Chapter 2

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She woke up.

It was the only thing she feared; to fail yet again.

Chaeyoung didn't know how she ended up laying on a hospital bed, alive. The only thing she could focus on was the monitor and her heart beating. She hadn't opened her eyes afraid to see her mother looking at her. Her fingertips began to move feeling the soft fabric beneath her. It smelled of hospital food and plastic.

Her eyes opened with the urge to use the restroom. It was dark outside and her mom slept on a chair beside her. She brought her hands up to her neck being able remember how it felt.

What went wrong?

With a struggle, she pulled herself out of bed and stumbled her way into the bathroom. The gown she wore fell beneath her knees, it was cold. Immediately after closing the door, she broke down. She couldn't help but yell and kick her feet hating how she failed. Chaeyoung looked around the bathroom for something sharp, something she could use but nothing. She became so desperate and wrapped her hands around her neck fighting oneself only to fail again and again.

Fuck fuck fuck!

Nurses and doctors rushed into the bathroom taking her arms and pinning them down beside her head. She kicked, screamed and fought against them until she grew too tired and could only cry. They placed her back on the bed and her mother watched in raw horror. The girl laid still ignoring all the questions the doctors threw at her.  She didn't want to hear them, she didn't want to see the look on her mom's face, she didn't want to do this anymore.

"You will be moved after lunch, please eat something" her mother told her.


"A mental hospital, its for the best"

It's for the best.
Fuck you.

Chaeyoung was restricted from her phone and her headphones. Nothing that was sharp, nothing that had wires and much less shoes with laces to them. Upon entering, it smelled worse than a regular hospital. Her mother walked behind her leading her behind yet another nurse. They were lead into a room where vitals were taken and questions were asked.

They handed her multiple gowns, socks and put a bracelet on her wrist. Leaving her mother behind, they lead her to a room with two other people and four beds. The room had two windows, four small closets and night stands. Every bed was small with thin sheets and just a few feet above ground. No music, no pencils and much less a piano for her to ease her mind.

"Hey, I'm Hoseok but you can just call me Hobi!" A boy who sat on the bed across from her's brightly smiled with welcoming eyes. He seemed sweet and innocent. His hair was short and brown parted through the middle, it appeared fluffy and soft.

"And Im Olivia" the other girl barely managed to smile.

Chaeyoung was tired, the sun was just now setting but all she wanted to do was to sleep her days away, "I'm Chaeyoung"

"Why are you here?", Hobi asked.

The two roommates leaned in a bit closer as if not allowed to bring the topic up. Chaeyoung was ashamed, she didn't want to admit her failure. But she thought that if the truth was told, they would want to stay away.

"I hung myself" she casually admitted then showed the scars on her wrist, "and this too. How about you?"

Hoseok paused for a moment trying to connect the events to the young girl before him, "I'm in for fictitious disorder, a bit lame but hey, Im not home"

"What's that?", Chaeyoung tilted her head. Even if she only was a few minutes in, the boy was very welcoming and honest.

"I fake mental illnesses which also is a mental illness. My mom got tired and sent me here last week, again."

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