1112
Ok I am rlly into this. I might post every day or every other day.
- Brell

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