Eight: Cliff

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Cliff POV:
"How about Cliff. Come up and tell us what you smell."

I gulp and nod. I walk up to the potion at the front of the room. I sniff the fumes coming out. I. I. Smell nothing. Not surprised really.

"What do you smell Ms. Cliff?"

"I smell nothing." I say calmly, shrugging my shoulders.

"Nothing? That's impossible. Everyone smells something."

"I guess I have never been attracted to anyone."

"Smell again"

I take a deep sniff. Showing that I am smelling it. There really is nothing to smell.

"I smell nothing."

"Go back to your seat. Ms. Granger, what do you smell?"

"I smell chicken, chocolate, and mint."

She blushes and walks back her seat.

I give Pansy a sideways glance. Pansy nods and mouths, I'll tell you after class.

I nod and class continues. We end up getting to pick groups of three for the project. Me and Pansy group up first. We just needed a third. Willow! "Hey Willow come join us."

She timidly walks over to us with her books. "Ok I was thinking this week we could collect all of the ingredients and the next week we can brew it."

Wow. Willow already had a plan.

"That works with me. How bout you Cliff?"

"Yeah that works."

The bell rings for class to end. We walk out of class and toward the great hall for lunch.

"Hey, Willow what's your last name?" I ask.


Wait. Lanton.

"Do you have a brother?"


Shit. Damn it. Fuck. I remember her brother. He was severely injured during an explosion that I accidentally set off.

"Is he ok?"

"Yeah. He is ok. He has a wheelchair now and a couple scars on his arm. Other than he is living life to the fullest."

"That's good." I take a deep breath and whisper in her ear. "Can you tell him. I'm sorry. I don't mean to set it off."

"Yeah. I'll send him a letter."

"Thanks. Also don't tell anyone other than him about this. I don't want to be known as a softie."

I walk away and to the slytherin table.

Why am I acting so soft. I don't like it. Ugh. I can't seem to avoid any of the people I don't want to see.

I just need to remember feelings are worthless. Someone always will end up hurt, so no feelings no heart break.

Tom POV:
Me, Mattheo and Draco decided to work on our project for potions together. Not that we are going to actually do it. We are just going to steal another groups. It was a perfect plan actually.

We were walking toward the great hall when I see Willow and Cliff off to the side talking. I nudge Mattheo and we walk over to listen.

"Yeah. He is ok. He has a wheelchair now and a couple scars on his arm. Other than he is living life to the fullest." Willow whispers.

"That's good." Cliff  takes a deep breath before whispering back. "Can you tell him. I'm sorry. I don't mean to set it off."

"Yeah. I'll send him a letter."

"Thanks. Also don't tell anyone other than him about this. I don't want to be known as a softie."

They walk toward the great hall where they separate. I nod at Mattheo. We don't go to the great hall instead we go to Dumbledore's office. All of the records of students are kept there. Dumbledore obviously wouldn't be there. The door creaks open.

"The records are over there on his desk. I'll keep watch."

I nod in response to Mattheo.

I flip through the pages. Cliff. Cliff. Cliff. Aha! Here's her info. There is not picture of her or a last name. Interesting. I grab the sheet out and walk to the door.

"Let's go to my dorm." I say.

We walk back to my dorm. The cold black room calming my nerves. The velvet green covers of my bed soothing me.

I don't know why I was. I don't know. Nervous? Anxious? I never usually am. Its just this girl Cliff is another story. Usually girls swoon me and plead for me to fuck them, but Cliff doesn't swoon. She didn't smell anything in the amortentia which is basically impossible. She have never felt love or affection ever. If she did, she forgot about it or doesn't want to remember it.


"What" I mutter.

"You done with your thoughts yet."

"Yeah let's look this page over."


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"Hmm. Another sociopath on our hands." I sniff.

"Yup. Interesting they don't know the last name." Mattheo adds.

We keep talking and making plans.

Cliff POV:
I didn't have any classes in the afternoon today, so I decide to hang out in the courtyard. Before I went outside, I went to the library. I went right to the fiction section. I have always been interested in fantasy and romance(even though I know I would never feel the love they do in the books).

I grabbed a couple books and left. The courtyard was pretty even in the middle autumn. The leaves reds, oranges, yellows, and browns. It was like a painting.

I picked up the first book, The Warlord. A romance fantasy novel. The pages pulled me in.

I am halfway through the book when I feel the presence of two people behind me. I shut my book quickly. I was in the middle of a heated scene and didn't need people knowing what it was.

"What do you want?" I mutter, not turning around.

"We just want to talk, darling?" says a voice I know too well.

I go to stand up, but two strong hands grab my arms pulling me back down. I look down. Try were both decorated with multiple rings. The one hand had a chain bracelet. I tense up when I recognize the one hand.

"Don't worry princess your fine." The younger Riddle whispers in my ear. I feel both of them smirk.

"I'm not one to talk to dick heads like you guys. No leave me alone."

They tighten their grip on my hands, digging into me."

"We don't want trouble. If you cooperate with us there will be no hurting." Tom says while turning my head to face him.
Word Count: 1048

I created that image that Tom and Mattheo take. This is about to get interesting...
- Brell

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