Three: Trouble Times Ten

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Mattheo POV:
"Hey where's dorm room 346?"

What! That is one of the private dorms. How did she smuggle into getting that dorm.

"Hellooo! Are you going to tell me or not?" Cliff walks over to the velvet green couch and sit next to me.

I roll my eyes and answer. "Go up the stairs and open the right door. Your dorm should be all the way in the back of the hall."

She goes to leave, but I grab her arm before she can go. "How did you smuggle into getting a private dorm, mudblood?" I snarl.

Cliff POV:
"How did you smuggle into getting a private dorm, mudblood?" he snarls.

I clench my fist. I so want to punch this guy. "First off, the names Cliff not mUdbLoOd. Second off, Dumbledore told me that was my dorm. I didn't. Smuggle. Any. Thing." I stand up from the couch.

I flip him off as I walk up the stairs to find my dorm. I leave the door partially open, knowing that this guy is going to follow me.

The last door on the wall had the number 346. My dorm room. I open the door and walk in. This place was huge. A king size bed was on the center of the back wall with a black velvet head board. Two simple nightstands sat next to it with one gold wall sconces above each one. The walls were completely black, not that I cared. The darker the better. Two doors on the right wall led to a walk in closet and a huge bathroom with a walk in shower and a tub. The other side of the room has a desk and a black, leather swivel chair.

I run my hand over the smooth black and gold marble desk.

Probably should unload my cargo pants.

I start at the top pockets filled with a pocket knife and a regular knife. The next ones down held a rope and a laser pointer that could definitely burn someone. Then the pockets of brass knuckles, small lighter, bandages(for me), bandannas, bullets, cleaner(for my toys), a collapsible sword from my time in Asia, and a couple of other things. After I made sure everything was still there and nothing was lost, I took off my star studs on my combat boots to clean them.

"That's what those pockets are filled with"

I spin around while grabbing some of my brass knuckles.

Mattheo POV:
Cliff walked up the stairs to her dorm. I followed behind her. She opened her dorm. I grabbed the door, so it wouldn't close. I watched as she walked around admiring the place. Obviously she came from a lower class family. I roll my eyes.

She walks over to her desk and starts emptying her cargo pants. I lean against the door frame, so I can see around her. She dropped some bandannas, ropes, rings, and some other materials and objects.

I whisper under my breath, "That's what those pockets are filled with"

Cliff spin around while grabbing some of her rings.

Shit! She heard me!

She walked over to me glaring and putting on those rings of hers. "What are you doing in my dorm?"

"I'm not in your dorm. I am in the hall way." I smirk as she bites she tongue in annoyance.

Cliff POV:
I bite my tongue in annoyance. This motherfucker doesn't understand one thing about privacy. I spin one of my brass knuckles on my finger. "How would you like to have a face of metal?" I ask a smirk growing on my face.

"That's not going to happen little girl." He looks down at me. I hear his knuckles crack behind him.

I had heard enough. I punch him in the face with the brass knuckles, sending him onto the floor. I stand above him. "Looky here mister," I snarl, "I don't play around. Stay out of my business and we won't have a problem. Okay?"

"Two can play at this game" he grabs my leg and pulls me over his head. I am sent rolling down the hall. I stand up quickly, ready to fight him off. He grabs out a long stick...a wand. I knew I heard of them before.

"Put the wand down."

He doesn't he just smirks and starts walking toward me.


I don't back up. I knew he wanted me to. I wasn't going to show weakness. I readjust my brass knuckles before running and punching him in the nose. I heard a crack. I broke his nose bad. Blood start to bleed from his nose, as I go in for another punch to the jaw. Before I hit his face he shoot me backwards using some spell he muttered. I hit  the door to the dorm rooms and knock it open. I hit the railing and fall down. My breathing getting heavier.

Shit! That hurt!

He keeps walking toward me, his wand still pointing at me.

My mind is racing. I walk toward the stairs, but don't go down. I stay just out of the view of the door. He has to come out of the door to see me.

He walks out, probably thinking went down the stairs. I jump at him. I tackle him down to the ground. I start punching him over and over again. His face and chest were scraped and bloody. After a while, he gets his wands to my neck making me stop not before I hit him once in the shoulder. He keeps pushing into my neck making it hard to breath and blood starting to draw. "Get off of me before I push this any farther," he growls at me.

I don't want to get up, but I can't breath at all. I slowly get gasping for air. He stands up grabs my arm, but he falls right back down from standing up to quickly and blood loss. I fall down with him. He then rolls on top of me. His blood dripping onto me. He then mutters, "crucio."

Word Count: 1014

I don't really know what to say, so hope you like it. I am trying to decide between Mattheo or Tom as end goal. If you have any other suggestions just comment.
- Brell

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