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We're here!Time to muscle up.
Who's there?
You scared me to death,you mangy thing.
I'm just looking foran old well. Know it?
Not talking, huh?
Magic dowser,magic dowser...
Show me the well!
Get away from me!
Let me guess.You're from Texas or Utah,
someplace dried-outand barren, right?
I heard about water witchingbefore, but it doesn't make sense.
I mean, it's justan ordinary branch.
It's a dowsing rod.
And I don't likebeing stalked,
not by psycho nerdsor their cats!
He's not really my cat.He's kind of feral.
You know, wild.
Of course,I do feed him every night,
and sometimeshe'll come to my window
and bring melittle dead things. Look, I'm from Pontiac. Huh? Michigan. And if I'm a water witch,then where's the secret well? You stomp too hardand you'll fall in it. Oh! See? It's supposed to be so deep, if youfell to the bottom and looked up, you'd see a sky full of starsin the middle of the day. Ha. Surprised shelet you move in. My gramma, she ownsthe Pink Palace. Won't rent topeople with kids. What do you mean? I'm not supposedto talk about it. I'm Wybie.Wybie Lovat. Wybie? Short for Wyborne. Not my idea,of course. What'd youget saddled with? I wasn't saddled withanything. It's Coraline. Caroline what? Coraline.Coraline Jones. It's notreal scientific, but I heard an ordinaryname like Caroline can lead people to have ordinaryexpectations about a person. Wyborne! I think I heardsomeone calling you, Wyborne. What?I didn't hear anything. I definitely heard someone, Why-Were-You-Born. Wyborne! Grandma! Well, great to meeta Michigan water witch, but I'd weargloves next time. Why? 'Cause thatdowsing rod of yours, it's poison oak. I almost fell downa well yesterday, Mom. Uh-huh.
I would've died.
That's nice.
So, can I go out?

I think it's perfectweather for gardening. No, Coraline.Rain makes mud.
Mud makes a mess. But, Mom,I want stuff growing...
...when my friendscome to visit.
Isn't that whywe moved here?
Something like that. But thenwe had the accident.
It wasn't my faultyou hit that truck. I never said it was. I can't believe it. You and Dad get paid to writeabout plants, and you hate dirt. Coraline, I don't have timefor you right now, and you stillhave unpacking to do. Lots of unpacking.
That sounds exciting!
Oh. Some kid left thison the front porch. Hey, Jonesy.
Look what I foundin Gramma's trunk.
Look familiar? Wybie. Huh. A little me? That's weird. What's his name,anyway? Wybie. And I'm waytoo old for dolls.
Hey, Dad.How's the writing going?

Hello, Coralineand Coraline doll.
Do you know wherethe garden tools are?
It's... It's pouringout there, isn't it?
It's just raining.
What'd the boss say?
"Don't even think aboutgoing out, Coraline Jones!"
Then you won'tneed the tools.
You know, this houseis 150 years old.
So explore it.
Go out and count all the doors andwindows and write that down on...
List everythingthat's blue.
Just let me work.
No. No, no, no. No.
One boring blue boy in apainfully boring painting.
Four incrediblyboring windows...
...and no more doors.
All right, little me.Where are you hiding?
Hey, Mom.Where does this door go?
I'm really, really busy.
I think it's locked.
Will you stop pestering meif I do this for you?
Bricks?I don't get it.
They must've closed this offwhen they divided up the house.
You're kidding.
And why is the door so small?
We made a deal!Zip it!
You didn't lock it.
Oh, my twitchy-witchy girl
I think you are so niceI give you bowls of porridge.
And I give youbowls of ice cream.
Why don't youever cook, Mom?
Coraline, we've beenthrough this before.
Your dad cooks, I clean,and you stay out of the way.
I swear I'll go food shoppingsoon as we finish the catalog.
Try some of the chard.You need a vegetable.
It looks morelike slime to me.
Well, it's slimeor bedtime, fusspot.
Now what's it gonna be?
Think they'retrying to poison me?
Don't forget about me, guys.Okay?
Good night, little me.
Mmm. Something smells good.
Mom? What are you doing herein the middle of the night?
You're just in timefor supper, dear.
You're not my mother.
My mother doesn't have...
Buttons? Do you like them?
I'm your other mother, silly.
Now go tell your other fatherthat supper's ready.
Well, go on.He's in his study.
Hello, Coraline.
Wanna hear my new song?
My fathercan't play piano.
No need to.
This piano plays me.
Making upa song about Coraline.
She's a peach, she's a dollShe's a pal of mine.
She's as cute as a buttonin the eyes of everyone.
Who ever laidtheir eyes on Coraline.
When she comesaround exploring.
Mom and I will never,ever make it boring.
Our eyes will be on Coraline.
I'm sorry, but she said totell you the food's ready.
Who's starving?Raise your hand.
We give our thanksand ask to bless
our mother'sgolden chicken breast.
This chicken is good.
Hungry, aren't you?
Do you have any gravy?
Well, here comesthe gravy train.
Choo, choo!
Another roll? Sweet peas?Corn on the cob?
I'm real thirsty.

Of course.Any requests?
Mango milkshake?
We've been waitingfor you, Coraline.
For me?Yep.
Wasn't the same herewithout you, kiddo.
I didn't know Ihad another mother.
Of course you do.Everyone does.
And soon as you're througheating, I thought we'd play a game.
You mean like hide-and-seek?
Perfect.Hide-and-seek in the rain.
What rain?
What about the mud?
We love mud here.
Mud facials,mud baths, mud pies.
It's greatfor poison oak.
How'd you know I...
I... I'd love to play, but Ibetter get home to my other mother.
But I'm your other mother.
I mean my other,other mother.
Mom number one?
I think I shouldget to bed.
Of course, sweetheart.It's all made up.
But...Come along, sleepyhead.
Hello, Coraline.
Hello, hello,hello, hello.
What's shaking, baby?
Hey.How's it going, Loper?
Where's your
swampers and chook?
Cripes almighty!How are my best trolls?
I can't wait till summer.
You're both coming, right?
We're already here,Coraline.
Gone to Oregon.
The mud.
See you soon.
See you soon.
It's gone.My poison oak! It's gone!
It was incredibly real, Mom.
Only you weren'treally you.
You weremy other mother.
Buttons foreyes, huh?
Coraline, you only dreamedyou ate all that chicken.
Take yourmultivitamin at least.
You were inthe dream, too, Dad.
You had wild-looking pajamasand orange monkey slippers.
Orange?My monkey slippers are blue.
Can you get me some of that
magic mud you were talking about? Because I have a terriblecase of writer's rash on my...
If the real Charlie Joneswants his pages edited,
he better wrap them up ASAP.
Coraline, why don'tyou go visit downstairs?
I bet those actresses wouldlove to hear your dream.
Miss Spink and Forcible?
But you saidthey're dingbats.
Bobinsky. Bobinsky. Bobinsky.
I think our mailgot mixed up.
Should I leaveit outside, or...
Famous jumpingmouse circus not ready,
little girl.
Oh, uh...
I brought this for you.
New cheese samples.
Very clever using this mix-up tosneak my home and peek at mooshkas?
The mice!
Sorry. I'm Coraline Jones.
And I amthe Amazing Bobinsky.
But you call me Mr. B
because amazing Ialready know that I am.
You see, Caroline,the problem is...
My new songs gooompah, oompah,
but the jumping mice playonly toodle-toot, like that.
Is nice but notso much amazing.
So now, I switch to strongercheese and soon, watch out!
Here, have beet.Make you strong.
Do svidaniya, Caroline.
Coraline. Oompah, oompah.
Toodle-toot. Hey, Caroline!
The mice asked meto give you message.
The jumping mice?

They are saying do notgo through little door.
Do you know such a thing?
The one behind the wallpaper?
But it's all bricked up.
So sorry. Is nothing.
Sometimes the miceare little mixed-up.

They even get your
name wrong, you know? They call you Coralineinstead of Caroline.
Not Caroline at all.
Maybe I work them too hard.

Cease your
infernal yapping.
How nice to see you,Caroline.
Would you liketo come in?
We're playing cards.
Still Coraline,Miss Spink.
Miriam!Put the kettle on!

April, I thinkyou're being followed.
It's the new neighbor,Miriam. Caroline.
She'll be havingthe oolong tea.
No! Oh, no, no.
I'm sure she'd
prefer jasmine.
No, oolong.
Ah. Jasmine it is, then.
Come on, boys.
Are those dogs real?
Our sweet departed angels.
Couldn't bear to part withthem, so we had them stuffed.
Now, there'sHamish the third...
Go on. Have one.
It's hand-pulledtaffy from Brighton.
Best in the world.
SPINK... the third,the ninth, yes.
The fourth, I'm right.
And Jock Jr. Jock Sr.Jock the third, the fourth,
and that's Jock's secondcousin thrice removed.
I'll read themif you like.
Read what?
Your tea leaves, dear.
They'll tell me your future.
Drink up then. Go on.
No, not all of it.Not all of it.
That's right.Now hand it over.
Oh, Caroline.
Caroline, Caroline, Caroline.
You are interrible danger.
Oh, give methat cup, April.
Your eyes are going.
My eyes?You're blind as a bat.
Well, not to worry, child.
It's good news.
There's a tall, handsomebeast in your future.
A what?
Miriam, really.
You're holding it wrong.See? Danger.
What do you see?
I seea very peculiar hand.
I see a giraffe.
Giraffes don't justfall from the sky, Miriam.
Oh, Lord.
Well, what should I do?
Never wear green inyour dressing room.
Acquire a verytall stepladder.
And be very, very careful.
Now, was there somethingyou came to tell us?
No. I guess not.Thanks for the tea, though.
Do you have anynice queens for Mummy?
Great! The village stalker.
I wasn't stalking you.
We're hunting banana slugs.
What do you mean "we?"
Ha! Your cat's not wild.
He's a wuss puss.
What? He hates toget his feet wet. Jeez.
Wuss puss.
So, that doll.
Did you make itlook like me?
Oh, no. I found it that way.
It's older than Grandma.
Old as this house,probably.
Come on. Blue hair,my swampers and raincoat?
Dang! Check out Slugzilla.
You're just like them.
I meant my parents.
They don'tlisten to me either.

Uh-huh. You mind?
You know, I've never beeninside the Pink Palace.
You're kidding.
Grandma'd kill me.
Thinks it's dangerousor something.
Well, she hada twin sister.
When they were kids,Grandma's sister disappeared.
She saysshe was stolen.
Well, what do you think?
I don't know.Maybe she just ran away.
Look, I gotta go.
Wait a minute.
Welcome back, darling.
So thoughtful of you to sendthis nice cheddar, Coraline.
Cheddar? Oh!The mice bait.
Would you gofetch your father?
I bet he's hungryas a pumpkin by now.
You mean my other father.
Your better father, dear.
He's out in the garden.
But my parents don'thave time to garden.
Go on.
I love your garden!
Our garden, Coraline.
Stop tickling me!
Daughter in distress.
Tickle no more,you dragon snappers.
Well, she says it's timefor dinner, breakfast, food.
Hop on, kiddo.
I wanna show you something.
I can't believeyou did this.
Mother said you'd like it.
Boy, she knows youlike the back of her hand.
Mmm. So good.
I love
Coraline, Mr. Bobinsky has invited you...
...to come see the jumpingmice perform after dinner.
That know-it-all Wybie...
...said it was allin Mr. B's head.
I knew he was wrong.
Well, everything'sright in this world, kiddo.
Your father andI will clean up.
while you and yourfriend head upstairs.
My friend?
Great. Another Wybie.
I thought you'd like him more if hespoke a little less. So I fixed him.
So he can't talk at all?
I like it.
Now, run along,you two, and have fun.
You're awful cheerful consideringyou can't say anything.
It didn't hurt,did it, when she...
Look at you!
Lady and gentleman, for totickle your eyes and ears...
...and making hearts to thump,
I, Sergei Alexander Bobinsky,
am introducing
my astoundishing,
...stupendulous and amazing...

...jumping mouse circus!
My name!
It's wonderful, Wybie.
Yahoo!That was great!
Very, very thank you,lady and gentleman.
We loved it, Mr. B.It was so... So...
You are very welcomeanytime you like.
You and also yourgood friend there.
Do svedaniya, Coraline.
There were garden squashlike balloon animals...
...and snapdragons.
Oh, and upstairs,I saw a real mouse circus.
Not pretend like thecrazy man's in our house.
You sureyou won't come?
Don't fret, Charlie.
They'll lovethe new catalog.
At least they'lllove my chapters.
I did not callhim crazy, Coraline.
He's drunk.
Well, I guess I'll see you
around, you dizzy dreamer.
Dad! I'm not five anymore.

My kingdom for a horse!

Put them back.
But, Mom,the whole school's... ...gonna wearboring gray clothes. No one will have these. Put them back.

My other motherwould get them. Maybe she shouldbuy all your clothes. So what do you thinkis in the other apartment? I don't know. Not a family ofJones imposters. Then why'd youlock the door? I found some rat crap, andI thought you'd feel safer. They're jumping mice, Mom, andthe dreams aren't dangerous. They're the most fun I'vehad since we've moved here. Your schoolmight be fun. With those stupid uniforms?Right. Had to give it a try. How do you feelabout a mustard, ketchup, salsawrap for lunch? Are you kidding me? Had to go food shopping,anyway. Dad's planningsomething special. Grossgusting. You wanna come along? You can pick outsomething you like. Oh. Like the gloves. Look, Coraline, if things go welltoday, I promise I'll make it up. That's whatyou always say. Won't be long. But I might be. I knew it was real. Dearest Coraline, Miss Spink and Miss Forcible haveinvited you downstairs after lunch. I hope you likethe new outfit I made you. Love, Mother. Wybie's got a catlike you at home. Not the quiet Wybie.The one that talks too much. You must be the other cat. No, I'm notthe other anything. I'm me. Um... I can see youdon't have button eyes, but if you're the same cat,how can you talk? I just can. Cats don't talk at home. No?Nope. Well, you're clearlythe expert on these things. After all,I'm just a big fat wuss puss. Come back. Please? I'm sorry I called you that.I really am. How'd you get here? I've been cominghere for a while. It's a game we play. She hates cats andtries to keep me out, but she can't, of course. I come and goas I please. The other motherhates cats? Not like any motherI've ever known. What do you mean?She's amazing. You probably think this world is adream come true, but you're wrong. The other Wybie told me so. That's nonsense.He can't talk. Perhaps not to you. We cats, however, have farsuperior senses than humans, and can see and smell and... Shh! I hear something.Right over... Hey, Wybie. She's practically naked! I'm known as the sirenof all seven seas. The breaker ofhearts by the bay. So if you go swimmingWith bowlegged women. I might stealyour weak heart away. Oh, my God. A big-bottomed sea witchMay bob through the waves. And hope tolead sailors astray. But a true ocean goddessMust fill out her bodice. To presentan alluring display. Beware of old oysterstoo large in the chest. Let's banish themfrom the buffet. I'm far more nutritious. You smell likethe fishes. Did I hear a banshee? You're sea greenwith envy. This mermaid enchantress. No, I, Birth of Venus. Will sendsailors swooning... Will send sailorsswooning all day. I can't look. Ready to breaka leg, Miriam? Our lives forthe theater, April. "Whata piece of work is man! "How noble in reason!" "How infinite in faculty. " "In form, in movinghow express and admirable!" "In actionlike an angel. " "In apprehensionhow like a god!" "The beauty of the world!" "The paragon of animals!" Yeah! Hey, there. Was it wonderful, dear? Oh, yeah. They swooped down andpulled me right out of my seat, Spink and Forcible,only they weren't old ladies. That wasjust a disguise. But then, I was flyingthrough the air, and it was... It was magic. You do like it here,don't you, Coraline? Uh-huh. Good night, Wybie. You could stay hereforever if you want to. Really?Sure. We'll sing and play games, andMother will cook your favorite meals. There's one tinylittle thing we need to do. What's that? Well, it's a surprise. For you,our little doll. Black is traditional. But if you'd prefer pink orvermillion or chartreuse... Though you mightmake me jealous. No way! You're not sewingbuttons in my eyes! But we need a "yes"if you want to stay here. So sharpyou won't feel a... Ow! There, now. It's your decision, darling. We only wantwhat's best for you. I'm going to bed.Right now! Bed? Before dinner? I'm really,really tired. Yeah. I just need tosleep on things. Well, of courseyou do, darling. I'll be happyto tuck you in. Oh, no, thanks. You've done so much already. You're welcome. And I... We aren't worriedat all, darling. Soon you'llsee things our way. What's wrong, Coraline? Don't you wanna play? Yeah! I wanna hug your face! Get a grip, soldier! Hey!Hey! Where's your buttons,Loper? You want to stay,don't you? Going home tonight, robots,and I won't be back. Go to sleep.Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. A tinylittle thing we need to do. Go to sleep.Go to sleep. Go to sleep. So sharpyou won't feel a thing. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Soonyou'll see things our way. Mom! Dad! Oh, God. I'm still here? Hey, you! Where's the other mother? I wanna go home. All will be swell,soon as Mother's refreshed. Her strength is our strength. Mustn't talk whenMother's not here. If you won't eventalk to me, I'm gonna findthe other Wybie. He'll help me.No point. He pulled a long face,and Mother didn't like it. And what do youthink you're doing? Well, I'm gettingout of here. That's what I'm doing. Huh? Something's wrong. Shouldn'tthe old well be here? Nothing out here. It's the emptypart of this world. She only made what sheknew would impress you. But why?Why does she want me? She wantssomething to love, I think. Somethingthat isn't her. Or maybe she'd justlove something to eat. Eat? That's ridiculous. Mothers don'teat daughters. I don't know.How do you taste? Huh? But how can you walk away fromsomething and still come back to it? Walk around the world. Small world. Hang on. Stop!He's one of the circus mice! I don't like ratsat the best of times, but this one wassounding an alarm. Good kitty. They say even the proudestspirit can be broken with love. Of course, chocolatenever hurts. Like one? They're cocoa beetlesfrom Zanzibar. I want to be withmy real mom and dad. I want you to let me go. Is that any way totalk to your mother? You aren't my mother. Apologize at once, Coraline! No! I'll give you tothe count of three. One. Two. Three! Ow! What are you doing?Ow! That hurts! You may come out when you'velearned to be a loving daughter. Who's there? Hush!And shush. For the beldammight be listening. You... You meanthe other mother? Who are you? Don't remember our names, but I 'member my true mommy. Why are you all here? The beldam. She spied on our livesthrough the little doll's eyes. And saw thatwe weren't happy. So she lured us away withtreasures. And treats. And games to play. Gave all that we asked. Yet we still wanted more. So welet her sew the buttons. She said that she loved us. But shelocked us here. And ate up our lives. Well, she can't keep mein the dark forever. Not if she wantsto win my life. Beating her ismy only chance. Perhaps, if you dowin your escape, you could find our eyes. Has she taken those, too? Yes, miss.And hidden them. Find our eyes, mistress,and our souls will be freed. I... I'll try. Wybie? Did she do this to you? I hope that feels...Shh! Coraline? Is that you? Let's go! Coraline! Come on!She'll hurt you again. Coraline! How dare youdisobey your mother! Coraline! I'm home! Anybody here? Hello? Hello, hello! Real Dad? Real Mom? Oh, Mom's groceries! Ugh! That's disgusting. I missed you guys so much,you'll never... Oh. The Wybie that talks. Huh? Yeah, so, you knowthat old doll I gave you? Um... My grandma's real mad. Says it was her sister's. The one that disappeared. You stole that doll,didn't you? Well, it looked justlike you, and I figured... It used to look like thispioneer girl, then Huck Finn Jr. then it was thisLittle Rascals chick... ...with all theseribbons and braids and... Grandma's missing sister. I think I just met her.Come on. Listen, I'm reallynot supposed to... Whoa! She's in there. Can you...Can you unlock it? Not in a million years. But it wouldn't matter. She can't escapewithout her eyes. None of the ghosts can. Yeah. So I reallyneed to get that doll. Great! I'd love toget rid of it. Where are you hiding,you little monster? You and Grandma been talking? The doll's her spy. It's how she watches you, findsout what's wrong with your life. The doll is my grandma's spy? No. The other mother. She's got this whole worldwhere everything's better. The food, the garden,the neighbors. But it's all a trap. Yeah, I think I heardsomeone calling me, Jonesy. Don't believe me?You can ask the cat. The cat? I'll just tell Grandma thatyou couldn't find the doll. Ow! You're not listening to me! That's 'cause you're crazy! You creep! Crazy! Crazy? You're the jerk wadthat gave me the doll! Mom! Dad! Pick it up, Dad. Pick it up. DAD ON ANSWERING Hi! Dad! Where... I'm digging inmy garden right now, but leave a message andI'll get right back to you. Where have you gone? Uh... Don't you onlymake wings for the dead ones? Just looking ahead, dear. Angus hasn't beenfeeling very well of late. April?Aren't you getting ready? We've lost our ride, Miriam. Caroline says her parentshave vanished quite completely. What? We've waited monthsfor those tickets. I suppose we could walk. With your gammy legs? It's nearly twomiles to the theater. Oh, yes.Your missing parents. We knowjust what you need. Miriam, get...That's right. How is 100-year-oldcandy gonna help? There you go, sweetie. What's it for? Well, it might help. They're good forbad things sometimes. No. They're goodfor lost things. It'sbad things, Miriam. Lost things, April.Bad. Lost.Bad things. Lost.Bad. Lost! Good night, Mom. Good night, Dad. Hello.How did you get in? Do you know whereMom and Dad are? Mom? Dad! How did this happen? She's taken them. They're notcoming back, are they? Mom and Dad. Not on their own. Only one thing to do. You know, you're walkingright into her trap. I have to go back. They are my parents. Challenge her, then. She may not play fair,but she won't refuse. She's got a thing for games. Hmm. Okay. Coraline? Mom? Coraline!You came back for us. Mom! Darling, why wouldyou run away from me? Where are my parents? Gosh, I have no ideawhere your old parents are. Perhaps they've grown boredof you and run away to France. They weren't bored of me.You stole them! Now, don't bedifficult, Coraline. Have a seat, won't you? Mmm. Why don't youhave your own key? Only one key. Shh! The garden squash need tending,don't you think, pumpkin? Squish-squash,pumpkin sauce. Mom? Dad? Where'd she hide you? Breakfast time! Be strong, Coraline. Why don't we play a game? I know you like them. Everybody likes games. Uh-huh. What kind ofgame would it be? An exploring game.A finding things game. And what is it you'dbe finding, Coraline? My real parents. Too easy. And the eyes ofthe ghost children. Huh. What if youdon't find them? If I lose, I'll stay here withyou forever and let you love me. And I'll let you sewbuttons into my eyes. Hmm. And if yousomehow win this game? Then you let me go.You let everyone go. My real father and mother, the dead children,everyone you've trapped here. Deal. Not till you give me a clue. Oh, right. In each of three wondersI've made just for you, a ghost's eye islost in plain sight. And for my parents? Fine. Don't tell me. It's a deal. What does she mean,"wonders?" Hmm. Ugh! No! Stop! Why steal this? Wow! That must be it! Sorry. So sorry.Mother making me. Don't wanna hurt you! Take it! Bless you, miss.You found me! But there's twoeyes still lost. Don't worry.I'm getting the hang of it. The pearl. Thief!Thief! Give it back!Give it back! Thief!Thief! Give it back! Thief!Thief! Give it back!Thief! Thief!Give it back! Give it back!Thief! Give it back!Give it back! Thief! Thief!Thief! Stop! Stop! Thief! Thief! Thief! Stop! Hurry on, girl.Her web is unwinding. Oh, Wybie. Evil witch! I'm not scared! Hello, galoobooshka. I'm Coraline. Is this whatyou're looking for? Uh-huh. You think winninggame is good thing? You'll just go home andbe bored and neglected, same as always.Stay here with us. We will listen to youand laugh with you. If you stay here, youcan have whatever you want. Always! You don't get it, do you? I don't understand. Of course youdon't understand. You're just a copy she madeof the real Mr. B. Not even that anymore. No! No! Oh, God. I've lost the game. I've lost everything. I think I mentioned that I don'tlike rats at the best of times. I think you might have saidsomething like that. It looked like youneeded this one, however. Thank you. I'm heading inside. I still have tofind my parents. Come on, quickly! So you're back. And you broughtvermin with you. No. I... I brought a friend. You know I love you. You have a veryfunny way of showing it. So where are they?The ghost eyes? Hold on. We aren'tfinished yet. Are we? No, I suppose not. After all, you still need tofind your old parents, don't you? Too bad you won't have this. Be clever, miss. Even if you win,she'll never let you go! I already know whereyou've hidden them. Well, produce them. They're behind that door. Oh, they are, are they? There. Mom. Dad. Go on. Open it.They'll be there, all right. You're wrong, Coraline.They aren't there. Now you're going tostay here forever. No, I'm not! No! You horrible cheating girl! No! Where are you? You selfish brat! You daredisobey your mother? Please shut it! Don't leave me!Don't leave me! I'll die without you! Coraline, we're home. Mom! Dad!I missed you so much! Missed us? Oh, no. You broke myfavorite snow globe. I didn't break it. It must've brokewhen you escaped. And cut your knee. Coraline, I asked youto count all the windows, not put your kneethrough them. But... Well, get yourself cleanedup. We're going out tonight. We got a lot to celebrate. You're talking aboutyour garden catalog? Of course. What else? But look atthe snow on your... What's gotteninto you, Coraline? So, gonnaorder the tulips? What's that? For the garden party? I have no idea whatyou're talking about. Dad! So, Ma, invitations? Don't forgetthe invitations. Even Bobinsky? Mr. B.'s not drunk,Mom. He's just eccentric. Good night, Coraline. Oh. Hello again. You still mad? I'm really sorry I threwyou at her, the other mother. It was all I could think of. I think it's time,don't you? To set them free? It's a fine, fine thingyou did for us, miss. Well, I'm gladit's finally over. It is over anddone with for us. What about me? You're interrible danger, girl! But how? I locked the door! It's the key, miss. There's only one,and the beldam will find it. 'Tain't all bad, miss. Thou art alive.Thou art still living. I gotta hide this somewhere,somewhere she can never... Out of my way! Oh, my twitchy-witchy girlI think you are so nice. I give you bowls of porridgeand I give you bowls of ice cream. I give you lots of kisses. And I give you lots of hugs. But I nevergive you sandwiches. Wth grease andworms and mung... ...beans I'm really sorryI didn't believe you...
...about all thisevil stuff, Coraline.
Why did you change your mind?
Well, Grandma showed me thispicture after I called you crazy.
It's her and her sister,before she disappeared.
The Sweet Ghost Girl.

Wyborne! Come home!
Oh, man.What am I gonna tell her?
Just bring her bythe house tomorrow.
We can tell her together.
We... We can?
You know, I'm gladyou decided to stalk me.
It wasn't my idea.
Thanks for helping me,Miss Spink, Miss Forcible.
Oh, look, April.Pink ladies!
Actually, it's just lemonade.
How's Angus doing?
Oh, much better, dear, but hecan't duck his wings forever.
Here comes a burp.
Excusez-moi, but that pizza,that was delicious.
Cold drinks?
Oh, yeah. Great.
You were right, Coraline.I really hate dirt!
But the tulips look nice.
Thanks, Mom.
That is possible.
How arethe mooshkas, Mr. B?
They tell me that youare savior, Caroline.
And soon as they are ready,
they wish to give specialthanks you performance.
Wyborne,I know where I'm going.
I grew up here.
Welcome, Miss Lovat!
Oh. Hello.
I'm Coraline Jones.

I've got so much to tell you.
Do you want to popa little gin in it, dear?
Of course.

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