Chapter 29

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Stay by my side Stephane Huguenin

Ryujin had actually gone over to Chaeyoung's house with a make up kit knowing the girl would need help. She had knocked on her door without a warning. At that point, Chaeyoung hadn't even showered thinking it wouldn't take her long to get ready. But of course, Ryujin had different plans wanting Chaeyoung to look as good as possible for the night.

"What are you doing at my house?" Chaeyoung smiled. "It's 3pm, the dance doesn't start until seven and we dont meet up until 6"

"Exactly" Ryujin pushed her inside her home as she walked in, "That means we have less than three hours to get ready"


She was growing impatient, "Yes we, you Cub! I assume you don't know how to do your make up or hair. So go on and take a shower"

"Uhhh" she was still a bit confused but decided to go along with it.

Chaeyoung showered and had sat down feeling tired. It was a bad sign, the day hadn't even started and she was already exhausted. She had even smoked a little as she rested her head back. But then, she remembered Mina was her date and that she must look at her best for her girlfriend. In that instant, the girl stood up and got out of the bathroom feeling just a bit more positive about the day.

Ryujin struggled to find the right make up for a Chaeyoung but they eventually both decided that natural with glitter would be perfect. And so, Ryujin began to work on her makeup erasing things and redoing them. They played music and laughed about things. Chaeyoung was doing her best to be patient as she texted Mina back a few times.

Mina <3
*Ryujin really showed up?:D*

*Yes, yes she did. She forced me into the shower
And then she sat me down and is doing my makeup*

*Haha cute!! Have you had breakfast?*

*Not yet. Have you ??*

*I picked up breakfast burritos, I'll drop some
off for you guys*

*Ugh you really are the best.*
*I love you*

*you make me the best<3*
*I love you*

Ryujin had been occasionally looking over Chaeyoung's phon as she worked on some of her make up. Though she found it very endearing how Chaeyoung smiled at the texts, she pretended it was the most revolting thing she had ever seen.

As soon as Mina had arrived, Ryujin answered the door stating that Chaeyoung was not to be seen until completely ready. It made Mina feel a bit disappointed. She would at least want to see her girlfriend after going to her house. In the end, she didn't push it and decided waiting to see her girlfriend would be perfect.

"You really just stopped me from seeing my girlfriend?"
Chaeyoung asked Ryujin in disbelief.

"Yes, yes I did. I love making things dramatic so deal with it"

The girl's heart fell. She was hoping to at least see Mina, "But I miss her"

Ryujin mocked her pouting expression "Awee, that sucks. I don't care. You'll probably spend all night together anyways. Literally"

And again, Ryujin had a point. Chaeyoung let it rest after her friend handed her a burrito in order for the girl to shut up and eat. The two friends talked more about the dance and songs they hoped would be played. Ryujin did get away with mentioning that she was a little nervous for her date but Chaeyoung had let it pass by assuming they were casual nerves.

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