Chapter 5

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The older girl had taken Chaeyoung out to eat at a food truck downtown. They both ordered the same thing which ended up mostly being eaten by Mina. It was just the two of them sitting at a table near the food truck in silence as the older girl finished up. Chaeyoung looked up at the star filled sky finding them brighter when away from town. It was a beautiful view Mina had brought her to.

"You like it?" Mina suddenly asked. "The view"

"Yeah, it's nice"

"We can stay for a bit, if you want?"

The girl nodded keeping her eyes on the sky. This was so much better than being inside a room filled with teenage boys who have a nicotine addiction. It was actually refreshing to feel the cool autumn air against her body. She enjoyed their silence and kept looking at the stars hoping for a shooting star to appear but it never came.

Ring ring ring

"Yeah?" Chaeyoung picked up the phone to Jimin asking about her whereabouts, "I left the party"


"With Mina" she responded, "I have to go"

She hung up without listening to what he would say. Jimin had slowly taken a bit of her patience by setting her up with that party. Mina noticed how tense she had become but didn't mention it. Instead, the older girl watched her and the view taking note of how calm she became with the night.

After some silence Mina offered to take the girl back to the party but she had shook her head staying fixed on the view. Mina wanted to know what she was thinking about but didn't want to cross any boundaries. The older girl had watched her breakdown beneath her and hadn't stopped thinking about that moment since it happened. It had set in a new fear in her when she watched the young girl walk away keeping her head low.

"Do you want to do trick or treating still?" Chaeyoung questioned.

The older was surprised by her start in the conversation, "Would you like to join Ray and I?" 

She nodded, "Yes"

Mina brightly smiled at her feeling exciting for being able to continue on with their previous plans. Chaeyoung had stared a second longer watching as her smile slowly became smaller yet remained to show.

Pretty, She immediately looked away after that thought.

The two sat in silence watching trick or treaters along the street. Chaeyoung couldn't even remember when she went trick or treating her parents. Lately, her own memory had begun too fail her and she couldn't understand why. Everything was slowly failing her; she couldn't sleep, she couldn't eat, she couldn't remember what she did last week and she found herself being irritated by the only people she talks to. 

They had stopped at a red-light when Chaeyoung received the urge to question her about everything. Every time the older girl approached her, she wanted to know why she had done so.

"Why did you do that at the bridge?" She asked.

Mina swallowed keeping focus on the road, "I already told you: to save you. And if you jumped, I cant swim so we would've both ended up dead"

"Why would we both end up dead?"

"Because I would've jumped after you"

She's crazy. 
Why was she looking for me at the party?
Reach for the wheel and drive off the road.
Jump out the door.
Make the car crash. 

Chaeyoung didnt mean any of those harming thoughts, they always came uninvited. It was another battle of her's, the thoughts which slowly drove her mad. Of course, she didnt do as they pleased, most of the time she didnt. But there's times in which they become louder than her screams and she cant help but comply. 

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