Chapter 24

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Acurrucar by Ed Maverick

The two young girls had stayed in Mina's room until dinner was ready. Chaeyoung felt a bit of accomplishment knowing how happy Mina had gotten. She had put a lot of thought into it but now she was regretting not putting even more. She knew the penguin would be enough to make her girlfriend extremely joyful because that's just how amazing and endearing Mina is.

There was a knock on the door that caused them both to immediately sit up. When the door opened Mina's mom stepped in with a smile.

"Girls. It's dinner time"

"We'll be right there" The oldest responded.

Mina reassured Chaeyoung that dinner would be fine. There were plenty of relatives and family friends for them to strike an awkward conversation with Chaeyoung. But what worried them both deep down was the possibility of somehow getting caught.

They walked down the stairs and Chaeyoung was surprised at the amount of people already sitting. The tables were from the kitchen through the living room nearly touching the doorway. It was one huge dining table. Little kids were running around with parents ordering them to sit down. Christmas music played in the background making it seem like some sort of Christmas comedy. It was chaotic but Chaeyoung loved it.

"Let's sit here" Mina said, it was the section with kids.

The girl nodded and continued to follow her into the kitchen. It was too little of a space for everyone to get food.

"Here I'll get us the plates. You can get drinks from the cooler and we'll meet each other at the table"

"What drink?" Chaeyoung asked. "And where is the cooler?"

"They're right over there, love" Mina pointed and then immediately covered her mouth realizing what it is she let slip out. So many people in the room but no one had been paying attention. "And a Pepsi, please"

"Got it" Chaeyoung smiled, looked around and continued to do what she was told.

She grabbed two Pepsi's and a water just in case it came in handy for either of them. Chaeyoung then sat down by some kids having to tell a few that the open seat was for Mina.

"Hi! I'm Sam, I am seven years old" the little boy across from her said.

"Oh I'm Chaeyoung, I am sixteen years old"

The boy's eyes widened. "Wow. You are old"

"No im not" Chaeyoung laughed defensively, "how old is your mom? I bet she's much older"

The boy smiled, "I'm telling my mom that you called her old"

"What?! No no no" she had entered panic mode. "Don't do that, it was a joke Kid"

"Okay I won't. She's far away anyways. Are you Mina's friend?"

"Yes I am."

"She is my cousin. She's always been the prettiest. My mom always bullies my older sisters because they aren't as pretty. Well... she doesn't bully them. But she always brings Mina up. How she's so skinny and pretty and smart and responsable. Did you know that Mina drives? How cool! She has her own car! My mom says that whenever Mina gets a boyfriend he's going to be really lucky. My mom and her mom are always together. I really wished she had a younger brother..."

Boyfriend? If only you knew.
He talks a lot.
Be nice.
Smile and nod.
Where's Mina?

The girl desperately looked around as the little boy went on and on about where his parents work, how his older sisters are rude and how he wished he had a brother. But Mina was nowhere to be found. All she saw were strangers of all ages in comfy Christmas sweaters or fancy attire. She fit in and it made her smile a little as she continued to listen to the boy.

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