Twenty Seven: Another Kill and Surprise

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I hear him chuckle through the door. I don't hear footsteps leaving though.

"Leave, dumbass." I command. At that I finally hear his footsteps leave. I cuddle back under the covers.

Fuck! The sheets smell like the dickhead Mattheo.

I pull them off the bed and through them in a hamper to be washed. I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower. I put on some baggy sweatpants, a matching baggy sweatshirt, and a flannel on. I swear this castle can't get any colder. The heat must have gone off or something. I yawn and walk out into the slytherin common room. The train for home leaves soon. I rush to the great hall and eat a quick meal before grabbing some of my stuff and heading to the train.

The train rides gonna be long, so I pop out my AirPods and turn on some tunes.

Mattheo POV:
I walk into Toms room after having a quick breakfast.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Yep." Tom grabs my hand and we apperate to our mansion.

"Welcome." Our father greets us.

"Hello father." Tom and I say in unison. We walk into the already filled death eater hall. Draco is already sitting at the table. I sit down next to him with Tom sitting down to my left.

"Boys. Do you know if Cliff is staying at Hogwarts for Christmas or not?" Father asks as he sits down in his chair at the end of the table.

I speak up first. "Yes, father. I-We saw her leave and get on the train."

"Good. Good. You three go to your rooms. The adults have stuff to discuss." Father shoos is from the room.

We quietly walk to our rooms. We go our separate ways. I fall down onto my bed.

What the fuck does my father want with Cliff? She is basically feared everywhere and that might be good tactics for when ever this battle thing my father is thinking of is. But still. She's really not that good. Your just saying that. She is good. Maybe better than you. No. No. NO. She's not. I have years of training compared to her. There's no way. I know more magic and non magic methods than she does. Why do I even care so fucking much?

Cliff POV:
The train finally comes to a stop. I get off and head straight to the bathroom. I through my hair in a quick braid and throw on a baseball cap. I put on some lipstick(that Pansy so nicely gave me) and some winged eyeliner(that Willow also nicely gave me). I smile at the quick but cool look I put together before heading back out into the crazy world.

I walk and walk until I reach a apartment building. I started paying rent thinking I might settle down here for a little bit. I walk into the elevator. A man in a dark business suit is already in it. He gives me a look up and down. A smirk pulls onto his face. I uncomfortably push the button for the tenth floor and stand as far away as possible. The man comes closer and closer to me. I can't go anywhere. I slowly reaches for my sweatshirt pocket. My heart rates picks up. I swear he can probably here it.

"Do I really make you this nervous darling?" the man whispers into my ear. His hand brushing up and down my waist.

I pull out my silent pistol and shoot him. He falls down the bullet straight into his chest. So glad I payed extra for it.

The loud noise of my regular pistol would have brought to much attention. My heart rates starts to lower back down to regular.

What the fuck is wrong with older men?! They really think someone as young as me is to weak to fight back. Wrong bitch! Us teens know how to fucking fight. Leave us alone and do you business with your own wife's and people your age. God. Fuck old men. Go to hell for all I care.

The ding for the tenth floor finally sounds and I through the mans body onto my shoulder and walk out and into my apartment. I through the body in a trash bag with some of my dogs dung and push a button for service to come pick up the trash. Once that's taken care of, I settle into the couch. My dog, Jackie, comes and lays on me.

"Hey pretty girl. How's it going?" I coo. I know she can't respond, but she's really the only one I have.

She barks in response and grabs the remote for me. I put on the first thing I find interesting.


Always found the sport interesting. How rough they are about absolutely nothing. They dinghy over the slightest things. I find it fun. Funny actually. Almost like the try not to laugh videos, but instead of it being kids, it's adults. The tension is also a factor. You can feel it through the tv. The cussing makes the whole thing better. They try to blurt it out but it never works.


I get up at the end of the first period and grab some food. Chips and guac. Lay back down and Jackie flops right back on top of me. Her golden fur covering me like a blanket. I watch the rest of the game until dark. Once the games over, I get up to stretch my legs before heading to bed. I grab my bowls and put them into the dishwasher. I turn it on and head to the floor to ceiling windows lying the wall. I look out into the starry night. Tons of constellations paint the sky. Astrology is definitely helping. Orion. Cancer. Gemini. Big Dipper. Little Dipper. And tons more.

All of a sudden a green light pierced the night sky. The light forms into a noticeable skull and then a snake appeared from the mouth.

Wait. No. It can't be. The death-eater mark.
Word Count: 1010

Sorry for not posting. I've been caught up with the Olympics and trying to remember to do my summer reading for high school. Ugh. I can read a Wattpad no problem but school books are just another problem. There literal torcher.
- Brell

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