Eleven: It Was...Cute?

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"No problem. Now on with your story."

Should I answer him? What if he tells everyone? No, he wouldn't do that, right?

I sigh. "Ok well ever since I came to the magical world, I have been getting these visions of my parents. They are in the past and start when they left me..."

"Which is..." he nods telling me to continue.

"A little while after birth." I let that sink in before continuing. "Not all of my vision like things are scary and gross, but most of them are."

"How many have you had?"

"Umm...I think three." He nods his head.

"Could you tell me what they are about." I shift uncomfortably in my bed. He must of realized though. "You don't have to of you don't want to though. I don't want to pressure you."


"Yeah no problem. Also it seems like you also talk in the real world when you are having these visions." He started messing with the rings on his fingers.

Oh my fucking god! Why was it hot? His veins popped out of his hands and the rings just made it more attractive.

"Yeah, I guess so." I say to fill in the awkward silence. "I also wake up sweaty and heavy breathing."

Draco POV:
"I also wake up sweaty and heavy breathing."

I don't know what to do. I have never been someone for comfort.

I put my ring covered hand on her thigh, rubbing my thumb in circles. She tenses, but then starts to melt. She sighs and rests her head in my shoulder.

"Hey...if you want I brought up some food."

"Really? I could use it." Cliff mumbles.

Shit! She's to cute. After being lonely for so long, it probably feels nice to have someone. I wish I knew what it was like.


I woke up the next morning. I wasn't in my room. I look next to me to see a sleeping Cliff holding on to my arm like a monkey to a tree. It was...cute? Yes, definitely cute. Her dark brown hair was all messy. This girl has made me realize how much she is like me. It's crazy. I look at the clock. It's 6:30, crap! Breakfast starts in 30 mins.

I push Cliffs hair out of her face and rub her check. She wakes up in a flash and slaps my hand.

Damn! That hurt.

"Sorry. It's my reflexes." She says yawning.

"No it's fine. It's 6:30. Breakfast is soon." I say rubbing my head. My morning voice was mixed with my regular one.

Cliff POV:
"No it's fine. It's 6:30. Breakfast is soon." Draco says while rubbing his somewhat messy hair. His voice was different. It sounds like a morning voice, but at the same time not. It was...cute? I don't know.

"Got it. Would you mind getting out so I can change...Also, can we not bring this up to anyone...like at all."

Draco nods his head and leaves. I sigh.

It felt nice knowing someone I could talk to and seemed to understand me. Wait understand me? Has he felt pain like mine? I could threaten him to give it to me? But that would be weird after what he did to help me. He has parents though. Wait! Could it be abuse? Maybe... I'll ask him later.

I get dressed in some ripped jeans and a over sized sweatshirt. I don't feel as threatened here, so I think I'm going to carry less. I wear my brass knuckles.

I know I have brought these brass knuckles up before. They are basically these rings that are weighted and kinda look like the nuts you use to tighten screws. If you need a visual, search it up.
- Brell

I also were my multi-use belt. It has a button clasp where I hang a chain, but the one button on the clasp is a collapsible sword from my "trip" to Asia. (Aka 2 to 4 of my life spent running from police and committing crime). The chain covers up the bulkiness of the sword.

I brush my hair and teeth. I don't do any make up because I have never given an actual fuck to try or use it. I fluff my hair with my hands knotting it a little, but giving it some volume.
The day went by fast. I didn't have any run into Mattheo and Tom. They didn't actually show up to any classes.

I am walking around the halls enjoying some calm and quiet from the busy halls. I see Malfoy turn the corner toward me. He sees me and goes to turn around.

"WAIT! Draco, can I...talk to you" The last words clogged in my throat. I have never been one to ask for help or to talk. It felt weird.

"Yeah, um, sure. Let's go to the astronomy tower."

We walked up together in silence. Every once in a while our fingers brushed against each other. It gave me butterflies.

Fuck! Cliff. NO. LOVE. Remember that. It will leave you broken no matter how good it seems.

"What is it?" Draco asks braking the silence.

"You said that you know what it is like being alone. It also seemed like you knew almost exactly what I was going through. I was wondering if you have similar experiences to me."

He shifts from foot to foot.

"If you don't want to it's fine, but like you said I'm here for you if you need it." I say giving up and going to walk back down.

He grabs my arm bring me back to him. He looks down at me. His eyes say most of it. Draco has been hurt and been keeping it in for to long. We keep this strong eye contact for a while. This sorta tension was building, but I don't know what it was. Sexual? Maybe.

NO. Cliff. No. LOVE. Or. SEXUAL. Shit.

"No. You'll stay. I'll tell you a little, but you have to promise me something."
Word Count: 1012

As you can tell, Cliff and Draco's relationship is getting stronger. It will grow, but they won't end up dating. It will probs end up as a sibling relationship and they will help keep each other somewhat stable. I am also not going to be posting the next chapter for some time. I am on a tiny vacation.
- Brell

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